BRYDGES S, RENNICK-EGGLESTONE S and ANDERSON C, 2020. Men's views of antidepressant treatment for depression, and their implications for community pharmacy practice. Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP. 16(8), TEERAPORN SUPAPAAN, BEE YEAN LOW, PAYOM WONGPOOWARAK, SUMMANA MOOLASARN and CLAIRE ANDERSON, 2020. Pharmacy practice and pharmacy education in Thailand Pharmacy Practice. (In Press.)
CLAIRE ANDERSON, KEVIN ZHAN, MATTHEW BOYD and CLAIRE MANN, 2019. The role of pharmacists in general practice: A realist review Res Social Admin Pharm. 15(4), 338-345 HUNTER A, BOBAK A and ANDERSON C, 2019. A survey of smoking cessation training within UK Pharmacy education Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 11(7), 696-701 SUPAPAAN, T., LOW, B.Y., WONGPOOWARAK, P., MOOLASARN, S. and ANDERSON, C., 2019. A transition from the BPharm to the PharmD degree in five selected countries Pharmacy Practice. 17(3), 1611 LATIF A, WARING J, CHEN L,KRISTIAN POLLOCK, JOSIE SOLOMON, NARGIS GULZAR, SULMA GULZAR, EMMA ANDERSON, SHAHIDA CHOUDHARY, NASA ABBASI, HEATHER J WHARRAD, CLAIRE ANDERSON, 2019. Supporting the provision of pharmacy medication reviews to marginalised (medically underserved) groups: a before/after questionnaire study investigating the impact of a patient–professional co-produced digital educational intervention BMJ Open. 9, e031548. UZMAN N, WILLIAMS AE, ALTIERE RJ, ANDERSON C and BATES I, 2019. Implementing FIP's global pharmaceutical education transformation vision in Sub-Saharan African Countries. Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP. (In Press.)
2019. An exploration of the experiences of professionals supporting patients approaching the end of life in medicines management at home. A qualitative study. BMC Palliative Care. (In Press.)
Production in Thai Hospitals Hopsital Pharmacy. 1 TOH, L S, LAI, P S M, OTHMAN, S, SHAH, A, DANG, C P L, LOW, B Y, WONG, K T and ANDERSON, C, 2018. Exploring the current and future role of the pharmacists in osteoporosis screening and management in Malaysia. International journal of clinical pharmacy. 40, 450 MUNA A AL-JUMAN, C ANDERSON and MATTHEW J BOYD, 2018. ‘Fever means antibiotic’
the Omani public’s attitudes to the
use of antibiotics for
treating the common cold Self Care. 9(1), 16-26
BRUNO A, BADER L, BATES I, BROCK T, GALBRAITH K, ANDERSON C, LARSON I, PAULINO E, ROUSE M, TOFADE T, BOONE J, CARRASQUEIRA J, JAMES S and YI W, 2018. Structured Multi-Stakeholder Workshops to Advance a Global Transformative Roadmap for Pharmaceutical Workforce Innovations in Pharmacy. 9(3), 13 LINA BADER, SIMON MCGRATH, MIKE ROUSE and CLAIRE ANDERSON, 2017. A conceptual framework toward identifying and analyzing challenges to the advancement of pharmacy. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy,. 13, 321-331 O'SULLIVAN E, CUTTS E, KAVIKONDALA S, SALCEDO A, D'SOUZA K, HERNANDEZ-TORRE M, ANDERSON C, TIWARI A, HO K and LAST J, 2017. Social Media in Health Science Education: An International Survey. JMIR medical education. 3(1), e1 TOH LS, LAI PS, OTHMAN S, WONG KT, LOW BY and ANDERSON C, 2017. An analysis of inter-professional collaboration in osteoporosis screening at a primary care level using the D'Amour model. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy : RSAP. 13(6), 1142-1150 SARA S MCMILLAN, SARA JACOBS, LOUISE WILSON, THEO THEODOROS, GAIL ROBINSON, CLAIRE ANDERSON, GABOR MIHALA AND AMANDA J WHEELER, 2017. Antipsychotic prescribing for vulnerable populations: a clinical audit at an acute Australian mental health unit at two-time points BMC Psychiatry. 