

Chris Gerada

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Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor in Industrial Strategy, Business Engagement, and Impact

Chris Gerada is Professor of Electrical Machines and a member of the Power Electronics, Machines and Control (PEMC) research group, Faculty of Engineering. Chris, a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair, has secured significant industrial, European and UK research grants and is the author of more than 200 research publications.



Henner Wapenhans 

Henner Wapenhans

Professor of Innovation for Zero Carbon Technologies

Henner leads the strategy and implementation of the Zero Carbon Cluster for the university. His work focuses on identifying and developing high-impact areas of zero carbon research and working with industry and other stakeholders to accelerate their application. He sits on the aircraft technology sub-delivery group of the JetZero council.



Ben Sumner


Ben Sumner 400x400

Innovation Clusters Director

Ben Sumner is Innovation Clusters Director at the university and its former Director of Engagement and Partnerships. His focus is on building partnerships with industry to accelerate the real-world impact of zero carbon technologies being developed at Nottingham.



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