PANDEY, BIPIN K., HUANG, GUOQIANG, BHOSALE, RAHUL, HARTMAN, SJON, STURROCK, CRAIG J., JOSE, LOTTIE, MARTIN, OLIVIER C., KARADY, MICHAL, VOESENEK, LAURENTIUS A. C. J., LJUNG, KARIN, LYNCH, JONATHAN P., BROWN, KATHLEEN M., WHALLEY, WILLIAM R., MOONEY, SACHA J., ZHANG, DABING and BENNETT, MALCOLM J., 2021. Plant roots sense soil compaction through restricted ethylene diffusion SCIENCE. 371(6526), 276-+ PRIGGE MJ, PLATRE M, KADAKIA N, ZHANG Y, GREENHAM K, SZUTU W, PANDEY BK, BHOSALE RA, BENNETT MJ, BUSCH W and ESTELLE M, 2020. Genetic analysis of the Arabidopsis TIR1/AFB auxin receptors reveals both overlapping and specialized functions. eLife. 9, VON WANGENHEIM D, BANDA J, SCHMITZ A, BOLAND J, BISHOPP A, MAIZEL A, STELZER EHK and BENNETT MJ, 2020. Early developmental plasticity of lateral roots in response to asymmetric water availability Nature Plants. DINDAS J, BECKER D, ROELFSEMA M ROB G, SCHERZER S, BENNETT MJ and RAINER HEDRICH, 2020. Pitfalls in auxin pharmacology New Phytologist. CHAPMAN K, IVANOVICI A, TALESKI M, STURROCK CJ, NG JLP, MOHD-RADZMAN NA, FRUGIER F, BENNETT MJ, MATHESIUS U and DJORDJEVIC MA, 2020. CEP receptor signalling controls root system architecture i Arabidopsis and Medicago New Phytologist. MELLOR NL, VOSS U, JANES G, BENNETT MJ, WELLS DM and BAND L, 2020. Auxin fluxes through plasmodesmata modify root-tip auxin distribution Development. SMITH S, SHANSHUO Z, JOOS L, ROBERTS I, NIKONOROVA N, DAI VU L, STES E, HYUNWOO C, LARRIEU A, XUAN W, GOODALL B, VAN DE COTTE B, WAITE JM, RIGALI A, RAMANS HARBOROUGH S, PERSIAU G, VANNESTE S, KIRSCHNER GK, VANDERMARLIERE E, MARTENS L, STAHL Y, AUDENAERT D, FRIML J, FELIX G, RUDIGER S, BENNETT MJ, BISHOPP A, DE JAEGER G, LJUNG K, KEPINSKI S, ROBERT S, NEMHAUSER J, HWANG I, GEVAERT K, BEECKMAN T and DE SMET I, 2020. The CEP5 peptide promotes abiotic stress tolerance, as revealed by quantitative proteomics, and attenuates the AUX/IAA equilibrium in Arabidopsis Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. (In Press.)
DE LA FUENTE C CANTO, SIMONIN M, KING E, MOULIN L, BENNETT MJ, CASTRILLO G and LAPLAZE L, 2020. An extended root phenotype: the rhizosphere, its formation and impacts on plant fitness The Plant Journal. ATKINSON, JONATHAN A, POUND, MICHAEL P, BENNETT, MALCOLM J and WELLS, DARREN M, 2019. Uncovering the hidden half of plants using new advances in root phenotyping Current opinion in biotechnology. 55, 1-8 RAMAKRISHNA, P., DUARTE, P.R., RANCE, G.A., SCHUBERT, M., VORDERMAIER, V., VU, L.D., MURPHY, E., BARRO, A.V., SWARUP, K., MOIRANGTHEM, K., JORGENSEN, B., VAN DE COTTE, B., GOH, T., LIN, Z., VOSS, U., BEECKMAN, T., BENNETT, M.J., GEVAERT, K., MAIZEL, A. and DE SMET, I., 2019. EXPANSIN A1-mediated radial swelling of pericycle cells positions anticlinal cell divisions during lateral root initiation PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 116(17), 8597-8602 XIAO T, ARAGON A, CABALLERO PEREZ J, KIRSCHNER G, DENG Y, ATKINSON B, STURROCK C, LUBE V, YOU WANG J, LUBINEAU G, AL-BABILI S, ALFREDO CRUZ RAMIREZ L, BENNETT MJ and BLILOU I, 2019. Emergent Protective Organogenesis in Date Palms: A Morpho-devo-dynamic Adaptive Strategy During Early Development The Plant Cell. TRINH DC, LAVENUS J, GOH T, BOUTTE Y, DROGUE Q, VAISSAYRE V, TELLIER F, LUCAS M, VOSS U, GANTET P, FAURE JD, DUSSERT S, FUKAKI H, BENNETT MJ, LAPLAZE L and GUYOMARC'H S, 2019. PUCHI regulates very long chain fatty acid biosynthesis during lateral root and callus formation PNAS. BANDA J, BELLANDE K, VON WANGENHEIM D, GOH T, GUYOMARC'H S, LAPLAZE L and BENNETT MJ, 2019. Lateral Root Formation in Arabidopsis: A Well-ordered LRexit Trends in Plant Science. BISHOPP A and BENNETT MJ, 2019. Turning Lateral Roots into Nodules 6468 ESCAMEZ S, ANDRE D, SZTOJKA B, BOLLHONER B, HALL H, BERTHET B, VOSS U, LERS A, MAIZEL A, ANDERSSON M, BENNETT MJ and TUOMINEN H, 2019. Cell death in cells overlying lateral root primordia facilitates organ growth in Arabidopsis Current Biology. SCHOENAERS, SEBASTJEN, BALCEROWICZ, DARIA, BREEN, GORDON, HILL, KRISTINE, ZDANIO, MALGORZATA, MOUILLE, GREGORY, HOLMAN, TARA J., OH, JAESUNG, WILSON, MICHAEL H., NIKONOROVA, NATALIA, VU, LAM DAI, DE SMET, IVE, SWARUP, RANJAN, DE VOS, WINNOK H., PINTELON, ISABEL, ADRIAENSEN, DIRK, GRIERSON, CLAIRE, BENNETT, MALCOLM J. and VISSENBERG, KRIS, 2018. The Auxin-Regulated CrRLK1L Kinase ERULUS Controls Cell Wall Composition during Root Hair Tip Growth CURRENT BIOLOGY. 28(5), 722-+ HOYEROVA K, HOSEK P, QUARESHY M, KLIMA P, KUBES M, YEMM A A, NEVE P, TRIPATHI A, BENNETT M J and NAPIER R M, 2018. Auxin molecular field maps define AUX1 selectivity: many auxin herbicides are not substrates New Phytologist. 1625-1639
DINDAS J, SCHERZER S, ROELSEMA MRG, VON MEYER K, AL-RASHEID KAS, PALME K, DIETRICH P, BECKER D, BENNETT M J and HEDRICH R, 2018. AUX1-mediated root hair auxin influx governs SCFTIR1/AFB-type Ca2+ signalling Nature Communications. BHOSALE R, GIRI J, PANDEY BK, GIEHL RFH, HARTMANN A, TRAINI R, TRUSKINA J, LEFTLEY N, HANLON M, SWARUP K, RASHED A, VOSS U, ALONSO J, STEPANOVA A, YUN J, LJUNG K, BROWN KM, LYNCH JP, DOLAN L, VERNOUX T, BISHOPP A, WELLS D M, VON WIREN N, BENNETT M J and SWARUP R, 2018. A mechanistic framework for auxin dependent Arabidopsis root hair elongation to low external phosphate Nature Communications. 1409 GIRI J, BHOSALE R, HUANG G, PANDEY BK, PARKER H, ZAPPALA S, YANG J, DIEVART A, BUREAU C, LJUNG K, PRICE A, ROSE T, LARRIEU A, MAIRHOFER S, STURROCK CJ, WHITE P, DUPUY L, HAWKESFORD M, PERIN C, LIANG W, PERET B, HODGMAN CT, LYNCH JP, WISSUWA M, ZHANG D, PRIDMORE T, MOONEY SJ, GUIDERDONI E, SWARUP R and BENNETT MJ, 2018. Rice auxin influx carrier OsAUX1 facilitates root hair elongation in response to low external phosphate Nature Communications. 9 HUANG G, LIANG W, STURROCK CJ, PANDEY BK, GIRI J, MAIRHOFER S, WANG D, MULLER L, HEXIN T, YORK L M, YANG J, SONG Y, KIM Y-J, QIAO Y, XU J, KEPINSKI S, BENNETT M J and ZHANG D, 2018. Rice actin binding protein RMD controls crown root angle in response to external phosphate Nature Communications. 9 MULLER L, BENNETT M J, FRENCH A P, WELLS D M and SWARUP R, 2018. In: Methods Mol Bio
