Careers and Employability Service
Postgraduate researchers

Exploring your skills and career options

These pages will help you to recognise and value the wide range of competencies and skills PhD researchers acquire and develop.

You can also start to explore the broad career routes on offer and begin to plan your post PhD career.

Three researchers, two are looking at the other carrying out an experiment

What researchers have to offer

Analyse the skills you've developed and how these might be valued by employers

Woman standing in a conference room with people sitting at the table around her

PGR pathways

Learn about your broad career options within and outside academia

There are a lot of great resources on the website and they're easy to access, but I think your one-to-one consultation is the crown jewel and can (I'm certain it does) have a great impact on interview outcomes.
Raquel Mesquita-Ribeiro, PhD

Careers and Employability Service

University of Nottingham
Portland Building, Level D
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 3680
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3679