School of Pharmacy

Expert Insight Publicity - To measure is to know...


Veeren Chauhan has recently had an article published, which was entitled 'Augmenting automated analytics using Fluorescent nansensors' in the journal Cell and Gene Therapy Insights.

The expert insight describes how automated analytics afforded by fluorescent nanosensors, a technology developed in the Advanced Materials and Healthcare Technology Division (AMHT Division), could permit real-time realignment of critical sub-cellular biochemical parameters to enhance cell and gene therapy manufacture. The insight concludes by evaluating how the integration of fluorescent nanosensors with new and established methods could pave-the-way forward to maximise cell and gene therapy potential.

AAAfig1-web Ratiometric fluorescent nanosensor.

AAAfig2-web Cellular uptake strategies for nanosensors


Diagrammatic representation of offline, online and inline measurements permitted with the aid of optical fluorescent nanosensors.

Posted on Monday 26th November 2018

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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