OROSA-PUENTE, BEATRIZ, LEFTLEY, NICOLA, VON WANGENHEIM, DANIEL, BANDA, JASON, SRIVASTAVA, ANJIL K., HILL, KRISTINE, TRUSKINA, JEKATERINA, BHOSALE, RAHUL, MORRIS, EMILY, SRIVASTAVA, MOUMITA, KÜMPERS, BRITTA, GOH, TATSUAKI, FUKAKI, HIDEHIRO, VERMEER, JOOP E. M., VERNOUX, TEVA, DINNENY, JOSÉ R., FRENCH, ANDREW P., BISHOPP, ANTHONY, SADANANDOM, ARI and BENNETT, MALCOLM J., 2018. Root branching toward water involves posttranslational modification of transcription factor ARF7 Science. 362(6421), 1407-1410 BELDA-PALAZON B, GONZALEZ-GARCIA MP, LOZANO-JUSTE J, COEGO A, ANTONI R, JULIAN J, PEIRATS-LLOBET M, RODRIGUEZ L, BERBEL A, DIETRICH D, FERNANDEZ MA, MADUEÑO F, BENNETT MJ and RODRIGUEZ PL, 2018. PYL8 mediates ABA perception in the root through non-cell-autonomous and ligand-stabilization-based mechanisms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 115(50), E11857-E11863 ORMAN-LIGEZA B, MORRIS EC, PARIZOT B, LAVIGNE T, BABE A, LIGEZA A, KLEIN S, STURROCK C, XUAN W, NOVAK O, LJUNG K, RODRIGUEZ PL, FERNANDEZ M, DODD IC, DE SMET I, CHAUMONT F, BATOKO H, PERILLEUX C, LYNCH JP, BENNETT MJ, BEECKMAN T and DRAYE X, 2018. The Xerobranching response represses lateral root formation when roots are not in contact with water Current Biology. OROSA B, YATES G, VERMA V, SRIVASTAVA AK, SRIVASTAVA S, CAMPANARO A, DE VEGA D, FERNANDES A, ZHANG C, LEE J, BENNETT MJ and SADANANDOM A, 2018. SUMO conjugation to the pattern recognition receptor FLS2 triggers intracellular signalling in plant innate immunity Nature Communications. 9 MAIRHOFER S, PRIDMORE T, JOHNSON J, WELLS D, BENNETT MJ and STURROCK C, 2017. X-Ray Computed Tomography of Crop Plant Root Systems grown in Soil Current Protocols. 270-286 YANG J, YUAN Z, MENG Q, HUANG G, PERIN C, BUREAU C, MEUNIER A-C, INGOUFF M, BENNETT MJ, LIANG W and ZHANG D, 2017. Dynamic regulation of auxin response during rice development revealed by newly established hormone biosensor markers Frontiers. 8, 256 VON WAGENHEIM D, GOH T, DIETRICH D and BENNETT MJ, 2017. Building Barriers in Plant Roots ... Current Biology. DIETRICH D, PANG L, KOBAYASHI A, FOZARD JA, BOUDOLF V, BHOSALE R, ANTONI R, NGUYEN T, HIRATSUKA S, FUJII N, MIYAZAWA Y, BAE TW, WELLS DM, OWEN MR, BAND LR, DYSON RJ, JENSEN OE, KING JR, TRACY SR, STURROCK CJ, MOONEY SJ, ROBERTS JA, BHALERAO RP, DINNENY JR, RODRIGUEZ PL, NAGATANI A, HOSOKAWA Y, BASKIN TI, PRIDMORE TP, DE VEYLDER L, TAKAHASHI H and BENNETT MJ, 2017. Root hydrotropism is controlled via a cortex-specific growth mechanism. Nature plants. 3, 17057 ROY S, ROBSON F, LILLEY J, LIU C-W, CHENG X, WEN J, WALKER S, SUN J, COUSINS D, BONE C, BENNETT M J, DOWNIE A J, SWARUP R, OLDROYD G and MURRAY J D, 2017. MtLAX2, a Functional Homologue of the Arabidopsis Auxin Influx 3 Transporter AUX1, is Required for Nodule Organogenesis Plant Physiology. POSTMA JA, KUPPE C, OWEN MR, MELLOR N, GRIFFITHS M, BENNETT MJ, LYNCH JP and WATT M, 2017. OpenSimRoot: widening the scope and application of root architectural models. The New phytologist. 215(3), 1274-1286 SCHERZER S, SHABALA L, HEDRICH B, FROMM J, BAUER H, MUNZ E, JAKOB P, AL-RASCHEID KAS, KREUZER I, BECKER D, EIBLMEIER M, RENNENBERG H, SHABALA S, BENNETT MJ, NEHER E and HEDRICH R, 2017. Insect haptoelectrical stimulation of Venus flytrap triggers exocytosis in gland cells PNAS. 114, 18 MORRIS EC, GRIFFITHS M, GOLEBIOWSKA A, MAIRHOFER S, BURR-HERSEY J, GOH T, VON WANGENHEIM D, ATKINSON B, STURROCK CJ, LYNCH JP, VISSENBERG K, RITZ K, WELLS DM, MOONEY SJ and BENNETT MJ, 2017. Shaping 3D Root System Architecture Current Biology. 27, 919-930 TARDIEU F, CABRERA-BOQUET L, PRIDMORE T and BENNETT MJ, 2017. Plant Phenomics, From Sensors to Knowledge Current Biology. 27, R770-R783 ATKINSON J, VON WANGENHEIM D, BAND L R and BENNETT M J, 2017. Ears, shoots and leaves Nature Plants. 3, 686–687 KENOBI K, ATKINSON J, WELLS DM, GAJU O, DESILVA J D, FOULKES M J, DRYDEN I L, WOOD A T A and BENNETT M J, 2017. Linear discriminant analysis reveals differences in root architecture in wheat seedlings by nitrogen uptake efficiency Journal of Experimental Biology. 68(17), 4969-4981
VON WANGENHEIM, DANIEL, WELLS, DARREN M. and BENNETT, MALCOLM J., 2017. Adding a Piece to the Leaf Epidermal Cell Shape Puzzle DEVELOPMENTAL CELL. 43(3), 255-256 PINEROS MA, LARSON BG, SHAFF JE, SCHNEIDER DJ, FALCAO AX, YUAN L, CLARK RT, CRAFT EJ, DAVIS TW, PRADIER PL, SHAW NM, ASSARANURAK I, MCCOUCH SR, STURROCK C, BENNETT MJ and KOCHIAN LV, 2016. Evolving technologies for growing, imaging and analysing 3D root system architecture of crop plants Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 58(3), 230-241 REINHARDT H, HACHEZ C, BIENERT MD, BEEBO A, SWARUP K, VOSS U, BOUHIDEL K, FRIGERIO L, SCHJOERRING JK, BENNETT MJ and CHAUMONT F, 2016. Tonoplast aquaporins facilitate lateral root emergence Plant Physiology. 170, 1640-1654 PASSOT, SIXTINE, GNACKO, FATOUMATA, MOUKOUANGA, DANIEL, LUCAS, MIKAEL, GUYOMARC'H, SOAZIG, ORTEGA, BEATRIZ MORENO, ATKINSON, JONATHAN A., BELKO, MAREME N., BENNETT, MALCOLM J., GANTET, PASCAL, WELLS, DARREN M., GUEDON, YANN, VIGOUROUX, YVES, VERDEIL, JEAN-LUC, MULLER, BERTRAND and LAPLAZE, LAURENT, 2016. Characterization of Pearl Millet Root Architecture and Anatomy Reveals Three Types of Lateral Roots FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 7, 829