17, 139 COSTA FA, SCULLIN C, AL-TAANI G, HAWWA AF, ANDERSON C, BEZVERHNI Z, BINAKAJ Z, CORDINA M, FOULON V, GARCIA DE BIKUÑA B, DE GIER H, GRANÅS AG, GRINSTOVA O, GRIESE-MAMMEN N, GRINCEVICIUS J, GRINCEVICIENE S, KAAE S, KUBILIENE L, MARIÑO EL, MARTINS S, MODAMIO P, NADIN G, NØRGAARD LS, OBARCANIN E, TADIC I, TASIC L, MCELNAY JC, HERSBERGER KE and WESTERLUND T, 2017. Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading? Journal of evaluation in clinical practice. 1-12 CLAIRE ANDERSON, SUSAN KIRKPATRICK, 2016. Narrative interviewing Int J Clin Pharm. 38(3), 631-634 SIMRAN JOHAL, , KRIS M JAMSEN, J SIMON BELL, , KEVIN P MC NAMARA, , , DIANNA J MAGLIANO, , DANNY LIEW, TALIESIN E RYAN-ATWOOD, CLAIRE ANDERSON, JENNI ILOMÄKI, 2016. Do statin users adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle? The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 0, 107 CHANAKIT, T., LOW, B.Y., WONGPOOWARAK, P., MOOLASARN, S. and ANDERSON, C., 2015. Does a transition in education equate to a transition in practice? Thai stakeholder's perceptions of the introduction of the Doctor of Pharmacy programme BMC Medical Education. 15, 205 DAMIEN RIDGE , RENATA KOKANOVIC , ALEX BROOM C, SUSAN KIRKPATRICK , CLAIRE ANDERSON , CLAIRE TANNER, 2015. My dirty little habit”: Patient constructions of antidepressant use and the ‘crisis’ of legitimacy Social Science & Medicine,. 146, 53-61
CLAIRE ANDERSON, SUSAN KIRKPATRICK, DAMIEN RIDGE, RENATA KOKANOVIC, CLAIRE TANNER, 2015. Starting antidepressant use: a qualitative synthesis of UK
and Australian BMJ Open. 5(12), e008636
JUDITH H. MAHER, JOHN B. LOWE, ROGER HUGHES, CLAIRE ANDERSON, 2014. Understanding community pharmacy intervention practice: Lessons from intervention researchers Res Soc Admin Pharm. 10, 633-646.
CLAIRE ANDERSON, 2014. Can we use quantitative methods to characterize pharmacy consultations with people with depression? Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 10, 595-597
CLAIRE ANDERSON and TRACEY THORNLEY, 2014. “It’s easier in pharmacy”: why some patients prefer to pay for flu jabs rather than use the National Health Service BMC Health Services Research. 14, 35
ALRAKAF S, ABDELMAGEED A, KIERSMA M, COULMAN SA, JOHN DN, TORDOFF J, ANDERSON C, NOREDDIN A, SAINSBURY E, ROSE G, SMITH L, 2014. An international validation study of two achievement goal measures in a pharmacy education context Advances in Medical Education and Practice. 5, 339-345 TOH LS, LAI PSM, WU DBC, WONG KT, LOW BY, TAN ATB, ANDERSON C, 2014. The development and validation of the Satisfaction Questionnaire for Osteoporosis Prevention in Malaysia Patient Preference and Adherence. 8, 1365-1381 ALRAKAF S, ABDELMAGEED A, KIERSMA M, COULMAN SA, JOHN DN, TORDOFF J, ANDERSON C, NOREDDIN A, SAINSBURY E, ROSE G, SMITH L, 2014. An international validation study of two achievement goal measures in a pharmacy education context Advances in medical education and practice.. 5, 339-345
TEERAPORN CHANAKIT, BEE YEAN LOW, PAYOM WONGPOOWARAK, SUMMANA MOOLASARN, 2014. A survey of pharmacy education in Thailand. Am J Pharm Educ. 78, 9
ANDERSON, C., GIFFORD, A., AVERY, A., FORTNUM, H., MURPHY, E., KRSKA, J., BOND, C. and ON BEHALF OF THE YELLOW CARD STUDY COLLABORATION., 2013. Assessing the usability of methods of public reporting of adverse drug reactions to the UK Yellow Card Scheme. Health Expectations. 15(4), 433-440 CLAIRE ANDERSON and TAPASH ROY, 2013. Patient experiences of taking antidepressants
