Current Research
My major research interests focus on molecular aspects of endocrinology, the biology of reproduction and fertility; especially the application of molecular biology methods for reproductive endocrinology.
Initially I studied LH receptor ontogeny in the porcine reproductive tract and oestrogen responsiveness in the reproductive system, at both molecular and cellular levels.
More recently I have concentrated on polymorphisms and gene expression in the context of reproduction and specially cattle infertility. Due to my particular interest in the endocrinology of reproduction, the main focus has been on gonadotrophin receptors, oestrogen receptors and cyclooxygenase-2, and its regulation by PPARs.
Selection of cows for milk yield during the last 5 decades has caused unfavourable changes in breeding values for fertility traits. This made the infertility in dairy cattle a growing problem. The single gene polymorphisms (SNPs) accumulated in genes involved in reproduction let us correlate the genetic make up of an individual animal to her performance, providing valuable information on the fertility of a sire's daughters.