YORK LM, CARMINATI A, MOONEY SJ, RITZ K and BENNETT MJ, 2016. The holistic rhizosphere: integrating zones, processes, and semantics in the soil influenced by roots. Journal of experimental botany. 67(12), 3629-43 ANTONI R, DIETRICH D, BENNETT MJ and RODRIGUEZ PL, 2016. Hydrotropism: Analysis of the Root Response to a Moisture Gradient Methods Mol Bio. ORMAN-LIGEZA B, PARIZOT B, DE RYCKE R, FERNANDEZ A, HIMSCHOOT E, VAN BREUSEGEM F, BENNETT MJ, PERILLEUX C, BEECKMAN T and DRAYE X, 2016. RBOH-mediated ROS production facilitates lateral root emergence in Arabidopsis Development. MELLOR, NATHAN, BAND, LEAH R., PENCIK, ALES, NOVAK, ONDREJ, RASHED, AFAF, HOLMAN, TARA, WILSON, MICHAEL H., VOSS, UTE, BISHOPP, ANTHONY, KING, JOHN R., LJUNG, KARIN, BENNETT, MALCOLM J. and OWEN, MARKUS R., 2016. Dynamic regulation of auxin oxidase and conjugating enzymes AtDAO1 and GH3 modulates auxin homeostasis PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 113(39), 11022-11027 FOZARD JA, BENNETT MJ, KING JR and JENSON OE, 2016. Hybrid vertex-midline modelling of elongated plant organs Interface Focus. PORCO S, LARRIEU A, DU Y, GAUDINIER A, GOH T, SWARUP K, SWARUP R, KUEMPERS B, BISHOPP A, LAVENUS J, CASIMIRO I, HILL K, BENKOVA E, FUKAKI H, BRADY SM, SCHERES B, PERET B and BENNETT MJ, 2016. Lateral root emergence in Arabidopsis is dependent on transcription factor LBD29 regulating auxin influx carrier LAX3 Development. 143(18), 3340-9 GOH T, TOYOKURA K, WELLS DM, SWARUP K, YAMAMOTO M, MIMURA T, WEIJERS D, FUKAKI H, LAPLAZE L, BENNETT MJ and GUYOMARC'H S, 2016. Quiescent center initiation in the Arabidopsis lateral root primordia is dependent on the SCARECROW transcription factor Development. 143(18), 3363-71 STREET IH, MATHEWS DE, YAMBURKENKO MV, SOROOSHZADEH A, JOHN RT, SWARUP R, BENNETT MJ, KIEBER JJ and SCHALLER GE, 2016. Cytokinin acts through the auxin influx carrier AUX1 to regulate cell elongation in the root Development. 143(21), 3982-3993 PORCO S, PENCIK A, RASHED A, VOSS U, CASANOVA-SAEZ, BISHOPP A, GOLEBIOWSKA A, BHOSALE R, SWARUP R, SWARUP K, PENAKOVA P, NOVAK O, STASWICK P, HEDDEN P, PHILLIPS AL, VISSENBERG K, BENNETT MJ and LJUNG K, 2016. Dioxygenase-encoding AtDAO1 gene controls IAA oxidation and homeostasis in Arabidopsis PNAS. 113(39), 11016-11021 ATKINSON JA, WINGEN LU, GRIFFITHS M, POUND MP, GAJU O, FOULKES J, LE GOUIS J, GRIFFITHS S, BENNETT MJ, KING J and WELLS DM, 2015. Phenotyping pipeline reveals major seedling root growth QTLs in wheat Journal Experimental Biology. 03(04), MELLOR N, PERET B, PORCO S, SAIRANEN I, LJUNG K, BENNETT MJ and KING JR, 2015. Modelling of Arabidopsis LAX3 expression suggests auxin homeostasis J Theoretical Biology. 366, 57-70 ROBERT HS, GRUNEWALD W, SAUER M, CANNOOT B, SORIANO M, SWARUP R, WEIJERS D, BENNETT MJ, BOUTILIER K and FRIML J, 2015. Plant embryogenesis requires AUX/LAX-mediated auxin influx Development. 142, 1-10 LARRIEU A, CHAMPION A, LEGRAND J, LAVENUS J, MAST D, BRUNOUD G, OH J, GUYOMARC'H S, PIZOT M, FARMER EE, TURNBULL C, VERNOUX T, BENNETT MJ and LAPLAZE L, 2015. A fluorescent hormone biosensor reveals the dynamics of jasmonate signalling in plants Nature Communications. 6, 6043 BISHOPP A and BENNETT MJ, 2015. Seeing the wood and the trees Nature. 517, 558-559 FABREGAS N, FORMOSA-JORDAN P, CONFRARIA A, SILIGATO R, ALONSO JM, SWARUP R, BENNETT MJ, PEKKA MAHONEN A, CANO-DELGADO A and IBANES M, 2015. Auxin influx carriers control vascular patterning and xylem differentiation in Arabidopsis thaliana Plos Genetics. LAVENUS J, GOH T, GUYOMARC'H S, HILL K, LUCAS M, VOSS U, KENOBI K, WILSON M, FARCOT E, HAGEN G, GUILFOYLE T, FUKAKI H, LAPLAZE L and BENNETT MJ, 2015. Inference of the Arabidopsis lateral root gene regulatory network suggests a bifurcation mechanism that defines primordia flanking and central zones The Plant Cell. 27(5), 1368-88 WILSON, MICHAEL H, HOLMAN, TARA J, SORENSEN, IBEN, CANCHO-SANCHEZ, ESTER, WELLS, DARREN M, SWARUP, RANJAN, KNOX, J PAUL, WILLATS, WILLIAM G T, UBEDA-TOMAS, SUSANA, HOLDSWORTH, MICHAEL, BENNETT, MALCOLM J, VISSENBERG, KRIS and HODGMAN, T CHARLIE, 2015. Multi-omics analysis identifies genes mediating the extension of cell walls in the Arabidopsis thaliana root elongation zone. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 3, 10 KASPRZEWSKA A, CARTER R, SWARUP R, BENNETT MJ, MONK N, HOBBS J and FLEMING A, 2015. Auxin influx importers modulate serration along the leaf margin The Plant Journal. 83(4), 705-18 VOß U, WILSON MH, KENOBI K, GOULD PD, ROBERTSON FC, PEER WA, LUCAS M, SWARUP K, CASIMIRO L, HOLMAN TJ, WELLS DM, PÉRET B, GOH T, FUKAKI H, HODGMAN TC, LAPLAZE L, HALLIDAY KJ, LJUNG K, MURPHY AS, HALL AJ, WEBB AR and BENNETT MJ, 2015. The circadian clock rephrases during lateral root organ initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana Nature Communications. 6, 7641 MARÍN-DE LA ROSA N, PFEIFFER A, HILL K, LOCASCIO A, BHALERAO RP, MISKOLCZI P, GRØNLUND AL, WANCHOO-KOHLI A, THOMAS SG, BENNETT MJ, LOHMANN JU, BLÁZQUEZ MA and ALABADÍ D, 2015. Genome Wide Binding Site Analysis Reveals Transcriptional Coactivation of Cytokinin-Responsive Genes by DELLA Proteins PLOS Genetics. DAVIES WJ and BENNETT MJ, 2015. Achieving more crop per drop Nature Plants. 1, 15118 MAIRHOFER S, STURROCK C, BENNETT MJ, MOONEY SJ and PRIDMORE T, 2015. Extracting Multiple Interacting Root Systems using x-ray Micro Computed Tomography The Plant Journal. 84(5), 1034-43 LARRIEU AP, FRENCH AP, PRIDMORE TP, BENNETT MJ and WELLS DM, 2014. Time-profiling fluorescent reporters in the Arabidopsis root. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1056, 11-17 CHO H, RYU H, RHO S, HILL K, SMITH S, AUDENAERT D, PARK J, HAN S, BEECKMAN T, BENNETT MJ, HWANG D, DE SMET I and HWANG I, 2014. A secreted peptide acts on BIN-2 mediated phosphorylation of ARFs to potentiate auxin response during lateral root development Nature Cell Biology. 16, 66-76 BAND L, WELLS DM, FOZARD JA, GHETIU T, FRENCH AP, POUND MP, WILSON MH, YU L, LI W, HIJAZI H, OH J, PEARCE S, PEREZ-AMADOR MA, YUN J, KRAMER E, ALONSO JM, GODIN G, VERNOUX T, HODGMAN TC, PRIDMORE TP, SWARUP R, KING JR and BENNETT MJ, 2014. Systems Analysis of auxin transport in the Arabidopsis root apex Plant Cell. CONTI L, NELIS S, ZHANG C, WOODCOCK A, SWARUP R, GALBIATI M, TONELLI C, NAPIER R, HEDDEN P, BENNETT MJ and SADANANDOM A, 2014. Small Ubiquitin-like modifier protein SUMO enables plants to control growth independently of the phytohormone gibberellin Developmental Cell. 28, 102-110 DYSON RJ, VIZCAY-BARRENA G, BAND LR, FERNANDES AN, FRENCH AP, FOZARD JA, HODGMAN TC, KENOBI K, PRIDMORE TP, STOUT M, WELLS DM, WILSON MH, BENNETT MJ and JENSEN OE, 2014. Mechanical modelling quantifies the functional importance of outer tissue layers during root elongation and bending. The New phytologist. (In Press.)