for depression: A secondary qualitative analysis Research in Social and Adminsitrative Pharmacy. 9, 884-902
GUDKHA S, FOLASADE E., AFUWAPE FE, WONG B, YOW XL, ANDERSON C and CLIFFORD R, 2013. Chlamydia screening interventions from community pharmacies:
a systematic review Sexual Health. 10, 229-239 LIM, Z., ANDERSON, C. and MCGRATH, S., 2012. Professional skills development in a resource-poor setting: the case of pharmacy in Malawi International Journal of Educational Development. 32(5), 654-664 CLAIRE ANDERSON, IAN BATES, TINA BROCK, ANDREW NELSON BROWN ANDREIA BRUNO, BILLY FUTTER, TIMOTHY RENNIE, MICHAEL J. ROUSE, 2012. Needs-Based Education in the Context of Globalization Am J Pharm Edu. 76(4), 56 CLAIRE ANDERSON, DAVID M. PLEVIN and ROSS A. MCKINNON, 2012. Educating our students about pharmaceutical care for those living with cancer American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 76(7), Article 119
GREENHILL, N., ANDERSON, C., AVERY, A. and PILNICK, A., 2011. Analysis of pharmacist-patient communication using the Calgary-Cambridge guide Patient Education and Counseling. 83(3), 423-431 KRSKA, J., ANDERSON, C., MURPHY E., AVERY AJ. and ON BEHALF OF THE YELLOW CARD STUDY COLLABORATION., 2011. How Patient Reporters Identify Adverse Drug Reactions: A Qualitative Study of Reporting via the UK Yellow Card Scheme Drug Safety Drug Safety. 34(5), 429-436 AVERY, A.J., ANDERSON, C., BOND, C.M., FORTNUM, H., GIFFORD, A., HANNAFORD, P.C., HAZELL, L., KRSKA, J., LEE, A.J, MCLERNON, D.J., MURPHY, E., SHAKIR, S. and WATSON, M.C., 2011. Evaluation of patient reporting of adverse drug reactions to the UK 'Yellow Card Scheme': literature review, descriptive and qualitative analyses, and questionnaire surveys Health Technology Assessment. 15(20), 1-234 SHUBASHINI GNANASAN , KANG NEE TING ,KOK THONG WONG , SALMIAH MOHD ALI, ABDUL RAZAK MUTTALIF , CLAIRE ANDERSON, 2011. Convergence of tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus: Int J Clin Pharm. 33(1), 44-52
DAVID J MCLERNON, CHRISTINE M BOND, AMANDA J LEE, MARGARET C WATSON, PHILIP C HANNAFORD, HEATHER FORTNUM, JANET KRSKA, CLAIRE ANDERSON, ELIZABETH MURPHY, ANTHONY AVERY, 2011. Patient views and experiences of making adverse drug reaction reports to the Yellow Card Scheme in the UK Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety. 20(5), 523-531 CLAIRE ANDERSON, ALISON BLENKINSOPP, 2011. Health education opportunities. In: JANET KRSKA, ed., Pharmacy in Public Health Pharmaceutical Press. 177-199
PUMTONG S, BOARDMAN H, ANDERSON C, 2011. A multi-method evaluation of the Pharmacy First Minor Ailments Int J Clin Pharm. 33(2), 573-581
AZAD CHOWDHURY, A.K., ROY, T., FAROQUE, A.B.M., BACHAR, S.C., ASADUZZAMAN, M., NASRIN, N., AKTER, N., GAZI, H.R., LUTFUL KABIR, A.K., PARVIN, M. and ANDERSON, C., 2011. A comprehensive situation assessment of injection practices in primary health care hospitals in Bangladesh BMC Public Health. 11, 779 ANDERSON, C, KRSKA, J, MURPHY, E and AVERY, A, 2011. The Importance Of Direct Patient Reporting Of Suspected Adverse Drug Reactions: A Patient Perspective British Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology. 72(5), 806-822 MAGNIER K, WANG R, DALE VHM, MURPHY R, HAMMOND RA, MOSSOP L, FREEMAN SL, ANDERSON C and PEAD MJ, 2011. Enhancing Clinical Learning In The Workplace: A Qualitative Study. The Veterinary Record. 169(26), 682 GNANASAN S, TING KN, WONG KT, MOHD ALI S, MUTTALIF AR, ANDERSON C, 2010. Pharmacist-led medication therapy adherence clinic: exploring views of health care professionals. 18(Suppl 1), 24-25
