School of Biosciences

Image of Anthony Bishopp

Anthony Bishopp

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science



Anthony's research addresses two main themes: how pattern is specified within vascular tissues and how hormonal signalling pathways integrate to regulate plant development. Current research themes include:

  • understanding the mechanism that provides specificity in auxin and cytokinin response in Arabidopsis
  • understanding how auxin and cytokinin coordinate root anatomical traits in diverse species
  • understanding how root traits have been lost in duckweeds

Expertise Summary

developmental genetics, integrative biology, roots, vascular patterning, auxin, cytokinin, evolution

Teaching Summary

I convene the module "Plant Cell Signalling" and teach on the modules "Advance Molecular Methods for Biotechnology" and "The Green Planet".

Research Summary

The xylem and phloem provide the long distance transport mechanisms for water, sugars and minerals between the root and the shoot as well as providing the plant with rigid stems and roots.… read more

Selected Publications

School of Biosciences

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Nr Loughborough
LE12 5RD, UK

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