VOß U, BISHOPP A, FARCOT E and BENNETT MJ, 2014. Modelling hormonal response and development Trends in Plant Science. (In Press.)
GOH T, VOß U, FARCOT E, BENNETT MJ and BISHOPP A, 2014. Systems biology approaches to understand the role of auxin in root growth and development Physiologia Plantarum. 151(1), 73-82 BAO YUN, AGGARWAL POOJA, ROBBINS NEIL E, STURROCK CJ, THOMPSON MC, TAN HQ, THAM C, DUAN L, RODRIGUEZ PL, VERNOUX T, MOONEY SJ, BENNETT MJ and DINNENY JR, 2014. Plant roots use a patterning mechanism to position lateral root branches toward available water Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. GIBBS D J, VOSS U, HARDING S A, FANNON J, MOODY L A, YAMADA E, SWARUP K, NIBAU C, BASSEL G W, CHOUDHARY A, LAVENUS J, BRADSHAW S J, STEKEL D J, BENNETT M J and COATES J C, 2014. AtMYB93 is a novel negative regulator of lateral root development in Arabidopsis New Phytologist. BISHOPP A and BENNETT M J, 2014. Hormone Crosstalk: Directing the flow Current Biology. 24(9), R366-R368 KUMPF R, THORSTENSEN T, RAHMAN MA, HEYMAN J, ZEYNEP NENSETH H, LAMMENS T, HERRMANN U, SWARUP R, VEISETH SV, EMBERLAND G, BENNETT M J, DE VEYLDER L and AALEN RB, 2014. The ASHR3 SET domain Protein Controls Cell Division Competence of the Meristem and Quiescent Centre of the Arabidopsis thaliana Primary Root Plant Physiology. ATKINSON JA, RASMUSSEN A, TRAINI R, VOSS U, STURROCK C, MOONEY SJ, WELLS D and BENNETT M J, 2014. Branching Out in Roots: Uncovering form, function and regulation. Plant Physiology. MAIRHOFER S, STURROCK C, BENNETT M, MOONEY S and PRIDMORE TP, 2014. Visual object tracking for the extraction of multiple interacting plant root systems In: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshop on Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping.
FOZARD J.A, KING J.R and BENNETT M.J, 2013. Modelling auxin efflux carrier phosphorylation and localization. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 319, 34-49 DUAN L, DIETRICH D, HAN NG C, YEEN CHAN PM, BHALERAO R, BENNETT MJ and DINNENY JR, 2013. An Endodermal Abscisic Acid Signalling Network Determines Root System Architecture Changes during Salt Stress in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Plant Cell. 25, 1-8
WELLS D, LAPLAZE L, BENNETT MJ and VERNOUX T, 2013. Biosensors for phytohormone quantification: challenges, solutions and opportunities Trends in Plant Science. 18(5), 244-9 MURARO D, VOSS U, WILSON M, BENNETT MJ, BYRNE H, DESMET I, HODGMAN C and KING J, 2013. Inference of the genetic network regulating lateral root initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. KUMPF R, CHUN-LIN S, LARRIEU A, MYHRER STO I, BUTENKO MA, PERET B, SANNES RIISER E, BENNETT MJ and AALEN RB, 2013. Floral organ abscission peptide IDA and its HAE/HSL2 receptors control cell separation during lateral root emergence PNAS. LUCAS, M., KENOBI, K., VON WANGENHEIM, D., VOSS, U., SWARUP, K., DE SMET, I., VAN DAMME, D., LAWRENCE, T., PÉRET, B., MOSCARDI, E., BARBEAU, D., GODIN, C., SALT, D., GUYOMARC'H, S., STELZER, E.H.K., MAIZEL, A., LAPLAZE, L. and BENNETT, M.J., 2013. Lateral root morphogenesis is dependent on the mechanical properties of the overlaying tissues Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 10(13), 5229-5334 JACQUES E, BUYTAERT J, WELLS DM, LEWANDOWSKI M, BENNETT MJ, DIRCKX J, VERBELEN J and VISSENBERG K, 2013. Microfilament Analyzer, an image analysis tool for quantifying fibrillar orientation, reveals changes in microtubule organization during gravitropism. The Plant journal. 74(6), 1045-1058 LAVENUS J, GOH T, ROBERTS I, GUYOMARCH S, LUCAS M, DESMET I, FUKAKI H, BEECKMAN T, BENNETT M and LAPLAZE L, 2013. Lateral root development in Arabidopsis: fifty shades of auxin Trends in Plant Science. 18(8), 450-8 ORMAN B, PARIZOT B, GANTET P, BEECKMAN T, BENNETT M and DRAYE X, 2013. Post-embryonic root organogenesis in cereals: branching out from model plants Trends in Plant Science. 18(8), 459-467 MAIRHOFER S, ZAPPALA S, TRACY S, STURROCK C, BENNETT MJ, MOONEY SJ and PRIDMORE TP, 2013. Recovering complete plant root system architectures from soil via X-ray μ-Computed Tomography. Plant methods. 9(1), 8 ZAPPALA S, HELLIWELL J, TRACY S, MAIRHOFER S, STURROCK C J, PRIDMORE T, BENNETT M J and MOONEY S, 2013. Effects of X-ray dose on rhizosphere studies using X-ray computed tomography Plos One. 8(6), POUND, M.P., FRENCH, A.P., ATKINSON, J.A., WELLS, D.M., BENNETT, M.J. and PRIDMORE, T., 2013. RootNav: navigating images of complex root architectures Plant Physiology. 162(4), 1802-1814 PERET B, MIDDLETON A, FRENCH A, LARRIEU A, BISHOPP A, NJO M, WELLS D, PORCO S, MELLOR N, BAND L, CASIMIRO I, KLEINE-VEHN J, VANNESTE S, SAIRANEN I, MALLET R, SANDBERG G, LJUNG K, BEECKMAN T, BENKOVA E, FRIML J, KRAMER E, KING J, DE SMET I, PRIDMORE T, OWEN M and BENNETT M, 2013. Sequential induction of auxin efflux and influx carriers regulates lateral root emergence Molecular Systems Biology. (In Press.)
