POWELL, C. D. and KERRUISH, D. W. M., 2017. In: BAMFORTH, C. and BOKULICH, N, eds., Brewing Microbiology: Beer-spoiling yeasts: genomics, detection, and control. (In Press.)
GERSTGRASSER, M., NICHOLLS, S., STOUT, M., SMART, K., POWELL, C., KYPRAIOS, T. and STEKEL, D, 2016. A bayesian approach to analyzing phenotype microarray data enables estimation of microbial growth parameters. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 14, 1-23 ZHUANG, S., SMART, K. A. and POWELL, C. D., 2016. The impact of extracellular osmolality on Saccharomyces yeast populations during brewing fermentations. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. (In Press.)
OSHOMA, C. E., GREETHAM, D., LOUIS, E. J., SMART, K. A., PHISTER, T. G., POWELL, C. and DU, C., 2015. Screening of non-Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for tolerance to formic acid in bioethanol fermentation. Plos One. 10, 1-17 ZHUANG, S., FU, J., POWELL, C. D., HUANG, J., XIA, Y. and YAN, R., 2015. Production of medium‑chain volatile flavour esters in Pichia pastoris whole‑cell biocatalysts with extracellular expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae acyl‑CoA:ethanol O‑acyltransferase Eht1 or Eeb1. SpringerPlus. 4, 1-9 BOX, W., BENDIAK, D., CASTONGUAY, L., FELICIANO, S., FISCHBORN, T., GIBSON, B., LODOLO, B., MILLER, M., NICHOLLS, S., PACHELLO, C., THIELE, F., WHITE, L. and POWELL, C. D., 2012. Differentiation of ale and lager yeast strains by rapid X-α-gal analysis. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 70, 313-315 POWELL, C. D. & FISCHBORN, T., 2011. Minimizing stress and maintaining viability in dried yeast. In: SPEERS, A., ed., Yeast Flocculation, vitality and viability
VAN ZANDYCKE, S. M, FISCHBORN, T, PETERSON, D and OLIVER, G. & POWELL, C. D., 2011. The use of dry yeast for bottle conditioning. MBAA Technical Quarterly. 48(1), 32-37
SPEERS, A., BAUGH, C., COOK, D., ECK, E., GIBSON, B., JOY, R., MCLEOD, A., PANTELOGLOU, A., VOETZ, M., WALKER, S. and POWELL, C., 2011. Miniature fermentation method Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 69(4), 281-287 PACHELLO, C., BELDEN, E., BENDIAK, D., BRADLEY, M., EIDMAN, R., GALLEGOS, S., GOJANOVIC, T., KELLY, G., MANCEBO, R., MARQUES, L., MERCIER, A. and POWELL, C., 2011. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) rapid testing for water and rinse water hygiene. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists: ASBC Journal. 69(4), 278-280 JENKINS, DM, POWELL, CD, FISCHBORN, T and SMART, KA, 2011. Rehydration Of Active Dry Brewing Yeast And Its Effect On Cell Viability Journal Of The Institute Of Brewing. 117(3), 377-382 JENKINS, D.M., POWELL, C.D. and SMART, K.A., 2010. Dried yeast: impact of dehydration and rehydration on brewing yeast DNA integrity Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists: ASBC Journal. 68(3), 132-138 PACHELLO, C, BELDEN, E, BENDIAK, D, EIDMAN, R, GALLEGOS, S, GOJANOVIC, T, HODGSON, N, HUGHES, C, KELLY, G, MANCEBO, R, MARQUES, L, MERCIER, A and WHITE, L. & POWELL, C. D., 2010. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Rapid Testing for Water and Rinse Water Hygiene Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 68(4), 226-230
POWELL, C. and FISCHBORN, T., 2010. Serial repitching of dried lager yeast Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 68(1), 48-56 POWELL, C. D., MERCIER, A. and STRACHAN, F., 2010. Development of a PCR method for detection of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in brewery rinse water Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 68(3), 148-151 VAN ZANDYCKE, S. M and FISCHBORN, T. & POWELL, C. D., 2009. Bottle conditioning using dried yeast New Brewer. March/April, 65-70
FISCHBORN, T, BELDEN, E, BERGERON, Y, BOX, W, CASTONGUAY, L, KANDA, H, J, KELLY, G, PACHELLO, C, PARK, J. H, SUZUKI, K, TADA, S, WHITE, L and WILSON, D. & POWELL, C. D., 2009. HLP medium for the detection of lactic acid bacteria Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 67, 247-248
POWELL, C. D. & VAN ZANDYCKE, S. M., 2009. What brewers can learn from the DNA of their yeast Brewer and Distiller International. 5, 16-17
VAN ZANDYCKE, S. M, BERTRAND, D, DANIEL, H, DOUGLAS, P, HELBER, J, JENKINS, D, KANDA, H, PAWLOWSKI, K, RAINIERI, S, ROSTI, J, SUZUKI, K, TOGAMI, K and WIMALASENA, T. & POWELL, C. D., 2008. PCR applications to brewing: Differentiation of brewing strains by PCR fingerprinting Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 66, 266-270 GIBSON, B, LAWRENCE, S, LECLAIRE, J, POWELL, C and SMART, K, 2007. Yeast responses to stresses associated with industrial brewery handling. FEMS Microbiology Reviews. 31, 535-569 VAN ZANDYCKE, S. M and BERTRAND, D. & POWELL, C. D., 2007. Methods to differentiate closely related lager brewing yeast strains Proceedings of the European Brewing Convention. 30, 1-13
POWELL, C. D. & DIACETIS, A., 2007. Long term serial repitching and the genetic and phenotypic stability of brewer's yeast Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 113, 67-74
POWELL, CD and DIACETIS, AN, 2007. Long Term Serial Repitching And The Genetic And Phenotypic Stability Of Brewer's Yeast Journal Of The Institute Of Brewing. 113(1), 67-74 VAN ZANDYCKE, S. M, AHLGREN, S, BENDIAK, D, CYR, N, DE NICOLA, R, FUJITA, A, GIBSON, B, KELLY, G, LOGSDON, D, MCLEAN, D, MORAN, C and PACHELLO, C. & POWELL, C. D., 2006. Method for measurement of yeast vitality Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 64, 244-247 POWELL, C.D., DOWGIERT, D., GIBSON, B., HARMS, D., KELLY, G., MILLER, M., NITZCHE, F., THIELE, F., VAN LAERE, S. and BENDIAK, D., 2005. Yeast viability as determined by fluorescent staining. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 63(4), 220-224 (In Press.)
