Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics

Behavioural Meeting

The CeDEx Behavioural Meeting is an online PhD-led forum for job market candidates (internal and external) to present and discuss their work.  Participants are asked to read the draft paper before the meeting in order to have a more detailed discussion. For more information please contact Diego Marino Fages.

DatePresenter and InstitutionTitle
Elisa Macchi, MIT Worth your weight: Experimental evidence on the benefits of obesity in low-income countries
Mattie Toma, Warwick Business School Understanding and increasing policy makers' sensitivity to program impact

Maria Kogelnik, UC Santa Barbara  Performance Feedback and Gender Differences in Persistence
01.04.22  Jeongbin Kim, National University of Singapore Business School Patience Is Power: Bargaining and Payoff Delay
18.03.22 Kelly Hyde, University of Pittsburgh Learning About Subjective Uncertainty: Overinference from Observable Characteristics in Disaggregated Data
10.12.21 Michael Thaler,  Princeton The Supply of Motivated Beliefs
12.11.21 Manu Munoz Herrera, NYU Abu Dhabi The cost of social division
29.10.21 Daniel Parra , WZB Berlin, and Berlin School of Economics Impact of lying aversion and prosociality on cheating
15.10.21 Max Winkler, Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University with Joseph Henrich’s Culture, Cognition, and Coevolution Lab. Do Disasters Affect the Tightness of Social Norms?                      
15.06.21 Seung Keun Martinez, University of Nottingham
The Realization Effect: Risk-Taking After Realized Versus Paper Losses (by Alex Imas)
01.06.21 Silvia Sonderegger, University of Nottingham The “Fake News” Effect: Experimentally Identifying Motivated Reasoning Using Trust in News (by Michael Thaler)
18.05.21 Marcelo Woo, University of Nottingham Communication, Familiarity and Trust (by Patrick Mayer)
04.05.21 Patrick Maus, University of Nottingham The burden of household debt (by Alejandro Martinez-Marquina and Mike Shi)
20.04.21 Diego Marino Fages, University of Nottingham Motivating Beliefs in a Just World (by Max Lobeck)


Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 5458
Enquiries: jose.guinotsaporta@nottingham.ac.uk
Experiments: cedex@nottingham.ac.uk