HILL K, PORCO S, LOBET G, ZAPPALA S, MOONEY S, DRAYE X and BENNETT MJ, 2013. Root Systems Biology: bridging regulatory networks to rhizosphere-scale processes Plant Physiology. WILSON, M, GOH, T, VOSS, U, BISHOPP, A, PERET, B and BENNETT, M.J., 2013. SnapShot: RootDevelopment Cell. 155, 1190-110.e.l
ZHANG, W, SWARUP, R, BENNETT, M.J., SCHALLER, G.E. and KIEBER, J.J., 2013. Cytokinin Induces Cell Division in the Quiescent Center of the Arabidopsis Root Apical Meristem Current Biology. 23, 1979-1989 MURARO D, MELLOR N, POUND MP, HELP H, LUCAS M, CHOPARD J, BYRNE HM, GODIN C, HODGMAN TC, KING JR, PRIDMORE TP, HELARIUTTA Y, BENNETT MJ and BISHOPP A, 2013. Integration of hormonal signaling networks and mobile microRNAs is required for vascular patterning in Arabidopsis roots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111(2), 857-862 MAIRHOFER, S., ZAPPALA, S., TRACY, S., STURROCK, C., BENNETT, M.J., MOONEY, S. and PRIDMORE, T., 2012. RooTrak: automated recovery of 3D plant root architecture in soil from X-ray micro computed tomography using visual tracking Plant Physiology. 158(2), 561-569 BRUNOUD, G., WELLS, D.M., OLIVA, M., LARRIEU, A., MIRABET, V., BURROW, A.H., BEECKMAN, T., KEPINSKI, S., TRAAS, J., BENNETT, M.J. and VERNOUX, T., 2012. A novel sensor to map auxin response and distribution at high spatio-temporal resolution Nature. 482(7383), 103-106 BAND, L.R., UBEDA-TOMAS, S., DYSON, R.J., MIDDLETON, A.M., HODGMAN, T.C., OWEN, M.R., JENSEN, O.E., BENNETT, M.J and KING, J.R., 2012. Growth-induced hormone dilution can explain the dynamics of plant root cell elongation Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: PNAS. 109(19), 7577-7582 BAND. L.R., WELLS, D.M., LARRIEU, A., SUN, J., MIDDLETON, A.M., FRENCH, A.P., BRUNOUD, G., SATO, E.M., WILSON, M.H., PÉRET, B., OLIVA, M., SWARUP, R., SAIRANEN, I., PARRY, G., LJUNG, K., BEECKMAN, T., GARIBALDI, J.M., ESTELLE, M., OWEN, M.R., VISSENBERG, K., HODGMAN, T.C., PRIDMORE, T.P., KING, J.R., VERNOUX, T. and BENNETT, M.J., 2012. Root gravitropism is regulated by a transient lateral auxin gradient controlled by a tipping-point mechanism Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(12), 4668-4673 MIDDLETON AM, UBEDA-TOMAS S, GRIFFITHS J, HOLMAN T, HEDDEN P, THOMAS SG, PHILLIPS AL, HOLDSWORTH MJ, BENNETT MJ and OWEN MR, 2012. Mathematical modelling elucidates the role of transcriptional feed-back in gibberellins signalling PNAS. 109, 7571-7576
WELLS, D.M., FRENCH, A.P., NAEEM, A., ISHAQ, O., TRAINI, R., HIJAZI, H., BENNETT, M.J. and PRIDMORE, T.P., 2012. Recovering the dynamics of root growth and development using novel image acquisition and analysis methods Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 367(1595), 1517-1524 POUND, M.P., FRENCH, A.P., WELLS, D.M., BENNETT, M.J. and PRIDMORE, T.P., 2012. CellSeT: novel software to extract and analyze structured networks of plant cells from confocal images Plant Cell. 24(4), 1353-1361 PERET B, LI G, ZHAO J, BAND L, VOSS U, POSTAIRE O, LUU D, DA INES O, CASIMIRO I, LUCAS M, WELLS D, LAZZERINI L, NACRY P, KING J, JENSEN O, SCHAFFNER A, MAUREL C and BENNETT MJ, 2012. Auxin regulates Aquaporin function to facilitate lateral root emergence. Nature Cell Biology. 10, 991-8 PÉRET, B., SWARUP, K., FERGUSON, A., SETH, M., YANG, Y., DHONDT, S., JAMES, N., CASIMIRO, I., PERRY, P., SYED, A., YANG, H., REEMMER, J., VENISON, E., HOWELLS, C., PEREZ-AMADOR, M.A., YUN, J., ALONSO, J., BEEMSTER, G.T.S., LAPLAZE, L., MURPHY, A., BENNETT, M.J., NIELSEN, E. and SWARUP, R., 2012. AUX/LAX genes encode a family of auxin influx transporters that perform distinct functions during Arabidopsis development The Plant Cell. 24(7), 2874-2885 BAND L.R, FOZARD J.A, GODIN C, JENSEN O.E, PRIDMORE T, BENNETT M.J and KING J.R, 2012. Multiscale Systems Analysis of Root Growth and Development: Modeling Beyond the Network and Cellular Scales The Plant Cell. 24, 1 - 16 ANTONI R, GONZALEZ-GUZMAN, RODRIGUEZ L, PEIRATS-LLOBET M, PIZZIO G.A, FERNANDEZ M.A, DE WINNE N, DE JAEGER G, DIETRICH D, BENNETT M.J and RODRIGUEZ P.L, 2012. PYL8 plays an important role for regulation of ABA signaling in root. Plant Physiology. MARHAVY P, VANSTRAELEN M, DE RYBEL B, ZHAOJUN D, BENNETT M.J, BEECKMAN T and BENKOVA E, 2012. Auxin Reflux between the endodermis and pericycle promotes lateral root initiation The EMBO Journal. 1 - 10 ECKARDT, N.A, 2012. In Silico Plant Biology Comes of Age Plant Cell. 24, 3857-3858
GENDRE, D., OH, J., BOUTTE, Y., BEST, J.G., SAMUELS, L., NILSSON, R., UEMURA, T., MARCHANT, A., BENNETT, M.J., GREBE, M. and BHALERAO R, 2011. Conserved Arabidopsis ECHIDNA protein mediates trans-Golgi-network trafficking and cell elongation Proceedings of the National Academyof Sciences of the United States of America: PNAS. 108(19), 8048-8053 HACHAM Y, HOLLAND N, BUTTERFIELD C, UBEDA-TOMAS S, BENNETT MJ, CHORY J and SAVALDI-GOLDSTEIN S, 2011. Brassinosteroid perception in the epidermis controls root meristem size Development. 839-48
MURARO D, WILSON M and BENNETT MJ, 2011. Root Development: Cytokinin Transport Matters Too! Current Biology. R423-R425
LUCAS M, LAPLAZE L and BENNETT MJ, 2011. Plant systems biology:network matters Plant, Cell & Environment. 535-553
MURARO D, BYRNE H, KING J, VOSS U, KIEBER J and BENNETT MJ, 2011. The influence of cytokinen-auxin cross-regulation on cell-fate determination in Arabidopsis thaliana root development Journal of Theoretical Biology. 152-167
VERNOUX, T., BRUNOUD, G., FARCOT, E., MORIN, V., VAN DEN DAELE, H., LEGRAND, J., OLIVA, M., DAS, P., LARRIEU, A., WELLS, D., GUEDON, Y., ARMITAGE, LL, PICARD, F., GUYOMARC'H, S., CELLIER, C., PARRY, G., KOUMPROGLOU, R., DOONAN, J.H., ESTELLE, M., GODIN, C., KEPINSKI, S., BENNETT, M., DE VEYLDER, L. and TRAAS, J, 2011. The auxin signalling network translates dynamic input into robust patterning at the shoot apex Molecular Systems Biology. 7, 508 DESMET I, WHITE P, BENGOUGH AG, DUPUY L, PARIZOT B, CASIMIRO I, HEIDSTRA R, LASKOWSKI M, LEPETIT M, HOCHHOLDINGER F, DRAYE X, ZHANG H, BROADLEY MR, PERET B, HAMMOND JP, FUKAKI H, MOONEY S, LYNCH J, MALAMY J, NACRY J, SCHURR U, LAPLAZE L, BENFEY P, BEECKMAN T and BENNETT M, 2011. Analyzing Lateral Root Development: How to move forward Plant Cell. 23, 1 - 6
