School of Pharmacy

Image of Cameron Alexander

Cameron Alexander

Professor of Polymer Therapeutics, Faculty of Science



BSc and PhD in Chemistry, University of Durham, UK

Post-Doctoral Research at the Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis, University of Cambridge

Member of EPSRC Science Engineering and Technology Board (SETB) 2019-2022

Chair - EPSRC Strategic Advisory Team 2016-2019

Chair -UK PharmSci - Pharmaceutical Science in a Changing World - 2019

Macro Group UK Medal 2014

Expertise Summary

Our research aims to develop materials which can improve the delivery of small molecule drugs, genes and vaccine components to target sites in the body, to enhance therapeutic efficacy and reduce side-effects. The main focus of the work is on polymer therapeutics, for which we are developing a range of synthetic, natural and hybrid materials to transport drugs, genes and cells safely and efficiently to disease locations. We are currently working on polymer formulations for cancer medicines, anti-infectives and RNA vaccines in collaboration with groups from all over the world. Alumni from the group hold faculty posts at University College London, Sheffield, East Anglia, King's College London, Federico II (Napoli), Paris Est, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University (China), University College Dublin and senior research posts in Abzema, Achilles Therapeutics, AstraZeneca, Baxter Pharmaceuticals (China), Catalent, Cytrx, Exactmer, GSK, Lonza DPS, Malvern Instruments, MIP Diagnostics, Quotient, Revolymer, Samsung, Sygnature, Synthomer and UCB Pharma.

Teaching Summary


MPharm - Pharmaceutics lead for Cancers DMP module

PharmSci - Pharmaceutics for cancer drugs, Pharmaceutical biotechnology, Vaccine formulations

Contributor to drug delivery / pharmaceutics modules, Applied Biomolecular Technology MSc

Research Summary

Key research foci include drug and gene delivery (Biomater. Sci. 2023, J. Control Release 2023, ACS Nano 2020, Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2020), RNA vaccine and therapeutic formulations (Gut 2023, J.… read more

Selected Publications

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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