Manuscripts and Special Collections

Latin numbers, words and phrases used for dates

All the numbers given below are in the form in which they would appear in documents from the medieval period onwards.


Days of the week

die dominica, die Solis on Sunday
die Lunae on Monday
die Martis on Tuesday
die Mercurii on Wednesday
die Jovis on Thursday
die Veneris on Friday
die Sabbati, die Sabbatinus, dieSaturni on Saturday


Dates of the month

primo first
secundo second
tertio third
quarto fourth
quinto fifth
sexto sixth
septimo seventh
octo eighth
nono ninth
decimo tenth
undecimo eleventh
duodecimo twelfth
decimo tertio thirteenth
decimo quarto fourteenth
decimo quinto fifteenth
decimo sexto sixteenth
decimo septo seventeenth
decimo octo eighteenth
decimo nono nineteenth
vicesimo twentieth
vicesimo primo twenty-first
vicesimo secundo twenty-second
vicesimo tertio twenty-third
vicesimo quarto twenty-fourth
vicesimo quinto twenty-fifth
vicesimo sexto twenty-sixth
vicesimo septo twenty-seventh
vicesimo octo twenty-eighth
vicesimo nono twenty-ninth
tricesimo thirtieth
tricesimo primo thirty-first
ultimo the last


Months of the year

Januarii in January
Februarii in February
Martii in March
Aprilis in April
Maii in May
Junii in June
Julii in July
Augusti in August
Septembris in September
Octobris in October
Novembris in November
Decembris in December


Numbers written out in full (often used for years in deeds)

millesimo one thousandth
centesimo one hundredth
ducentesimo two hundredth
trecentesimo three hundredth
quadrigentesimo four hundredth
quingentesimo five hundredth
sescentesimo six hundredth
septingentesimo seven hundredth
octingentesimo eight hundredth
nongentesimo nine hundredth
vicesimo twentieth
tricesimo thirtieth
quadragesimo fortieth
quinquagesimo fiftieth
sexagesimo sixtieth
septuagesimo seventieth
octagesimo eightieth
nonagesimo ninetieth
primo first
secundo second
tertio third
quarto fourth
quinto fifth
sexto sixth
septimo seventh
octo eighth
nono ninth
decimo tenth
undecimo eleventh
duodecimo twelfth
decimo tertio thirteenth
decimo quarto fourteenth
decimo quinto fifteenth
decimo sexto sixteenth
decimo septo seventeenth
decimo octo eighteenth
decimo nono nineteenth


Example: Anno domini millesimo quadrigentesimo quinquagesimo nono = A.D. 1459


Roman Numerals (used for dates and years)

Roman Numerals(which could be written in either lower or upper case)Arabic Numerals
i, ij, iij, iv or iiij, v, vj, vij, viij, ix, x 1-10
xj, xij, xiij, xiiij, xv, xvj, xvij, xviij, xix 11-19
xx, xxj, xxij, xxiij, xxiiij, xxv, xxvj, xxvij, xxviij, xxix 20-29
xxx 30
xl 40
l 50
lx 60
lxx 70
lxxx 80
xc 90
c 100
d 500
m 1000
Example years:  



Anno domini In the year of the Lord
Ante meridiem Before noon (a.m.)
Altera die On the next day
Cras Tomorrow
Die sequenti On the next day
Die vero On this very day
Ejusdem die Of the same day
Eodem anno In the same year
Eodem die On the same day
Eodem mense On the same month
Hodie Today
Mane In the morning
Nocte At night
Post Meridiem After noon (p.m.)
Postridie On the day after


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