GNANASAN S, TING KN, WONG KT, MOHD ALI S, MUTTALIF AR, ANDERSON C., 2010. Medication beliefs and concerns among patients with tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus. Pharmacy Practice. Suppl 1, 1-136
LUEVORASIRIKUL K, BOARDMAN HF AND ANDERSON C, 2010. A study of university students and pharmacists’ perspectives on weight management Int J Health Promot Educ. 48, 43-45
GNANASAN S, WONG KT, MOHD ALI S, MUTTALIF AR, TING KN, ANDERSON C, 2010. Integrating tuberculosis and diabetes care in Malaysia: do pharmacist have a role? Int J Pharm Prac. 18(suppl 2), 74-75
CLAIRE ANDERSON, 2010. Presenting and evaluating qualitative research Am J Pharm Edu. 74(8), 141
CARMEL M. HUGHES, AHMED F. HAWWA, CLAIRE SCULLIN, CLAIRE ANDERSON, CECILIA B. BERNSTEN, INGUNN BJÖRNSDÓTTIR, MARIA A. CORDINA, FILIPA ALVES DA COSTA, ISABELLE DE WULF AND PATRICK EICHENBERGE, 2010. Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists: a comparison across Europe Pharmacy World and Science. 32(4), 472-487 SARAH WHITMARSH , BILLY FUTTER, MICHAEL ROUSE , IAN BATES AND CLAIRE ANDERSON, 2010. A Case Study in Terminology: the FIP Pharmacy Education Taskforce Am J Pharm Edu. 74(7), 134
KANG-NEE TING, DANE MICHAEL STRATTON-POWELL AND CLAIRE ANDERSON, 2010. Community pharmacists’ views on adverse drug reactions reporting in Malaysia: a pilot study Pharm World Sci. 32, 339- ROY T, ANDERSON C, EVANS C, RAHMAN MS, 2010. Sexual risk behaviour of rural-to-urban migrant taxi drivers in Dhaka, Bangladesh: a cross-sectional behavioural survey. Public Health. 124(11), 648-658
ANDERSON, CLAIRE, BATES, IAN, FUTTER, BILLY, GAL, DIANE, ROUSE, MIKE and AND WHITMARSH, SARAH, 2010. Global Perspectives of Pharmacy Education and Practice. World Medical & Health Policy. 2(1), 2
CLAIRE ANDERSON AND BILLY FUTTER, 2009. PharmD or Needs Based Education: Which Comes First? American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 73(5), 92
C ANDERSON, I BATES, D BECK, TP BROCK, B FUTTER, H MERCER. M ROUSE, S WHITMARSH, T WULIJI, A YONEMURA., 2009. The WHO UNESCO FIP Pharmacy Education Taskforce Human Resources For Health. 7, 45 KIRSTEN BLACK, CLAIRE ANDERSON, ALI KUBBA, KAYE WELLINGS, 2009. Invoving pharmacists in sexual health research: experience from an emergency contraception study J Fam Plann Reprod Health. 35(1), 41-43 ROY, T and ANDERSON, C. AND EVANS, C., 2009. Campaign Exposure, AIDS Knowledge and non-marital sexual behaviour among mobile men in Bangladesh: implication for HIV Transmission and Prevention Reviews in Antiviral Therapy. 3, 34
NICOLA HAWTHORNE and CLAIRE ANDERSON, 2009. The global pharmacy workforce: a systematic review of the literature Human Resources for Health. 7, 48 COOPER, R.J., LYMN, J., ANDERSON, C,, AVERY, A., BISSELL, P., GUILLAUME, L., HUTCHINSON, A., MURPHY, E., RATCLIFFE, J. and WARD, P, 2008. Learning to prescribe - pharmacists' experiences of supplementary prescribing training in England BMC Medical Education. 8, 57 COOPER R , GUILLAUME L , ANDERSON C, AVERY A, BISSELL P , HUTCHINSON A, JAMES V, J. LYMN J , A. MCINTOSH A, MURPHYE, RATCLIFFE J WARD P, 2008. Non-medical Prescribing in the UK - Developments and Stakeholder Interests Journal of Ambulatory Care Management.. 31(3), 244-252
