School of Biosciences

Image of Stacia Stetkiewicz

Stacia Stetkiewicz

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science



My research interest is in using interdisciplinary approaches to identify, understand and overcome barriers to uptake in relation to win-wins for sustainable food systems. I use a mix of natural and social science techniques in my work, with a particular emphasis on stakeholder engagement and co-development. I have worked with farmers, NGOs, policy makers, and agribusinesses to understand the complexities of our food system both in the UK and internationally.

Research Summary

I have three current main research strands:

Developing a fair and resilient food system

  • Learning from each other to cope with crisis: Utilising insights from COVID-19 on health and sustainability
    • I am PI on this project, leading a team of sixresearchers, investigating the impacts of COVID-19 on the health and sustainability of consumers' dietary choices. We are using a mix of surveys and focus groups to identify those most affected by COVID-19 and to co-create coping mechanisms. Geolocation analysis will assess the effect of infrastructure (e.g., green spaces) on stress and purchasing habits. Our goal is to develop interventions and solutions to build resilience to future shocks into the UK food system.

Sustainable food choices

  • Developing a Methodology for an Integrated Multi-attribute Sustainability Index: A Case of the UK Food System
    • ​​​​​​​I am a Co-I on this STFC Food Network + funded scoping project, working as part of an interdisciplinary team to develop a method for integrating quantitative data and consumer insights into a food sustainability index.

Sustainable agricultural production

  • CropBooster-P: Designing plants for our future (Lancaster University)
    • I am currently finalising work done with Lancaster and Wageningen Universities on this EU H2020 funded project. I was responsible for assessing the farm-level impact of potential crop improvements aiming to increase yield, nutrition, and/or sustainability aspects of our food system.

Recent Publications

School of Biosciences

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Nr Loughborough
LE12 5RD, UK

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