UGARTECHEA-CHIRINO, Y., SWARUP, R., SWARUP, K., PERET, B., WHITWORTH, M., BENNETT, M.J. and BOUGOURD, S., 2010. The AUX1 LAX family of auxin influx carriers is required for the establishment of embryonic root cell organisation in Arabidopsis thaliana Annals of Botany (Lond). 105((2)), 277-289 MIDDLETON, A.M, KING, J.R, BENNETT, M.J and OWEN, M.R., 2010. Mathematical modeling of the Aux/IAA negative feedback loop Bull Math Biol. 72(6), 1383-1407 TWYCROSS, J., BAND, L.R., BENNETT, M.J., KING, J.R. and KRASNOGOR, N., 2010. Stochastic and deterministic multiscale models for systems biology: an auxin-transport case study BMC Systems Biology. 4, 34 UBEDA-TOMAS, S and BENNETT, M.J., 2010. Plant Development: Size Matters, and it's all down to hormones Current Biology. 20, 511-513 DE SMET, I., LAU, S., VOSS, U., VANNESTE, S., BENJAMINS, R., RADEMACHER, E.H., SCHLERETH, A., DE RYBEL, B., VASSILEVA, V., GRUNEWALD, W., NAUDTS, M., LEVESQUE, M.P., EHRISMANN, J.S., INZE, D., LUSCHNIG, C., BENFEY, P.N., WEIJERS, D., VAN MONTAGU, M.C.E., BENNETT, M.J., JURGENS, G. and BEECKMAN, T., 2010. Bimodular auxin response controls organogenesis in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107(6), 2705-2710 DHONDT, S, COPPENS F., DE WINTER F., SWARUP K., MERKS R.M.H, INZE D., BENNETT M.J and BEEMSTER T.S, 2010. SHORT-ROOT and SCARECROW regulate leaf growth in Arabidopsis by stimulating S-phase progression of the cell cycle. Plant Physiology. 154(3), 1183-1195 AKHTAR T.A., ORSOMANDO G., MEHRSHAHI P., LARA-NUNEZ A., BENNETT M.J., GREGORY 3RD J.F. and HANSON A.D., 2010. A central role for gamma-glutamyl hydrolases in plant folate homeostasis Plant Journal. 64(2), 256-266 BASKIN T.I., PERET B., BALUS KA F., BENFEY P.N., BENNETT M.J., FORDE B.G., GILROY S., HELARIUTTA Y., HEPLER P.K., LEYSER O., MASSON P.H., MUDAY G.K., MURPHY A.S., POETHIG S., RAHMAM A., ROBERTS K., SCHERES B., SHARP R.E. and SOMERVILLE S., 2010. Shootward and rootward: peak terminology for plant polarity. Trends in Plant Science. 15(11), 593-4 PERRINE-WALKER F., DOUMAS P., LUCAS M., VAISSAYRE V., BEAUCHEMIN N.J., BAND L.R., CHOPARD J., CRABOS A., CONEJERO G., PERET B., KING J.R., VERDEIL J-L., HOCHER V., FRANCHE C., BENNETT M.J., TISA L.S. and LAPLAZE L., 2010. Auxin carriers localization drives auxin accumulation in plant cells infected by frankia in casuarinas glauca actinorhizal nodules. Plant Physiology. 1372-1380
DE RYBEL, B., VASSILEVA, V., PARIZOT, B., DEMEULENAERE, M., GRUNEWALD, W., AUDENAERT, D., VAN CAMPENHOUT, J., OVERVOORDE, P., JANSEN, L., VANNESTE, S., MOLLER, B., WILSON, M., HOLMAN T., VAN ISTERDAEL, G., BRUNOUD, G., VUYLSTEKE, M., VERNOUX, T., DE VEYLDER, L., INZE, D., WEIJERS, D., BENNETT, M.J. and BEECKMAN, T., 2010. A novel Aux/IAA28 signaling cascade activates GATA23-dependent specification of lateral root founder cell identity Current Biology. 20(19), 1697-1706 LUCAS M., SWARUP R., PAPONOV IA., SWARUP K., CASIMIRO I., LAKE D., PERET B., ZAPPALA S., MAIRHOFER S., WHITWORTH M., WANG J., LJUNG K., MARCHANT A., SANDBERG G., HOLDSWORTH M.J., PALME K., PRIDMORE T., MOONEY S. and BENNETT M.J., 2010. Short-Root regulates primary, lateral, and adventitious root development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 384-98
DE SMET I., VOSS U., LAU S., WILSON M., SHAO N., TIMME R., SWARUP R., KERR I., HODGMAN C., BOCK R., BENNETT M.J., JURGENS G. and BEECKMAN T., 2010. Unravelling the evolution of auxin signalling. Plant Physiology. 209-221
WELLS D.M., WILSON M.H. and BENNETT M.J., 2010. Feeling UPBEAT about Growth: Linking ROG Gradients and Cell Proliferation. Developmental Cell. 644-645
MEHRSHAHI, P., GONZALEZ-JORGE, S., AKHTAR, T.A., WARD, J.L., SANTOYO-CASTELAZO, A., MARCUS, S.E., LARA-NUÑEZ, A., RAVANEL, S., HAWKINS, N.D., BEALE, M.H., BARRETT, D.A., KNOX, J.P., GREGORY, J.F., HANSON, A.D., BENNETT, M.J. and DELLAPENNA, D., 2010. Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development Plant Journal. 64(2), 267-279 PERET, B., DERYBEL, B., CASIMIRO, I., BENKOVA, E., SWARUP, R., LAPLAZE, L, BEECKMAN, T. and BENNETT,M.J., 2009. Arabidopsis lateral root development: an emerging story Trends in Plant Science. 14, 399-408 UBEDA-THOMAS, S., FEDERICI, F., CASIMIRO, I., BEEMSTER, G.T.S., BHALERAO, R., SWARUP, R., DOERNER, P., HASELOFF, J. and BENNETT, M.J., 2009. Gibberellin signaling in the endodermis controls Arabidopsis root meristem size Current Biology. 19(14), 1194-1199 PARRY, G., CALDERON-VILLALOBOS, L.I., PRIGGE, M., PERET, B., DHARMASIRI, S., ITOH, H., LECHNER, E., GRAY, W.M., BENNETT, M.J. and ESTELLE, M., 2009. Complex Regulation of the TIR1/AFB family of auxin receptors Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 106, 22540-22545
BIKARD, D., PATEL, D., LEMETTE, C., GIORGI, V., CAMILLERI, C., BENNETT, M.J. and LAUDET, O., 2009. Divergent Evolution of Duplicate Geners leads to Genetic Incompatibilities Within A Thaliana Science. 323, 623-626 PERET, B, LARRIEU, A and BENNETT, M.J., 2009. Lateral Root Emergence: a difficult birth J. Exp. Bot.. 60, 3637-3643 FRENCH, A., UBEDA-TOMÁS, S., HOLMAN, T.J., BENNETT, M.J. and PRIDMORE, T., 2009. High throughput quantification of root growth using a novel image analysis tool Plant Physiology. 150(4), 1784-1795 TWYCROSS, J, ROMERO-CAMPERO, F.J, BENNET, M.J, CAMARA, M and KRASNOGOR, N., 2009. Modular Assembly of Cell Systems Biology Models Using P Systems International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. 20(3), 427-442 (In Press.)
