Schools Partnership Gateway

Partnership-wide Key Documents

Partnership Handbook

Our 2021/2022 partnership handbooks are available in electronic format. We hope that this will make the handbook more accessible to more staff working with students in partnership schools.


Workload and work-life balance of beginning teachers and mentors

In our ongoing discussions with Partnership Management and Development Boards it was agreed that it would be helpful to try to develop some resources to support mentors and their beginning teachers to:

  • have open discussions about expectations around workload
  • address anxieties around the impact of workload on wellbeing

We hope the following resources are useful:


Guidance for Mentors

School placement support strategies for beginning teachers with learning differences

This support strategies document will introduce you to some useful ideas and strategies that will help you support your student to be successful.


School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

+44 (0)115 951 4543