Born in Brazil, from a very early age I was told I got too easily obsessed with little things. Today, that critique is my biggest selling point. I am a passionate plant biologist with a knack for solving problems. My main current research interest is the elusive propagation of European broadleaved tree species by cuttings. It is a manifold issue that highlights our gaps in understanding the physiology underlying propagation procedures that are used - and have been for centuries - in nurseries and gardens. I am also interested in Science Education, especially in applying the concept of Scientific and Technological Literacy to curricula to increase student engagement with science as a process rather than just as product. I love trivia, crossword puzzles, political satire and radio comedies.
Biological Sciences, BSc (University of Caxias do Sul, Brazil, 2014-2017) Cell and Molecular Biology, PhD (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 2018-2022)
Expertise Summary
During my undergrad years, my main research focus was Biofuel Biotechnology, a field that allowed me to develop key problem-solving skills, as well as basic lab skills in Bioprocess Engineering, Biomass Energy and Enzyme Kinetics. In 2017, I joined a Plant Biotechnology lab, where I looked into using essential oils to treat grapevine fungal diseases. That experience afforded me a working knowledge of Plant Pathology. During my PhD, I pivoted to Applied Plant Physiology, tackling issues in Eucalyptus propagation by cuttings. During those four years, I established the basis for an expertise not only in clonal plant propagation concepts and techniques, but also the surrounding physiology and biochemistry processes.
Selected Publications
VILASBOA, JOHNATAN, DA COSTA, CIBELE TESSER, RANSAN, LEONARDO GIRARDI, MARIATH, JORGE ERNESTO DE ARAÚJO and FETT-NETO, ARTHUR GERMANO, 2021. Microcutting Redox Profile and Anatomy in Eucalyptus spp. With Distinct Adventitious Rooting Competence: Frontiers in Plant Science Frontiers in Plant Science. 11, 620832 VILASBOA, JOHNATAN, DA COSTA, CIBELE TESSER and FETT-NETO, ARTHUR GERMANO, 2019. Rooting of eucalypt cuttings as a problem-solving oriented model in plant biology: Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. 146, 85-97