Nottingham Geospatial Institute


Research is central to the activities of Nottingham Geospatial Institute (NGI) in order to maintain our position at the forefront of international efforts in our field. It is also an integral part of the training and education of undergraduates and postgraduates.

The Institute undertakes research on many key aspects impacting on, and integrated with, geospatial engineering and science, utilizing a diverse range of scientific disciplines including geodesy, remote sensing, engineering surveying and GIS.


NGI also operates a knowledge transfer and business engagement unit, GRACE, which focuses on assisting organizations, businesses, start-ups and entrepreneurs, to take advantage of satellite navigation.       

undergraduate student surveying

Engineering Surveying and Remote Measurement

Prof Stuart Marsh using map of European susceptibility for compaction

Geospatial Science

Dynamic test vehicle

Positioning and Navigational Technologies


Propagation Effects on GNSS


Related Research





Spin off companies


Nottingham Geospatial Institute

Nottingham Geospatial Building
The University of Nottingham
Triumph Road
Nottingham, NG7 2TU

telephone:+44 (0)115 95 13880
fax:+44(0) 115 95 13881
email: Email Us