
Employer Engagement Day

Tuesday, 07 May 2024
Degree Apprenticeships

The university’s inaugural Degree Apprenticeship Employer Engagement Day saw over 90 business representatives join us on campus for a day dedicated to Degree Apprenticeships.  

The event brought together employers who access the university’s degree apprenticeships and those interested in getting started. It was a combination of the university’s on-programme Annual Employer Forums, apprenticeship information events and a series of inspiring workshops.

“We have a wide range of businesses developing their staff on our apprenticeships. Their commitment to working with us to develop our programmes, in line with industry demand, by attending events like this is what makes our programmes successful. By creating a event that employers could tailor to their areas of interest, we could ensure that attendees got maximum benefit from their time on-campus with us.”
Ruth Eccles, Head of Professional and Work-based Learning 

Building on-programme apprenticeship employer communities

The university has been holding Annual Employer Engagement Forums since it started delivering degree apprenticeships in 2018, with engagement growing year-on-year. These forums, created to bring together employers from across cohorts on an apprenticeships programme, are an important part of the university’s commitment to promoting bilateral feedback to guide continuous development of its degree apprenticeships.  

"The feedback from our partnering employers last year was that they really valued the opportunity the forums present to network with others engaging with apprenticeships, to share experience and insight. By bringing that all together into a single day and venue this year, we were able to expand those opportunities, enabling attendees to make connections across industries. The insight we gain from the sessions is invaluable, enabling us to continue to develop and provide programmes that are truly aligned to industry demand."
Lizzy Martin, Employer Engagement Manager

Employers starting their apprenticeship journey with the University of Nottingham

The event also provided an excellent opportunity for peer-to-peer support as employers new to apprenticeships, or considering developing their people on the university’s apprenticeships, were able to meet with employers already engaging with the programmes who could give advice and first-hand insight into their experience.

The programme teams for the university’s apprenticeships in engineering, data science and healthcare also ran sessions providing overviews of their programmes, where attendees could explore the suitability of the apprenticeships for their staff development. The Degree Apprenticeship Employer Engagement Team were also on hand to provide personalised advice on everything from funding eligibility to application timelines.

The feedback from the day has been overwhelmingly positive and plans are in development for improving the event next year!

Our upcoming degree apprenticeship events

If you are looking to join one of our degree apprenticeship programmes starting in September 2024/25, there are still several upcoming information events available to businesses and potential apprentices. These events are a great opportunity to meet our team and find out more about our apprenticeship programmes.

Electro-mechanical Engineering Degree Apprenticeship Open Morning

Data Scientist Degree Apprenticeship Showcase – Monday 8 July

Please note these events are not open invitation. Employers and apprentices with engaged employers are welcome to attend, please contact our Employer Engagement Team to find out more.

Advanced Clinical Practitioner Open Day – Tuesday 25 June

Prefer to find out more in your own time?

Explore our range of on-demand information webinars.

To find out more or to discuss your organisations’ apprenticeship requirements please contact our Employer Engagement Team.