COOPER R , ANDERSON C, AVERY A, BISSELL P , GUILLAUME L , HUTCHINSON A, JAMES V, J. LYMN J , A. MCINTOSH A, MURPHYE, RATCLIFFE J, READ S, WARD P, 2008. Nurse and Pharmacist Supplementary Prescribing in the UK - a Thematic Review of the Literature Health Policy. 85(3), 277-292 COOPER, R., ANDERSON, C., AVERY, T., BISSELL, P., GUILLAUME, L., HUTCHINSON, A., LYMN, J., MURPHY, E., RATCLIFFE, J. and WARD, P., 2008. Stakeholders’ views of UK nurse and pharmacist supplementary prescribing Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. 13(4), 215-221 SCOTT, A, TINELLI, M BOND, C ON BEHALF OF THE COMMUNITY PHARMACY MEDICINES MANAGEMENT EVALUATION TEAM ( INCLUDES ANDERSON C), 2008. Costs of a Community Pharmacist-Led Medicines Management Service for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease in England: Healthcare System and Patient Perspectives Pharmacoeconomics. 25, 397-411 LYMN, J., COOPER, R., ANDERSON, C., AVERY, A., BISSELL, P., GUILLAME, L., HUTCHINSON, A., JAMES, V., MCINTOSH, A., MURPHY, E., RATCLIFFE, J., READ, S. and WARD, P., 2008. No more pharmacology? Pharmacists' and stakeholders' views on supplementary prescribing course content British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 65(6), 976-976
KRSKA, J. & AVERY, J.A. and ANDERSON, C. ON BEHALF OF THE COMMUNITY PHARMACY MEDICINES MANAGEMENT PROJECT EVALUATION TEAM, 2008. Reviews conducted by community pharmacists: a quantitative analysis of documented issues and recommendations British Journal clinical Pharmacol. 65; 3, 386-396
PUMTONG S, BOARDMAN H, ANDERSON C, 2008. Pharmacists’ perspectives on the Pharmacy First Minor Ailments Scheme Int J Pharm Prac. 16(2), 73-80
PHARMACY EDUCATION TASKFORCE: C ANDERSON, I BATES, D BECK, TP BROCK, B FUTTER, H MERCER. M ROUSE, T WULIJI, A YONEMURA., 2008. FIP Pharmacy Education Taskforce – enabling concerted and collective global action Am J Pharm Ed. 72(6), 127
CLAIRE ANDERSON, 2008. Academic and Institutional Capacity: A Global Issue Am J Pharmaceutical Education. 72(5),
ANDERSON, C., BATES, I., BECK, D., BROCK, T.P., FUTTER, B., MERCER, H., ROUSE, M. and WULIJI, T., 2008. Action! Update on the Global Pharmacy Education Consultation International Pharmacy Journal. 22, 6-8
CLAIRE ANDERSON, 2008. Social Pharmacy-The Current Scenario Indian J Pharm Pract. 1(1), 1-5
GUILLAUME, L., COOPER, R., AVERY, A., MITCHELL, S., WARD, P., ANDERSON, C., BISSELL, P., HUTCHINSON, A., JAMES, V., LYMN, J., MCINTOSH, A., MURPHY, E. and RATCLIFFE, J., 2008. Supplementary prescribing by community and primary care pharmacists: an analysis of PACT data, 2004-2006 Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 33(1), 11-16 J. KRSKA & A. J. AVERY ON BEHALF OF THE COMMUNITY PHARMACY MEDICINES MANAGEMENT PROJECT EVALUATION TEAM (INCLUDING ANDERSON C), 2007. Reviews conducted by community pharmacists: a quantitative analysis of documented issues and recommendations Br J Clin Pharmacol. 65(3), 386-396
JAFFRAY M, KRSKA J, LEE A, BOND C ON BEHALF OF THE COMMUNITY PHARMACY MEDICINES MANAGEMENT EVALUATION TEAM ( INCLUDES ANDERSON C), 2007. The MEDMAN project: Evaluation of the medicines management training for community pharmacists Family Practice. 7, 207-214
RYAN, K., ANDERSON, C., BISSELL, P., MORGALL-TRAULSEN, J. and SLEATH, B., 2007. Teaching of social pharmacy: an internet based international survey Pharmacy Education. 7, 1-9 (In Press.)