JONES, A.R., KRAMER, E.M., KNOX, K., SWARUP, R., BENNETT, M.J., LAZARUS, C.M., LEYSER, H.M.O. and GRIERSON, C.S., 2009. Auxin transport through non-hair cells sustains root-hair development Nature Cell Biology. 11(1), 78-84 SWARUP, K., BENKOVÁ, E., SWARUP, R., CASIMIRO, I., PÉRET, B., YANG, Y., PARRY, G., NIELSEN, E., DE SMET, I., VANNESTE, S., LEVESQUE, M., CARRIER, D., JAMES, N., CALVO, V. and LJUNG, K., 2008. The auxin influx carrier LAX3 promotes lateral root emergence. Nature Cell Biology. 10(8), 946-954 CARRIER, D.J., ABU BAKAR, N.T., SWARUP, R., CALLAGHAN, R., NAPIER, R.M., BENNETT, M.J. and KERR, I.D., 2008. The binding of auxin to the Arabidopsis auxin influx transporter, AUX1 Plant Physiology. 148(1), 529-535 UBEDA-TOMÁS, S., SWARUP, R., COATES, J., SWARUP, K., LAPLAZE, L., BEEMSTER, G.T.S., HEDDEN, P., BHALERAO, R. and BENNETT, M.J., 2008. Root growth in Arabidopsis requires gibberellin/DELLA signalling in the endodermis. Nature Cell Biology. 10(5), 625-628 BENNETT MJ, HAMMOND JP, WHITE PJ, 2008. Preface Special Issue: Transport of plant growth regulators Journal of Experimental Biology. 59, IV BAINBRIDGE, KATHERINE, GUYOMARC'H, SOAZIG, BAYER, EMMANUELLE, SWARUP, RANJAN, BENNETT, MALCOLM, MANDEL, THERESE and KUHLEMEIER, CRIS, 2008. Auxin influx carriers stabilize phyllotactic patterning. Genes and Development. 22(6), 810-823 BEKAERT, SAMIR, STOROZHENKO, SERGEI, MEHRSHAHI, PAYAM, BENNETT, MALCOLM J, LAMBERT, WILLY, GREGORY, JESSE F, SCHUBERT, KAREL, HUGENHOLTZ, JEROEN, VAN DER STRAETEN, DOMINIQUE and HANSON, ANDREW D, 2008. Folate biofortification in food plants. Trends in Plant Science. 13(1), 28-35 FRENCH, A.P., MILLS, S., SWARUP, R., BENNETT, M.J. and PRIDMORE, T.P., 2008. Colocalization of fluorescent markers in confocal microscope images of plant cells Nature Protocols. 3(4), 619-628 SWARUP, R., PERRY, P., HAGENBEEK, D., VAN DER STRAETEN, D., BEEMSTER, G.T.S., SANDBERG, G., BHALERAO, R.P., LJUNG, K. and BENNETT, M.J., 2007. Ethylene upregulates auxin biosynthesis in arabidopsis seedlings to enhance inhibition of root cell elongation Plant Cell. 19(7), 2186-2196 DE SMET, I., TETSUMURA, T., DE RYBEL, B., FREI DIT FREY, N., LAPLAZE, L., CASIMIRO, I., SWARUP, R., NAUDTS, M., VANNESTE, S., AUDENAERT, D., INZÉ, D., BENNETT, M.J. and BEECKMAN, T., 2007. Auxin-dependent regulation of lateral root positioning in the basal meristem of Arabidopsis Development. 134(4), 681-690 LAPLAZE, L, BENKOVA, E, CASIMIRO, I, MAES, L, VANNESTE, S, SWARUP, R, WEIJERS, D, CALVO, V, PARIZOT, B, HERRERA-RODRIGUEZ, M, OFFRINGA, R, GRAHAM, N, DOUMAS, P, FRIML, J, BOGUSZ, D, BEECKMAN, T and BENNETT, M, 2007. Cytokinins Act Directly on Lateral Root Founder Cells to Inhibit Root Initiation. Plant Cell. 19, 3889-3900 PÉRET, BENJAMIN, SWARUP, RANJAN, JANSEN, LEEN, DEVOS, GAËLLE, AUGUY, FLORENCE, COLLIN, MYRIAM, SANTI, CAROLE, HOCHER, VALÉRIE, FRANCHE, CLAUDINE, BOGUSZ, DIDIER, BENNETT, MALCOLM and LAPLA, 2007. Auxin influx activity is associated with Frankia infection during actinorhizal nodule formation in Casuarina glauca. Plant Physiology. 144(4), 1852-1862 BEKAERT, S, STOROZHENKO, S, MEHRSHAHI, P, BENNETT, M.J, LAMBERT, W, GREGORY III, J.F, SCHUBERT, K, HUGENHOLTZ, J, VANDERSTRAETEN, D and HANSON, A.D., 2007. Folate biofortification in food plants. Trends in Plant Science. 13, 28-35 DHARMASIRI, S., SWARUP, R., MOCKAITIS, K., DHARMASIRI, N., SINGH, S.K., KOWALCHYK, M., MARCHANT, A., MILLS, S., SANDBERG, G., BENNETT, M.J. and ESTELLE, M., 2006. AXR4 is required for localization of the auxin influx facilitator AUX1 Science. 312(5777), 1218-1220 KLEINE-VEHN, J., DHONUKSHE, P., SWARUP, R., BENNETT, M. and FRIML, J., 2006. Subcellular trafficking of the Arabidopsis auxin influx carrier AUX1 uses a novel pathway distinct from PIN1 Plant Cell. 18(11), 3171-81 KRAMER, ERIC M and BENNETT, MALCOLM J, 2006. Auxin transport: a field in flux. Trends in Plant Science. 11(8), 382-6 FRIML, JIRÍ, BENFEY, PHILIP, BENKOVÁ, EVA, BENNETT, MALCOLM, BERLETH, THOMAS, GELDNER, NIKO, GREBE, MARKUS, HEISLER, MARCUS, HEJÁTKO, JAN, JÜRGENS, GERD, LAUX, THOMAS and LINDSEY, KEI, 2006. Apical-basal polarity: why plant cells don't stand on their heads. Trends in Plant Science. 11(1), 12-4
GARRATT, L.C., ORTORI, C.A., TUCKER, G.A., SABLITZKY, F., BENNETT, M.J. and BARRETT, D.A., 2005. Comprehensive metabolic profiling of mono- and polyglutamated folates and their precursors in plant and animal tissue using liquid chromatography/negative ion electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 19(17), 2390-2398 SWARUP, R., KRAMER, E.M., PERRY, P., KNOX, K., LEYSER, H.M.O., HASELOFF, J., BEEMSTER, G.T.S., BHALERAO, R. and BENNETT, M.J., 2005. Root gravitropism requires lateral root cap and epidermal cells for transport and response to a mobile auxin signal Nature Cell Biology. 7(11), 1057-1065 SWARUP, R., KARGUL, J., MARCHANT, A., ZADIK, D., RAHMAN, A., MILLS, R., YEMM, A., MAY, S., WILLIAMS, L., MILLNER, P., TSURUMI, S., MOORE, I., NAPIER, R., KERR, I.D. and BENNETT, M.J., 2004. Structure-function analysis of the presumptive Arabidopsis auxin permease AUX1 Plant Cell. 16(11), 3069-3083 PAYNE, K. A., BOWEN, H. C., HAMMOND, J. P., HAMPTON, C. R., LYNN, J. R., MEAD, A., SWARUP, K., BENNETT, M. J., WHITE, P. J. and BROADLEY, M. R., 2004. Natural genetic variation in caesium (Cs) accumulation by Arabidopsis thaliana New Phytologist. VOL 162(PART 2), 535-548 REINHARDT, D., PESCE, E.-R., STIEGER, P., MANDEL, T., BALTENSPERGER, K., BENNETT, M., TRAAS, J., FRIML, J. and KUHLEMEIER, C., 2003. Regulation of phyllotaxis by polar auxin transport Nature. ISSU 6964, 255-260 HAMMOND, J.P., BENNETT, M.J., BOWEN, H.C., BROADLEY, M.R., EASTWOOD, D.C., MAY, S.T., RAHN, C., SWARUP, R., WOOLAWAY, K.E. and WHITE, P.J., 2003. Changes in gene expression in Arabidopsis shoots during phosphate starvation and the potential for developing smart plants Plant Physiology. 132(2), 578-596 CASIMIRO, I., BEECKMAN, T., GRAHAM, N., BHALERAO, R., ZHANG, H., CASERO, P., SANDBERG, G. and BENNETT, M. J., 2003. Dissecting Arabidopsis lateral root development Trends in Plant Science. VOL 8(NUMBER 4), 165-171 SCHRADER, J., BABA, K., MAY, S. T., PALME, K., BENNETT, M., BHALERAO, R. P. and SANDBERG, G., 2003. Polar auxin transport in the wood-forming tissues of hybrid aspen is under simultaneous control of developmental and environmental signals Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. VOL 100(PART 17), 10096-10101 BHALERAO, R. P. and BENNETT, M. J., 2003. The case for morphogens in plants Nature Cell Biology. VOL 5(PART 11), 939-943 SWARUP, R. and BENNETT, M.J., 2003. Auxin transport: The fountain of life in plants? Developmental Cell. 5, 824-826 BHALERAO, R., EKLOF, R., LJUNG, K., MARCHANT, A., BENNETT, M.J. and SANDBERG, G., 2002. Shoot-derived auxin is essential for early lateral root emergence in Arabidopsis seedlings Plant Journal. 29(3), 325-332 MARCHANT, A., BHALERAO, R., CASIMIRO, I., EKLOF, I., CASERO, P.J., BENNETT, M.J. and SANDBERG, G., 2002. AUX1 promotes lateral root formation by facilitating indole-3-acetic acid distribution between sink and source tissues in the Arabidopsis seedling Plant Cell. 14, 589-597 SWARUP, R., PARRY, G., GRAHAM, N., ALLEN, T. and BENNETT, M., 2002. Auxin cross-talk: integration of signalling pathways to control plant development Plant Molecular Biology. VOL 49(NUMBER 3/4), 409-424 MAY, S.T., CLEMENTS, D. and BENNETT, M.J., 2002. Finding your knockout. Molecular Biotechnology. 