The University of Nottingham

School of Physics & Astronomy

The University of Birmingham

Astrophysics & Space Research Group

About the Workshop

The 2018 Nottingham-Birmingham Workshop, University of Nottingham, Sept 10-12 2018.


The Nottingham-Birmingham workshop series consists of informal 3-day events, involving typically around 50 participants, with the aim of bringing together researchers in related strands of research in a topical and well-focussed area of astronomy. The format will be similar to previous workshops in the series, with a mixture of 15 and 30 minute slots for talks, allowing plenty of time for discussion.

Scientific Rationale

We are being deluged by data from surveys, taking us far beyond the possibility for human management, even with assistance from citizen science projects. This has motivated a rapidly increasing interest in the use of machine learning to aid in the handling of such data, including feature extraction and statistical inference in particular. The rise of deep learning algorithms such as convolutional neural networks means that many problems associated with large volumes of image data can be largely removed.

This workshop is designed to encourage those who are using such techniques to come together to share their experiences and present ideas on novel applications of machine learning in astronomy. We especially encourage talks on how these methods can be taken forward to new technologies such as LSST, JWST and EUCLID.

Science Organising Committee