Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre



We develop and apply medical imaging techniques in a broad range of areas.

Most members of our group work in several areas. A list of our publications can be found here. If you are interested in any of these areas or related PhD projects, please contact us. We work with a number of partners.

Proposed national facility for 11.7T human MRI scanning

Journal and coil scanner

New scanners: hardware, acquisition and reconstruction

Functional connectivity to seed dotted-inlate

Novel brain mapping and modulation



A PhD student using some equipment for a hyperpolarisation study

Beyond water: multi-nuclear, molecular and metabolic contrasts

The body at work: imaging multiorgan physiology and metabolism

The body at work: imaging multiorgan physiology and metabolism



Image analytics, quantification and modelling

Image analytics, quantification and modelling

Precision Radiology and Image Guided Therapies

Precision radiology and image guided therapies



Impact case studies

MRI scanner

MRI: new insights into our bodies

Prof. Matt Brookes

A quantum leap for brain imaging