School of Pharmacy

Nanotechnology film has won a prestigious Royal Television society Award

A film commissioned by The University of Nottingham to help explain the science behind nanotechnology has won a prestigious Royal Television Society award.  Our very own Professor Clive Roberts from the School of Pharmacy is one of the main stars on the film. 

'NanoWhat? Totally tiny technology', made by Nottingham film-making company VPoint.TV and funded by the East Midlands Development Agency (emda), is a colourful exploration of the uses to which nanotechnology is already being put — and how it is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in the 21st century world.

The film also highlights the contribution being made in this field by scientists and engineers at The University of Nottingham and the region's other universities, whose cutting-edge research is helping to push back the boundaries of nanotechnology and develop new applications in a wide range of areas.

Professor Clive Roberts, Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology said: “We'd like to congratulate VPoint.TV on the award. The University has been really delighted at the success of the film, which has made a difficult science accessible to the general public. It's had a huge impact, and we've had nothing but positive feedback.”

Follow this link to see the film:

Posted on Wednesday 5th November 2008

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
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