A |
Akyuz, Evren | n/a | PhD Student in Cancer Immunology and Bioelectricity |  |
Allegrucci, Cinzia | 0115 951 6487 | Associate Professor in Cancer and Stem Cell Biology |  |
Archer, Nathan | n/a | Assistant Professor of Epitranscriptomics |  |
Ashworth, Jennifer | n/a | Anne McLaren Fellow |  |
Atterbury, Robert | 0115 951 6088 | Associate Professor in Microbiology |  |
B |
Babaarslan, Kubra Dilek | n/a | |  |
Bailey, James | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor In Veterinary Sports Medicine |  |
Baker, Fern | n/a | |  |
Baker, Michelle | 01159 16359 | Research Fellow |  |
Bennett, Julia | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Bennett, Malcolm | 0115 951 6792 | Professor of Zoonotic and Emerging Disease |  |
Bhandare, Sudhakar | 0115 95 16397 | Associate Professor in Veterinary Public Health |  |
Bingham, Karina | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Black, Rebecca | 16480 | Teaching Associate |  |
Bladon, Georgina | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Blakeman, Kate | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor |  |
Blanchard, Adam | 0115 951 6840 | Associate Professor in Computational Biology |  |
Blanchard, Rebecca | 0115 95 16753 | Assistant Professor of Veterinary Science |  |
Blott, Sarah | 0115 951 6247 | Associate Professor in Animal Breeding and Genetics |  |
Bollard, Nikki | n/a | Senior Research Technician |  |
Bond, Elizabeth | n/a | Research Administrator |  |
Borkar, Aditi | n/a | Assistant Professor in Molecular Biochemistry & Biophysics |  |
Bowden, Adelle | 0115 951 6530 | Assistant Professor in Clinical and Professional Skills |  |
Bradley, Andrew | 0115 951 6436 | Professor of Dairy Herd Health and Production |  |
Breen, James | 0115 951 6436 | Clinical Associate Professor (Cattle Health and Production) |  |
Brennan, Marnie | 0115 951 6577 | Director of the Centre for Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine and Assistant Professor in Epidemiology |  |
Brignell, Jenny | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Brociek, Rebecca | n/a | |  |
Brogden, Steve | 0115 951 6572 | Clinical Lecturer |  |
Brown, Rachel | 01159516278 | Teaching Technician |  |
Burford, John | 0115 951 6795 | Professor of Equine Surgery |  |
Burrell, Katie | (0) 115 951 6455 | Assistant Professor |  |
C |
Cameron, Amelia | n/a | Research Fellow in Equine Welfare |  |
Cameron, Amelia | n/a | Research Fellow in equine welfare - life planning and end of life decision-making |  |
Can, Edna | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Capuzzello, Giovanni | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor in Farm Animal Health and Welfare |  |
Cardoso, Ana S. | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Carr, Thomas | 0115 95 16283 | Administrator in Facilities and Operations |  |
Chakrabarti, Lisa | 0115 951 6450 | Professor of Mitochondrial Biology |  |
Chang, Kin-Chow | 0115 951 6491 | Professor of Veterinary Molecular Medicine |  |
Child, Stephanie | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Clark, Michael | +44 (0) 115 95 16846 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Clifford, Simon | 0115 951 6456 | Head of Operations SVMS/Head of Technical Services FMHS |  |
Clifton, Rachel | n/a | Assistant Professor in Ruminant Molecular Epidemiology |  |
Cobb, Kate | 0115 951 6477 | Lecturer in Veterinary Science - Learning and Assessment |  |
Conduit, Stefanie | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor |  |
Corah, Louise | n/a | Teaching Associate in Veterinary Education |  |
Corradini, Ignacio | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor in Equine Medicine |  |
Cripps, Sarah | 0115 951 6766 | Clinical Assistant Professor - Clinical and Professional skills |  |
Cross, Abbigail | n/a | Teaching Technician |  |
D |
Daly, Janet | 0115 951 6475 | Professor of Viral Zoonoses |  |
Day, Lucy | 0115 951 6460 | Research Technician |  |
Doggett, Victoria | 0115 951 6439 | Clinical Rotations Officer |  |
Doidge, Charlotte | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Downs, Joshua | n/a | PhD student |  |
Drinkall, Emma | 0115 951 6662 | Teaching Assistant |  |
Dunham, Steve | 0115 951 6580 | Associate Professor of Veterinary Virology |  |
Dunning, Mark | 0115 951 6751 | Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine |  |
Duz, Marco | 0115 951 6796 | Clinical Associate Professor in Equine Internal Medicine |  |
E |
Elbohy, Ola | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Elbohy, Ola | n/a | PhD student |  |
Elsheikha, Hany | 0115 951 6445 | Professor of Interdisciplinary Parasitology |  |
England, Gary | 0115 951 6411 | Foundation Dean & Professor of Comparative Veterinary Reproduction |  |
Eu, Winsome | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor (Teaching)_ |  |