20, 209-221 GREBE, D., FRIML, J., SWARUP, R., LJUNG, K., SANDBERG, G., TERLOU, G., PALME, K., BENNETT, M.J. and SCHERES, M., 2002. Cell polarity signaling in Arabidopsis involves a BFA-sensitive auxin influx pathway Current Biology. 12, 329-334 CASIMIRO, I., MARCHANT, A., BHALERAO, R.P., BEECKMAN, T., DHOOGE, S., SWARUP, R., GRAHAM, N., INZÉ, D., SANDBERG, G., CASERO, P.J. and BENNETT, M., 2001. Auxin transport promotes Arabidopsis lateral root initiation Plant Cell. 13(4), 843-852 SWARUP, R., FRIML, J., MARCHANT, A., LJUNG, K., SANDBERG, G., PALME, K. and BENNETT, M., 2001. Localization of the auxin permease AUX1 suggests two functionally distinct hormone transport pathways operate in the Arabidopsis root apex Genes and Development. 15(20), 2648-2653 PARRY, G., DELBARRE, A., MARCHANT, A., SWARUP, R., NAPIER, R., PERROT-RECHENMANN, C. and BENNETT, M. J., 2001. Novel auxin transport inhibitors phenocopy the auxin influx carrier mutation aux1 Plant Journal. VOL 25(PART 4), 399-406 PARRY, G., MARCHANT, A., MAY, S., SWARUP, R., SWARUP, K., JAMES, N., GRAHAM, N.S., ALLEN, T., MARTUCCI, T., YEMM, A., NAPIER, R., MANNING, K., KING, G. and BENNETT, M.J., 2001. Quick on the uptake: characterization of a family of plant auxin influx carriers Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 20, 217 DE BILLY, F., GROSJEAN, C., MAY, S., BENNETT, M. and CULLIMORE, J. V., 2001. Expression Studies on AUX1-like Genes in Medicago truncatula Suggest That Auxin Is Required at Two Steps in Early Nodule Development Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions: MPMI. VOL 14(PART 3), 267-277 BARLIER, I., KOWALCZYK, M., MARCHANT, A., LJUNG, K., BHALERAO, R., BENNETT, M., SANDBERG, G. and BELLINI, C., 2000. The SUR2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes the cytochrome P450CYP83B1, a modulator of auxin homeostasis In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 14819-14824 BARLIER, I., KOWALCZYK, M., MARCHANT, A., LJUNG, K., BHALERAO, R., BENNETT, M., SANDBERG, G. and BELLINI, C., 2000. The SUR2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes the cytochrome P450 CYP83B1, a modulator of auxin homeostasis Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. VOL 97(PART 26), 14819-14824 SWARUP, R, MARCHANT, A and BENNETT, M.J., 2000. Auxin transport: providing a sense of direction during plant development Biochemical Society Transactions. 28, 481-486 MAY, S.T, CLEMENTS, D and BENNETT, M.J., 2000. Reverse Genetics: Screening plant populations for gene knockouts in plant hormone protocols - methods in molecular biology, G.A.Tucker and J.A.Roberts, eds Humana Press. (In Press.)
BENNETT, M.J. AND ROBERTS, J.A., 2000. Moving on up: auxin-induced K+ channel expression regulates gravitropism Trends in Plant Science. 5(3), 85-86
HARTMAN, T., MARSHALL, J., JONES, J., BLACKHALL, N.W., DAVEY, M.R., POWER, J.B., COCKING, E.C., LEITCH, I. and BENNETT, M.J., 1999. Fluorescence In Situ Hybridisation to Plant Chromosomes - Teaching Instructional Video.
MARCHANT, A., KARGUL, J., MAY, S. T., MULLER, P., DELBARRE, A., PERROT-RECHENMANN, C. and BENNETT, M. J., 1999. AUX1 regulates root gravitropism in Arabidopsis by facilitating auxin uptake within root apical tissues EMBO Journal. VOL 18(NUMBER 8), 2066-2073 MAATHUIS, F. J. M., MAY, S. T., GRAHAM, N. S., BOWEN, H. C., JELITTO, T. C., TRIMMER, P., BENNETT, M. J., SANDERS, D. and WHITE, P. J., 1998. Cell marking in Arabidopsis thaliana and its application to patch-clamp studies Plant Journal. VOL 15(NUMBER 6), 843-851 MUELLER, A., GUAN, C., GAELWEILER, L., TAENZLER, P., HUIJSER, P., MARCHANT, A., PARRY, G., BENNETT, M., WISMAN, E. and PALME, K., 1998. AtPIN2 defines a locus of Arabidopsis for root gravitropism control EMBO Journal. VOL 17(NUMBER 23), 6903-6911 MARCHANT, A. and BENNETT, M. J., 1998. The Arabidopsis AUX1 gene: a model system to study mRNA processing in plants Plant Molecular Biology. VOL 36(NUMBER 3), 463-471 MAY, S.T, MAATHUIS, F.J.M, GRAHAM, N.S, BOWEN, H.C, JELLITO, T.C, TRIMMER, P, BENNETT, M.J, SANDERS, D and WHITE, P.J., 1998. Cell marking in A.thaliana and its application to patch-clamp studies. Plant Journal. 15, 843-851 BENNETT, M.J, MARCHANT, A, MAY, S.T and SWARUP, R., 1998. Going the distance with auxin: unravelling the molecular basis of auxin transport. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences. 353, 1511-1515 BENNETT, M.J, KIEBER, J, GIRAUDAT, J and MORRIS, P., 1998. Hormone regulated development in Arabidopsis, M. Anderson and J.A.Roberts, eds Sheffield Academic Press. (In Press.)
CULLIMORE, J.V, LIGHTFOOT, D.A, BENNETT, M.J, CHEN, F.L, GEBHARDT, C, OLIVER, J and FORDE, B.G., 1998. Expression of glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase in root nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Molecular Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions, R. Palacios and D.P.S. Verma, eds (St Paul: APS PRess). 340-345
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CULLIMORE, J.V. AND BENNETT, M.J., 1992. Dinitrogen assimilation in the legume root nodule: current status of the molecular biology of the plant enzymes Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 38, 462-466
BENNETT, M.J. AND CULLIMORE, J.V., 1992. Selective cleavage of closely related mRNA's by designed ribozymes Nucleic Acids Research. 20, 831-837
FORSTHOEFEL, N.R, WU, Y, SCHULZ, B, BENNETT, M.J and FELDMANN, K.A, 1992. T-DNA insertion mutagenesis in Arabidopsis Australian Journal of Plant Physiology. 19, 353-366 BENNETT, M.J. AND CULLIMORE, J.V, 1990. Expression of three plant glutamine synthetase cDNA in Escherichia coli: Formation of catalytically active isoenzymes and complementation of a ginA mutant. European Journal of Biochemistry. 193, 319-324
CULLIMORE, J.V, COCK, J.M and ROBBINS, M.P, BENNETT, M.J., 1990. Glutamine synthetase of french bean: from gene to isoenzymes. Inorganic nitrogen in Plant and Microorganisms, W. R. Ullrich et al eds Berlin: Springer-Verlag. (In Press.)
SWARUP, R, BENNETT, M.J and CULLIMORE, J.V., 1990. Expression of glutamine synthetase genes in cotyledons of germinating Phaseolus vulgaris L.Planta. 183, 51-56
COCK, J.M, MOULD, R.M, BENNETT, M.J and CULLIMORE, J.V, 1990. Expression of glutamine synthetase genes in roots and nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris following changes in the ammonium supply and infection with various Rhizobium mutants. Plant Molecular Biology. 14, 549-560
CULLIMORE, J.V, COCK, J.M, FARNDEN, K.J.F and BENNETT, M.J., 1990. Regulation of expression of the gin-delta gene of Phaseolus vulgaris L. in nitrogen fixation: Achievements and Objectives. P. Gresshoff et al, eds New York: Chapman & Hall. (In Press.)
BENNETT, M.J. AND CULLIMORE, J.V, 1989. Glutamine synthetase isoenzymes of Phaseolus vulgaris L. subunit composition in developing nodules and plumules. Planta. 179, 443-440
CULLIMORE, J.V AND BENNETT, M.J., 1988. The molecular biology and biochemistry of plant glutamine synthetase from root nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and other legumes Journal of Plant Physiology. 132, 387-393
Non-invasive hydrodynamic imaging in plant roots at cellular resolution