Home Address
Correspondence Address
Please supply details of Higher Education Institutions attended with full dates
For example Bsc Hons or Msci
Use UK equivalent if EU student
Please include any relevant experiences or achievements not mentioned elsewhere in the application.
Please include relevant work experience, including your role, employer and dates of employment.
Please list any publications, talks, academic poster presentations and/or prizes.
All applicants should answer the following questions.
Select your first choice of Magnify project
Select your second choice of Magnify project
Select your third choice of Magnify project
Please upload your transcript(s).
Please ensure you upload a transcript for each of your degree level qualifications. We do not require a degree certificate.
Applications submitted without the required documents or with incorrect paperwork will not be considered.
If the combined file size is too large (over 4MB) then we will not be able to receive it.
Please save file as SURNAME_initial_[Research Area*]_transcript (.pdf) *For Research Area, please select IBB (for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy), or MCO (for Molecules, Cells & Organisms) or AFS (Agriculture and Food Security).
If you have more than one transcript, please upload the second transcript here
This data is to support our equality, diversity and inclusion monitoring and will not be used in our selection process.
please complete if selected: A disability, impairment or medical condition not listed/ if you have multiple conditions
Please select which group best describes your ethnic origin
To be eligible, the candidates must have UK fees status at the time of application. Additionally, the candidates must also meet at least one of following criteria:
1. Identity as Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic
2. Receive of full amount of student loan
3. Have a declared disability
4. Have spent more than 3 months in local authority care
5. Be a registered carer
6. Have refugee status from the Home Office
7. Studying at or graduated from a non-Russell group university