Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

Critical Theory, Media and Cultural Studies

We use approaches from the overlapping fields of critical theory and media and cultural studies to question the assumptions and practices shaping the present.

Innovative media studies research in the department looks beyond traditional media to new phenomena like "citizen journalism" and "networked" activism.

The department also has an established strength in cultural studies. We study cultural values and practices that often go unnoticed in everyday life as well as the role of cultural policies in institutions such as art galleries and museums.

Lines of code projected over an image of the Earth from space

Working with the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Centre for Media, Politics and Communication Research has a particular focus on political communication, discourse, rhetoric and disinformation through mediated and digital communication.

Research and activities

Our department is pleased to be part of the Centre for Critical Theory, which builds on over thirty years of excellence in the field of critical theory at The University of Nottingham. The Centre facilitates and promotes cutting-edge research that aims to maintain critical theory's contemporary relevance. It facilitates numerous visiting speakers, workshops and postgraduate conferences such as the annual Vital Theory symposium organised by our MA and PhD students.

Research with us

Find out more about postgraduate research degrees


For enquiries please contact Colin Wright or one of the relevant experts below:

Dr Hongwei Bao

Dr Jen Birks

Dr Andrew Goffey

Prof James Mansell

Dr Tracey Potts

Dr Colin Wright



Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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