School of Biosciences

Alan Waterfall

Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Science


  • workRoom B216 South Laboratory
    Sutton Bonington Campus
    Sutton Bonington
    LE12 5RD
  • work0115 951 6307
  • fax0115 951 6299

Expertise Summary

Teaching general physiology & neuroscience.

Teaching Summary

D211P1 GCB, D211Z1 WOB, D212Z5 Intro.APhys.,

D224Z5 Neuro., D224Z4 RETAP, D223Z6 PAP,

D235Z2 Systems Neuro, D235Z7 Co-ord Phys., D23PRO

BURN undergraduate showcase.

Selected Publications

  • J. HARRIS, A.H. WATERFALL & THE LATE R.W. CLARKE, 2006. The contribution of extension to withdrawal reflexes in the anaesthetized rabbit measured by movement analysis. In: Proceedings of the Physiological Society,. 3, PC54..
  • WATERFALL, A. H., SINGH, G., FRY, J. R. and MARSDEN, C. A., 1997. The measurement of lipid peroxidation in vivo Brain Research Protocols. 2(1), 17-22
  • WATERFALL, A. H., SINGH, G., FRY, J. R. and MARSDEN, C. A., 1996. Acute acidosis elevates malonaldehyde in rat brain in vivo Brain Research. 712(1), 102-106
  • WATERFALL, A. H., SINGH, G., FRY, J. R. and MARSDEN, C. A., 1996. Aromatic hydroxylation of phenylalanine to measure oxidative stress in rat brain in vivo British Journal of Pharmacology. 117, P327-P327

School of Biosciences

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Nr Loughborough
LE12 5RD, UK

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