Nottingham BBSRC Wheat Research Centre

Germplasm Resources


Seeds of all wheat-wild relative introgression lines that have been generated at the Nottingham BBSRC Wheat Research Centre are freely available. Information on the molecular markers that have been used to genotype various wild relative derived populations and on some of the traits under study is also provided. For further details about these resources please see one of the options below. 

seed store

Breeder's Toolkit

A list of seed available as part of the DFW breeder's toolkit

Circos image


Find out about genotyping at the Notts_WRC



Find out about Phenotyping at the Notts_WRC



Nottingham BBSRC Wheat Research Centre

Department of Plant and Crop Science
The University of Nottingham
School of Biosciences
Sutton Bonington Campus
Leics, LE12 5RD

Tel: +44 (0) 115 951 6014
