School of Biosciences

Image of Malcolm Bennett

Malcolm Bennett

Professor of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Science



The hidden half of plant biology has been an enduring interest throughout my 20 year research career at Nottingham. Our research team have characterised many of the regulatory signals, genes and mechanisms that control root growth, development and adaptations to their soil environment. Highlights include initially identifying the first plant auxin transport protein AUX1 which controls root angle (Bennett et al, 1996, Science) and more recently elucidating how roots grow or branch preferentially towards moisture using hydrotropism (Dietrich et al, 2017, Nature Plants), hydropatterning (Orosa-Puente et al, 2018, Science) and xerobranching responses (Mehra et al, 2022, Science).

Over the past two decades, I have embraced a systems biology approach to study root development, helping establish the BBSRC/EPSRC Centre for Plant Integrative Biology (CPIB) at Nottingham. Highlights include elucidating how hormones like auxin control root growth and branching (Band et al, 2012, PNAS; Swarup et al, 2008, Nature Cell Biology). Our team is currently translating knowledge about the genes and signals regulating key root traits such as angle, depth and branching to re-engineer root architecture in crops and improve sustainability and yields (Huang et al, 2018, Nature Comms; Pandey et al, 2021, Science).

To uncover new traits determining water and nutrient use efficiency in crops, colleagues in Biosciences, Maths, Engineering, Computer Sciences and I have pioneered efforts to non-invasively image roots in soil. We have created the Hounsfield Facility (, an unique X-ray based root phenotyping platform integrating robotics, microCT scanners and AI-basd image analysis software. Research highlights include imaging novel root adaptive responses in soil termed Xerobranching and Hydropatterning, where roots only branch when in contact with water (Orman et al, 2018, Current Biology; Bao et al, 2014, PNAS) and discovering the ethylene based gas diffusion mechanism controlling soil compaction responses (Pandey et al, 2021, Science).

I have published over 230 research papers and review articles about root growth and development and am ranked in the top 1% most highly cited animal and plant biologists. These research activities have attracted several awards including a Royal Society Wolfson Research Fellowship (2013 and Dundee Medal (2022), together with election as a member of the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO; 2014) and Fellow of the Royal Society (2020).

Teaching Summary

Plant development

Plant evolution

Plant stem cells

Selected Publications

School of Biosciences

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Nr Loughborough
LE12 5RD, UK

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