POWELL, C. D and VAN ZANDYCKE, S. & DEGRE, R., 2005. The microbiology of malolactic fermentation. In: MORENZONI, R. & SCULLY-SPECHT, K., ed., Malolactic fermentation in wine. Lallemand Press. 5:1-5:11
SMART, K. A. & POWELL, C. D., 2005. Wild Yeasts in Brewing: A Review Proceedings of the Institute and Guild of Brewing Africa Section Congress. 10, 34-39 (In Press.)
BOU, M. & POWELL, C. D., 2005. Strain selection techniques. In: MORENZONI, R. & SCULLY-SPECHT, K., ed., Malolactic fermentation in wine Lallemand Press. 6:1-6:8
SMART, K. A, POWELL, C. D, JENKINS, C. L and LE CLAIRE, J. & MARTIN, V., 2005. Cropped yeast heterogeneity: Are all cropped yeast slurries the same ? Proceedings of the Institute and Guild of Brewing Africa Section Congress. 10, 52-57
POWELL, C. D., QUAIN, D. E. and SMART, K. A., 2004. The impact of sedimentation on cone yeast heterogeneity Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. VOL 62(PART 1), 8-17
POWELL, C. D, DOWGIERT, T, HUTTER, K. J, MILLER, M, NITZSCHE, F, ROGERS, P, SMART, K, THIELE, F, VERSTREPEN, K and VILLA, K., 2004. Method for measurement of yeast viability by fluorescent staining Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 62, 184-189
BARNEY, M. BARBERRO, F. BARBERRO, I. BATES, S. BENDIAK, D. CASTANE, F. X. CONLIN, H. DICKERSON, P. GARCIA, M. HELBER, J. KELLY, G. LLOPART, C. MACEBO, R. NARA, Y. POWELL, C. SMART, K. SOBCZAK, J. SUZUKI, K. TANAKA, K. AND DULL, C. L, 2003. Evaluation of nystatin as an alternative to cycloheximide in selective culture media (ICM) Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 61(4), 235-238
POWELL, C. D., BARNEY, M., DOWGIERT, T., HUTTER, K. J., KELLY, G., LODOLO, E., MCLEAN, D., NEWMAN, R., NITZSCHE, F., ROGERS, P., SMART, K., THEILE, F., VERSTREPEN, K. and VILLA, K, 2003. Determination of yeast viability by fluorescent staining. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 61(4), 231-232
POWELL, C. D. QUAIN, D. E. AND SMART, K. A, 2003. The impact of yeast cell age on fermentation, attenuation and flocculation. In: K. A. SMART, ed., Brewing Yeast Fermentation Performance 2. Blackwell Science. 272-280
POWELL, C. D. and SMART, K. A, 2003. A comparison of new and traditional methods for the detection of brewery contaminants. Proceedings of the European Brewing Convention. 29(115), 1-13
POWELL, C.D and QUAIN, D.E. & SMART, K.A., 2003. Chitin scar breaks in aged Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microbiology. 149, 3129-3137 POWELL, C. D. AND SMART, K. A, 2002. The impact of yeast sedimentation on the distribution of cells within the cone of a cylindroconical vessel. Proceedings of the Institute and Guild of Brewing Asia Pacific Congress. 27(22), 1-7
POWELL, C. D and QUAIN, D. E. AND SMART, K. A, 2002. What is old yeast? Proceedings of the X Jean De Clerck Chair Conference. 94-101
VAN ZANDYCKE, S. M, CAVALIERE, R and POWELL, C. D. & SMART, K.A., 2002. Phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of petite mutant strains. Proceedings of the Institute and Guild of Brewing Asia Pacific Congress. 27(19), 1-5
QUAIN, D. E, POWELL, C. D, HAMILTON, A and RUDDLESDEN, J. D. & BOX, W. G., 2001. Why warm cropping is best ! Proceedings of the European Brewing Convention. 28, 388-396
POWELL ET AL, 2001. Development and demonstration of polymerase chain reaction based methods for process control in breweries. Proceedings of the European Brewing Convention. 28, 1010-1017
POWELL, C. D., QUAIN, D. E. and SMART, K. A., 2000. The impact of media composition and petite mutation on the longevity of a polyploid brewing yeast strain. LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY. VOL 31(PART 1), 46-51 POWELL, C. D, VAN ZANDYCKE, S. M and QUAIN, D. E. & SMART, K. A., 2000. Replicative ageing and senescence in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the impact on brewing fermentations. Microbiology. 146, 1023-34
POWELL, C. D and QUAIN, D. E. AND SMART, K. A, 2000. The relationship between brewing yeast lifespan, genetic variation and fermentation performance. In: K. A. SMART, ed., Brewing Yeast Fermentation Performance Blackwell Science. 114-118
VAN ZANDYCKE, S. M and POWELL, C. D. & SMART, K. A., 2000. Yeast ageing: Implications and applications. Cerevisiae. 4, 27-33