F |
Flewitt, Jo | 0115 951 6419 | Manager, Student Services / SB / Student Welfare |  |
Foale, Rob | n/a | Professor of Small Animal Medicine |  |
Foster, Toshana | 0115 951 6448 | Assistant Professor in Molecular Virology |  |
Freeman, Sarah | 0115 951 6422 | Professor of Veterinary Surgery |  |
G |
Galloway, Sophie E | 0115 951 6592 | Senior Research Technician |  |
Garcia-Ara, Amelia | 0115 951 6349 | Assistant Professor in Veterinary Public health |  |
Gardner, David | 0115 951 6427 | Professor of Physiology |  |
Giles, Tom | 0115 951 6395 | Team Leader |  |
Gill, Emily | 0115 951 6241 | Teaching Technician |  |
Gladden, Nicola | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor |  |
Gough, Kevin | 0115 951 6272 | Professor of Biochemistry and Pathology |  |
Goulding, Leah | n/a | Assistant Professor in Viral Immunology |  |
Gravenor, Zoe | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Gruarin, Marta | 0115 9516437 | Clinical Assistant Professor (Clinical Pathology) |  |
Gummery, Erica | 0115 951 6457 | Associate Professor |  |
Gupta, Gaurav | n/a | PhD Student |  |
H |
Hackney, Thomas | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor in Small Animal Practice |  |
Hale, Andrew | 0115 951 6605 | Data Analyst |  |
Hammond, Phil | 0115 951 6083 | Teaching Technician |  |
Harland, Lindsey | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor of Veterinary Education |  |
Harris, Anna | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Henderson, Tracy | n/a | Teaching Assistant |  |
Hewitt, Sarah | 0115 9516398 | Teaching Associate |  |
Hill, Brad | 07971639762 | Clinical Assistant Professor Inequine Clinical Practice |  |
Hobson-West, Pru | 0115 84 67177 | Professor of Science, Medicine and Society |  |
Holland, Chris | 0115 951 6411 | Executive Assistant to Foundation Dean |  |
Hornby, Jessica May | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor in Small Animal Practice (Exotics and Smallmammals) |  |
Hudson, Chris | 0115 951 6789 | Clinical Associate Professor in Dairy Health and Production |  |
Hughes, Lucy | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor |  |
Hulme, Scott | 0115 951 6442 | Senior Research Technician |  |
Humphreys, Rachael | 0115 951 6653 | Continuing Education Officer (Research) |  |
Hunter, Morag | 0115 951 6842 | Teaching Associate |  |
Hyde, Robert | n/a | Assistant Professor in Computational Biology |  |
J |
Jackson, Michelle | 32389 | Extra Mural Studies Assistant |  |
James, Victoria | n/a | Professor of Molecular Biology |  |
Jeyapalan, Jennie | n/a | Assistant Professor in Cancer Biology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences |  |
Johnson, Lisa | 0115 9516363 | Student Experience Administrator |  |
Jones, Michael | 0115 951 6435 | Associate Professor in Microbiology and Molecular Biology |  |
K |
Kaler, Jasmeet | 0115 951 6564 | Professor in Epidemiology and Precision Livestock Informatics |  |
Kanwar, Nisha | n/a | PhD Student |  |
KAWSER, A Q M ROBIUL | n/a | PhD student |  |
Kendall, Nigel | 0115 951 6447 | Lecturer in Nutrition |  |
Ketley, Ami | 0115 82 30314 | Daphne Jackson Fellow |  |
Khan, Adeel | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor in Equine Medicine |  |
Knaggs, Sarah | 0115 951 6748 | Senior Research and Business Development Manager |  |
L |
Lea, Richard | 0115 951 6426 | Reader & Associate Professor of Reproductive Biology |  |
Lee, Beth | 0115 95 16611 | Teaching Associate |  |
Leigh, James | 0115 951 6631 | Professor of Molecular Bacteriology |  |
Leverett, Hope | n/a | BBSRC DTP PhD Student |  |
Lovatt, Fiona | 0115 951 6751 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Lowton, Rachael | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
M |
Maina, Meshach | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Malecka, Anna | n/a | Assistant Professor in Immunology |  |
Marsh, Caleb | n/a | Microbiology PhD Student |  |
Mcvicar, Catherine | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Mertens, Peter | 0115 951 6493 | Chair in Virology |  |
Middleton, Kirsty | 0115 951 6754 | Continuing Education Assessment Officer |  |
Mongan, Nigel | 0115 951 6625 | Professor of Oncology |  |
Morris, Tim | n/a | Special Professor Laboratory Animal Welfare and Science |  |
Morrison, Joshua | n/a | Postgraduate Researcher (DTP PhD) |  |
Morrow, Lisa | 0115 951 6661 | Assistant Professor in Epidemiology & Shelter Medicine |  |
Muggleton, Amy | n/a | Teaching Associate Vet Clinical &professional Skills# |  |
Munro, Lisa | 0115 951 6434 | Divisional Secretary |  |
N |
Newton, Carolyn | 0115 951 6658 | Teaching, Learning & Assessment Administrator |  |
Newton, Victoria | 0115 951 6084 | Teaching Technician |  |
O |
Oldham, Amanda | 16524 | Student Experience Administrator |  |
Olufemi, Olaolu Tosin | n/a | Postgraduate student |  |
