Manuscripts and Special Collections

Biography of Edward Mellish (1633-1703)

Edward was the eldest son of John Mellish (1597-1677), merchant tailor of London, and was baptised in the parish of All Hallows, Bread Street. His father purchased the Blyth estate in north Nottinghamshire in 1635.

Edward, a merchant with interests in Oporto, Portugal, returned to England around 1670, and moved to Blyth when he succeeded his father. He demolished the existing house and built the present Blyth Hall in the 1680s.

Edward disinherited the families of his three sisters, having quarrelled especially with his sister Mary Gardner's family. Despite being the guardian of his elder cousin Reason Mellish's three sons, he left his estates in his will to his younger cousin Samuel's son Joseph Mellish.

Edward died in 1703 and was buried in Blyth church.


He was unmarried.

Archive Collections

  • Papers relating to Edward Mellish are part of the Mellish Collection held in Manuscripts and Special Collections at the University of Nottingham

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