School of Pharmacy

Biomedical Catalyst funding will accelerate research from bench to bedside


A prestigious £400,000 award from the Medical Research Council (MRC) and Technology Strategy Board (TSB) will allow top researchers at The University of Nottingham, including the School of Pharmacy, to take their pioneering work from bench to bedside.

The MRC and TSB Biomedical Catalyst Confidence in Concept awards give universities grants to help them develop promising research ideas to the clinical testing stage. This will allow innovative early-stage biomedical and biological research discoveries to be developed to a point where research funders and industry can invest in new drugs and technologies.

The funding will address what Minister for Universities and Science David Willetts calls the “valley of death” between when a bright new idea is developed in the lab and the point where a new diagnostic, drug or technology can be invested in by the market for improving healthcare.

Follow this link to read the full story

Posted on Thursday 9th August 2012

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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