Onions, Vicki | 0115 9516589 | Teaching Associate |  |
Owen, Jon | n/a | |  |
P |
Paine, Stuart | 0115 951 6615 | Endowed Professor of Veterinary Pharmacometrics |  |
Palfreyman, Emma | 0115 951 6848 | Continuing Education Taught Student Manager |  |
Pardo Ramilo, Luis | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor in Small Animal Practice (Exotics and Small Mammals) |  |
Patke, Rodhan | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Paul, Emily | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Payne, Emily | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor |  |
Payne, Richard | 0115 951 6490 | Associate Professor of Veterinary Anatomy |  |
Powell, Courtney | 0115 951 6471 | Teaching, Learning and Assessment Administrator |  |
Pratt, Stefanie | n/a | Clinical Teaching and Research Assistant |  |
Prosser, Naomi | +44 (0) 115 95 16515 | Research Fellow |  |
Q |
Quarmby, Caroline | 0115 951 6588 | Teaching Associate |  |
Quieros, Alyson | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor |  |
R |
Randall, Laura | 01159516769 | Clinical Assistant Professor in Ruminant Health and Welfare |  |
Rauch, Cyril | 0115 951 6451 | Associate Professor in Physical and Mathematical Veterinary Medicine & Science |  |
Rawding, Liz | +44 (0) 115 9516833 | Continuing Education Administrator |  |
Readyhoof, Ruth | 0115 951 6647 | Continuing Education Manager |  |
Reed, Helen | 0115 951 6488 | Clinical Assistant Professor |  |
Reyneke, Rosie | n/a | BBSRC DTP PhD student |  |
Richardson, Stephanie | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor in Veterinary Education, Veterinary Continuing Education Sub Dean |  |
Richens, Imogen | 0115 951 6399 | Teaching Associate |  |
Robinson, Bob | 0115 951 6452 | Associate Professor in Reproductive Physiology and Pharmacology |  |
Roshier, Amanda | 0115 951 6432 | Lecturer in Anatomy and Behaviour |  |
Russell, James | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor In farm Animal Practice |  |
Rutherford, David | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor in Orthopaedics and Imaging in Enquine Clinical Practice |  |
Rutland, Catrin | 0115 951 6573 | Professor of Molecular Medicine |  |
S |
Sandoval Barron, Elsa | 01159516782 | Teaching Associate |  |
Shaw, Stephen | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor In Veterinary Dermatology |  |
Shephard, Freya | 0115 951 6459 | Research Technician |  |
Sherwin, Ginny | 07809303324 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Shipman, Emma | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor in Equine Medicine |  |
Simpson, Melissa | n/a | Collaborative Research and Development Officer |  |
Smith, Alice | n/a | |  |
Smith, Dulcie | n/a | Teaching Associate in Equine Practice |  |
Smith, Jennifer | 0115 951 6746 | Teaching Associate |  |
Staley, Ceri | 0115 951 6441 | Research Technician |  |
Stott-Marshall, Robert | 01159516315 | Research Fellow |  |
Strong, Vicky | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor |  |
T |
Targett, Mike | 0115 951 6407 | Professor of Clincal Veterinary Neurology |  |
Tarlinton, Rachael | 0115 951 6273 | Associate Professor in Veterinary Virology |  |
Thomas, Riba | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Thompson, Jake | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor in Farm Animal Health |  |
Tointon, Sam | n/a | Support and Wellbeing Officer |  |
Tomlinson, Jessica | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Totemeyer, Sabine | 0115 951 6454 | Lecturer in Cellular Microbiology |  |
Turner, Sophie | n/a | Teaching Technician |  |
V |
Vazquez Diosdado, Jorge | n/a | Assistant Professor in Precision Livestock Technologies |  |
W |
Wang, Belinda Lei | 0115 951 6271 | Research Technician |  |
Watson, Caroline | 0115 951 6481 | E-Learning Manager |  |
White, Rob | 0115 951 6356 | Professor of Small Animal Surgery |  |
White, Kate | 0115 951 6096 | Deputy Head of School, Clinical Director of SVMS, Head of Division of Veterinary Clinical Sciences |  |
Williams, Catherine | 0115 951 6240 | Research Technician |  |
Williamson, Vanessa | 0115 951 6414 | Senior Operations Manager (Governance and People Matters) |  |
Williams, Kerry | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor |  |
Williamson, Hayley | +44 (0)115 74 84098 (ext 16834) | Clinical Associate Professor in Small and Exotic Animal Practice |  |
Woad, Katie | 0115 951 6554 | Lecturer in Reproductive Physiology |  |
Woodcock, Corinne | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Wood, Ian | n/a | Clinical Rotations Manager |  |
Y |
Yon, Lisa | 0115 951 6358 | Associate Professor in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine |  |
Z |
Zoltowska, Agnieszka (Aga) | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor |  |