THORNLEY, T., GRAY, N., ANDERSON, C. and EASTHAM, S., 2006. A study to investigate the extent of delivery of an intervention in asthma, in a UK national community pharmacy chain, using mystery customers Patient Education and Counseling. 60(2), 246-252 PUMTONG, S., ANDERSON, C. and BOARDMAN, H., 2006. Stakeholders' perspectives on improving access to primary care Value in Health. 9(6), A212-A212 CLEMERSON, J.P., PAYNE, K., BISSELL, P. and ANDERSON, C., 2006. Pharmacogenetics, the next challenge for pharmacy? A critical review of the international literature. Pharmacy World Science. 28, 126-130
PUMTONG, S., ANDERSON, C. and BOARDMAN, H., 2006. Patient satisfaction with the Pharmacy First Minor Ailments scheme Value in Health. 9(6), A217-A217 WHITE, S. and ANDERSON, C., 2005. The involvement of pharmacists in cardiac rehabilitation: a review of the literature International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. VOL 13(NUMB 2), 101-107 ARMSTRONG M, ANDERSON C, BLENKINSOPP A, LEWIS R., 2005. Promoting Health through Community Pharmacies. In: SCRIVEN A (ED), ed., Health Promoting Practice Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ( p 261-269)
TANNA, NUTTAN K, PITKIN, JOAN and ANDERSON, CLAIRE, 2005. Development of the specialist menopause pharmacist (SMP) role within a research framework. Pharmacy World and Science. 27(1), 61-7 WINGFIELD, J., BISSELL, P. and ANDERSON, C., 2004. The scope of pharmacy ethics: a review of the international literature. Social Science & Medicine. 58 (12), 2383-2396 WINGFIELD, J., BISSELL, P. and ANDERSON, C., 2003. The scope of literature on pharmacy ethics International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 11(Supplement), R24 ANDERSON, C. and BLENKINSOPP, A., 2003. Community pharmacy's contribution to improving public health: learning from local initiatives Pharmaceutical Journal. VOL 271(ISSU 7273), 623-625
PURI, H., BISSELL, P. and ANDERSON, C.W., 2003. Explanations for inequalities in health among people of South Asian Ethnic origin living in the UK: the views of pharmacists International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 11, R5
PURI, H., BISSELL, P. and ANDERSON, C.W., 2003. Pharmacists' views about the causes of inequalities in health amongst south Asians: a qualitative study International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. R3,
ANDERSON C, BLENKINSOPP A, ARMSTRONG M, 2003. The contribution of community pharmacy to improving the publics health. Report 1: Evidence from the peer reviewed literature 1990-2001 Pharmacy HealthLink.
ANDERSON, C, 2003. A call for internet pharmacies to comply with quality standards. Quality and Safety in Health Care. 12(2), 86 HARRIS, D. and ANDERSON, C., 2003. Interventions by community pharmacists for older people with mental health problems: are they appropriate? International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. VOL 11(SUPP), R56
BLENKINSOPP A, ANDERSON C, ARMSTRONG M, 2003. The contribution of community pharmacy to improving the public’s health. Report 2: Evidence from the UK non peer-reviewed literature 1990-2002 Pharmacy HealthLink and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
HARRIS, D. and ANDERSON, C.W., 2003. Pharmaceutical care for older people with mental health problems. What are the effects on adherence and health? International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 11, R55
WINGFIELD, J., BISSELL, P., ANDERSON, C.W. and SADLER, S.C., 2002. Developing a research agenda for teaching ethics to pharmacy students International Journal of Pharmacy Practice.
BISSELL, P. and ANDERSON, C.W., 2002. An audit of the supply of emergency hormonal contraception through pharmacies International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 10, R83
BISSELL, P., HARNESS, R. and ANDERSON, C., 2002. The sale of emergency hormonal contraception in community pharmacies in the UK: the views of users International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. VOL 10(SUPP), R30
ANDERSON, C.W. and RAJYAGURU, R., 2002. The role of community pharmacies in health promotion: reflections from a folic acid campaign International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 10, 22-27
BLENKINSOPP A, ANDERSON C, PANTON R, 2002. Promoting Health. In: TAYLOR K, HARDING G, ed., Pharmacy Practice (In Press.)
