Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics

External Fellows

Johannes Abeler Photo

Professor of Economics, University of Oxford

Research Interests

Johannes' research interests include the economic effects of honesty, complexity, disappointment, fairness, and fungibility.


Fabrizio Adriani from Web 120 x 144 v2

Professor of Economics and Finance, University of Leicester

 Research Interests 

Information Economics, Appllied & Evolutionary Game Theory, and Financial Economics. My current research mainly focuses on the evolution of social norms. I am particularly interested in the co-evolution of norms and institutions and intergenerational transmission of values/norms.


Antonio Alonso Aréchar 220 x 275

Associate Professor at the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE), Mexico

Research Interests

My research interests are in the areas of Experimental and Behavioural Economics, Microeconomics and Evolutionary Game Theory.



Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Missouri State University

Research Interests

Experimental Economics, Other-Regarding Preferences, Cross Cultural Variation, Variation in Individual Decision Making in Developed and Developing Countries.



Professor of Economics and Management at the University of Minnesota, Morris

Research Interests
Behavioural economics, experimental economics, behavioural economic field experiments and the economics of the US trucking industry.


Professor, Nottingham Business School at Nottingham Trent University

Research Interests

Thorsten is a professor in experimental and behavioural economics. His main research interest is using laboratory and field experiments to find solutions for real life challenges.



Professor of Economics, University of Tasmania

Research Interests

Behavioural economics; experimental economics; cross-cultural economics and economic behaviour in computer-mediated communication environments.


Matthias Dahm Photo

Professor of Economics at the University of Leicester

Research Interests

My research uses microeconomics and game theory to investigate questions in industrial and health economics, public and political economics, and contest theory.


Eugen Dimant 120 x 144

Associate Professor, Identity and Conflict Lab at the University of Pennsylvania

Research Interests

Experimental behavioural economics with a particular focus on behavioural ethics, social norms and behavioural contagion; Economics of migration, terrorism, crime and corruption.


Enrique Fatas 120 144

Professor at the European University in Valencia

Research Interests

My current research fields are behavioural economics, public economics, organisational behaviour, industrial organisation and the economics of conflict.


Urs Fischbacher

Chair of Applied Research in Economics, Universitat Konstanz

Research Interests
Experimental economics, behavioural economics, neuroeconomics, economic policy, social norms and social preferences .


CindyJFu updated photo Oct 2017 120 144

Lecturer at RC4, National University of Singapore

Research Interests

Cindy's main research interests include Behavioural Economics, Labour Economics and Applied Microeconomics.



Professor of Economics at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

Research Interests

Behavioural and experimental economics, experimental macroeconomics, classroom experiments and experimental teaching, experimental ethics and corruption.


Roberto Hernan Gonzalez Photo

Professor at the Burgundy School of Business, France

Research Interests

My research and teaching interests extend to the intersection among organizational behaviour, information systems, market finance and management.


Robert Hoffmann photograph

Professor of Behavioural Economics at the University of Tasmania

Research Interests
Behavioural game theory, evolution of cooperation, economics of culture and religion, Chinese economic behaviour.


Professor of Microeconomics, University of Osnabrück

Research Interests

Steve has research interests in experimental and theoretical approaches to the study of economic decision-making.



Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The University of Queensland

Research Interests

My research focuses on the economics and psychology of social and moral dilemmas from a dual-process perspective.


Photo of Felix Kolle

PostDoc at the Chair for Economics: Design and Behavior at the University of Cologne

Research Interests

Felix has research interests in Behavioural and Experimental Economics, (Applied) Microeconomics, Labour and Personnel Economics.


Orestis new 144 x 130

Post-doctoral researcher at the Technical University of Munich

Research Interests

I am an Economist specialising on Behavioural and Experimental Economics. The main focus of my research focuses on questions related to how people make decisions under risk or uncertainty. Other research interests include: persuasion under motivated beliefs; cooperation under uncertainty; parameter estimation techniques.  


Researcher at the University of Amsterdam

Research Interests

Lucas' research interests are: Cooperation; Social learning; Cultural evolution; Experimental economics; and Individual decision-making.



Professor, Department of Economics and Business, Aarhus University

Research Interests

My main research interests are in the areas of behavioural and experimental economics, and I am particularly interested in topics such as social norm compliance, truth-telling, and the study of positive and negative incentives.



Professor of Behavioural Game Theory, University of Amsterdam

Research Interests

Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics and Game Theory. Recent research has focused on auctions, positive and negative reciprocity, public goods, strategic communication (cheap talk and signaling) and discrimination.


Professor of Economics at the University of Mannheim

Research Interests

Professor Orzen's research interests are: experimental economics, applied game theory and industrial organisations.


Devesh Rustagi

Assistant Professor, University of Warwick

Research Interests

My research falls at the intersection of development economics, environmental economics, political economy, and economic history.

Ulrich Schmidt Photograph

Director - Global Cooperation and Social Cohesion, Kiel Instute for the World Economy and Department of Economics

Research Interests

Ulrich's research interests include decision theory, experimental economics, and economics of risk and uncertainty.


Photo of Jonathan Schulz

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, George Mason University

Research Interests

My research is in the field of behavioural and experimental economics. I am interested in cultural differences in behaviour, the evolutionary origins of human cooperation and overconfidence.


Associate Professor of Economics at Nanyang Technological University

Reseach Interests

My research involves behavioural economics and game theory. I work primarily on individual preferences, strategic reasoning, and group interaction in situations involving coordination, cooperation and conflict.


Professor at the University of Lausanne

Research Interests

Christian's research interests include the following: Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, and Game Theory.


Fabio Tufano updated Nov 2018 120 x 144

Professor at Applied Microeconomics at University of Leicester Business School

Research Interests

Behavioural and experimental economics, economics of science and reproducibility; social identity and economic behaviour; robustness of preferences.


Vanessa Valero 120 144

Associate Professor in Economics at the University of Leicester

Research Interests

My research interests focus on behavioural and experimental economics. I use experimental methods to study the preferences underlying moral and prosocial behaviour. An important part of my research aims at better understanding the factors that shape pro-sociality in markets.

Dennie van Dolder

Assistant Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Research Interests

Behavioural economics, experimental economics, natural & field experiments, social preferences, cooperative behaviour, game theory, social networks, decision making under risk and uncertainty.


Joerg Weber 2018 120 x 144

Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Exeter

Research Interests

Joerg is a former Research Fellow with the ESRC Network for Integrated Behavioural Science.  He is researching topics on household finance, choice and preferences.


Ori_Weisel Photo

Senior Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at Coller School of Management, Tel-Aviv University

Research Interests

Determinants of intra- and inter-group conflict and cooperation; group decision making (in particular in economic settings); cooperation and competition in social dilemmas under uncertainty.


Emily Wyman Photo

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager

Research Interests

Emily is a former Research Fellow with the ESRC Network for Integrated Behavioural Science and her areas of interest are: economic game theory models of cooperative behaviour and decision-making; psychological adaptations for cooperation; and methods for applying the basic science of cooperation to challenges in the field (particularly in business and community contexts).


Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 5458
Enquiries: jose.guinotsaporta@nottingham.ac.uk
Experiments: cedex@nottingham.ac.uk