ANDERSON, C.W. and MAIR, A., 2002. Pro-change adult smokers programme: Northumberland pilot International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 10, 281-287 BURTON, SUE and ANDERSON, CLAIRE, 2002. Using the Internet to develop an international learning community of pharmacists. Pharmacy World and Science. 24(5), 172-4 ANDERSON, C.W. and BISSELL, P., 2001. Suplying emergency hormonal contraception in the pharmacy: the perspectives of service users International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 9, R56
BISSELL, P, ANDERSON, C, BACON, L, TAYLOR, B and O'BRIEN, K, 2001. Community pharmacy supply of emergency contraception. Impact of emergency contraception on women's and men's behaviour requires further explanation. British Medical Journal. 323(7315), 751
BISSELL, P., ANDERSON, C.W., BACON, L., TAYLOR, B. and OBRIEN, K., 2001. Emergency hormonal contraception and sexually transmitted infections British Medical Journal. 323, 751
ANDERSON, C., BISSELL, P., SHARMA, S. and SHARMA, R., 2001. (^*P36) Supplying emergency hormonal contraception in the pharmacy: the perspectives of service users International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. VOL 9(SUPPL), R56
BISSELL, P., ANDERSON, C.W. and BLENKINSOPP, A., 2001. Has community pharmacy a role in dealing with health inequalities? Pharmaceutical Journal. 267, 880
ANDERSON, C.W., 2001. Guia para el desarrollo de la promocion de la salud por parte de los farmaceuticos comunitarios (1) El Farmaceutico. 259, 89-97
HARRIS, D. and ANDERSON, C., 2001. (^*P47) Compliance, concordance and the revolving door of care: caring for elderly people with mental health problems International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. VOL 9(SUPPL), R67
ANDERSON, C.W. and BLENKINSOPP, A., 2001. Health, disease and health education. Chapter 1 in Harman R (Ed) Handbook of Pharmacy Health Education 1-16
ANDERSON, C.W., 2001. Guia para el desarrollo de la promocion de la salud por parte de los farmaceuticos comunitarios (2) El Farmaceutico. 260, 85-97
ANDERSON, C, 2000. Health promotion in community pharmacy: the UK situation. Patient Education and Counseling. 39(2-3), 285-91 ANDERSON, C., 1998. Health promotion by community pharmacists: perceptions, realities and constraints Journal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 15, 11-22
A K AZAD CHOWDHURY, TAPASH ROY, A B M FAROQUE, SITESH C BACHAR, MUHAMMAD ASADUZZAMAN, NISHAT NASRIN, NAHID AKTER, HAMIDUR RAHMAN GAZI, ABUL KALAM LUTFUL KABIR, MASUMA PARVIN AND CLAIRE ANDERSON, A comprehensive situation assessment of injection practices in primary health care hospitals in Bangladesh BMC PUblic Health. (In Press.)
BISSELL, PAUL and ANDERSON, CLAIRE, Enhanced access to emergency contraception. Lancet. 365(9472), 1668-70
ANDERSON C, BLENKINSOPP A, Health, disease and health education.. In: HARMAN R, ed., Handbook of Pharmacy Health Education Pharmaceutical Press, London. 1-16
K. MAGNIER, R. WANG, V. H. M. DALE, R. MURPHY, R. A. HAMMOND,, Enhancing clinical learning in the workplace: LI SHEAN TOH, PAULINE SIEW MEI LAI, DAVID BIN-CHIA WU, KOK THONG WONG, BEE YEAN LOW, CLAIRE ANDERSON., The Development and Validation of the Osteoporosis Prevention and Awareness Tool (OPAAT) in Malaysia PLOS ONE. 10(10.1371/journal.pone.0124553), 1371
TOH LS, LAI PSM, WU DBC, WONG KT, LOW BY, TAN ATB, ANDERSON C, The development and validation of the Satisfaction Questionnaire for Osteoporosis Prevention in Malaysia Patient Preference and Adherence. 8, 1365-1381