Careers and Employability Service
Services for current students




As a psychology graduate you will be equipped with a range of subject-specific and transferable skills that are highly valued by employers, enabling you to enter a wide range of careers.

Nationally the most common sectors for psychology graduates to be in 15 months after graduation is childcare health and education (20.8%), which includes psychology-related professions within healthcare and education

Source: HECSU – What do Graduates do 2023/24

The psychology degree at Nottingham is accredited by the British Psychological Society and you will need this accreditation to work in professional psychology.

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What skills will I gain during my degree?

In addition to your subject specific knowledge, your psychology degree will equip you with a range of transferable skills including:

  • written, verbal and visual communication skills
  • understanding human behaviour
  • handling data, statistics and numerical information
  • proficiency with information technology including databases and statistical software
  • problem solving
  • project management
  • ability to critically evaluate sources of information
  • responsibility for own self-learning and skill development
  • teamwork, collaboration and social interaction
  • planning, reflection and independent study skills

How can I develop my skills and gain experience during my degree?

Due to the range of career options and sectors open to you, it is important to consider your options early on in your course and look for opportunities to gain relevant experience and skills.  As well as improving your CV, gaining experience can also help you to make choices about your future career.

Work experience

Depending on what area of work or role you might be interested in, and where, there will be specific strategies, from speculative applications to formal processes you need to be familiar with.


School of Psychology research placements

The School offers research internships over the summer for second year students for up to six weeks during the summer. Gaining research experience can be beneficial for students interested in pursuing PhDs or research-based roles as well as professional psychology careers.


Nottingham Internship Scheme

We work closely with a huge variety of local and national businesses to bring you an exciting range of internship opportunities, for both current students and recent graduates



There are lots of opportunities to volunteer locally through the Students' Union's Student Volunteer Centre and volunteering centres in the city and beyond.


Nottingham Advantage Award

The Nottingham Advantage Award offers interesting extracurricular modules to develop your employability. With over 200 modules across our three campuses in the UK, China and Malaysia, you're bound to find modules that appeal.

There are a number of modules specifically for you including psychology internships, Engaging the public With psychology and career skills for psychology students.


Students' Union

Get involved in a society or sports club whether you are a team member, treasurer or marketing officer, you'll gain valuable skills and experiences that employers will love!


Students in Classrooms

There are three initiatives which will give you the opportunity to work in a local educational setting.  These initiatives support the academic attainment and raise the aspirations of primary and secondary pupils, whilst developing the skills and employability of those involved. 

These are excellent opportunities for students considering teaching, youth work or community engagement as a career.


Apply for part-time jobs through us

We advertise part-time, casual and temporary jobs on campus and with local businesses. Created just for you, the advertised vacancies can fit around your studies and other commitments. 

The vacancies are advertised in two places. 


How can I find a year-long placement?

All psychology students have the opportunity of taking an optional placement year as part of their studies. It will be your responsibility to find and apply for a placement but there is lots of support available from us both  in terms of internet resources, group workshops and one-to-one appointments.

A psychology-related placement could mean many different things. Have a think about:

  • what are you looking to get out of the placement in terms of experience or skills
  • what sort of settings and locations are you interested in
  • what sort of role are you looking to find

Business-based placements

Business-based placements should normally be paid and could include things like human resources, marketing or consultancy.

You are able to apply for any type of placement – there does not have to be a direct link with your academic study area.

It is a good idea to choose a placement in a sector that you might decide to work in after graduation although any year-long work placements should improve your employability.


Psychology-based placements

It is more difficult to find one website which houses all psychology related placements. You may need to contact organisations speculatively and some of these opportunities may be unpaid. It could be worth looking for placement roles within organisations such as:

  • Home Office
  • National Crime Agency
  • Metropolitan Police
  • NHS
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
  • Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development
  • Social Communication Disorders Clinic at Great Ormond Street Hospital
  • Youth offending teams
  • HM Prisons and probation services
  • IAPT Services

Start your search


What are the range of careers I can enter? Includes UoN case studies

Professional psychology

Psychology graduates enter a diverse range of occupations and further study.  About 20% of UK psychology graduates become chartered psychologists progressing in fields such as clinical, forensic, educational and occupational psychology. Take a look at the BPS website to find out more about career options in professional psychology.

For all routes into professional psychology there is a requirement for postgraduate study at either a masters or post-doctorate level. It is important to be aware that acceptance onto professional doctorate qualifications is extremely competitive and it is very rare for students to progress straight onto this qualification following graduation. If you are interested in a professional psychology career it is really important to gain substantial paid or voluntary work experience with the client group you are interested in working with.

Professional psychology career stories from UoN alumni stories

The case studies are, in the main, from Nottingham alumni working in clinical, educational, forensic, health, occupational and, sports and exercise psychology

Using psychology in careers helping others 

Psychology graduates often use their skills to help others within roles such as community work, counselling and advice work, mental health work, research or teaching.  

As an alternative to clinical psychology graduates could also investigate careers such as Psychological Well-being Practitioner or High Intensity Therapist. Both of these roles are based within NHS IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapy) services.

Applications for assistant psychologist or psychological well-being practitioner can be competitive so gaining voluntary or other work experience within the community, education, research, or mental health can be highly beneficial ahead of applying to these types of roles.

Read UoN alumni stories about using psychology in careers helping others

These career stories include:

  • Dafinah Azman, Assistant Psychologist, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust
  • Francine Wheldon, Paediatric Occupational Therapist and Sensory Integration Practitioner working in a private practice
  • Jessica Fath, Trainee Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner, Rethink Mental Illness

Using psychology in business-related careers

Some graduates progress to more business related jobs such as marketing, PR and advertising, human resources (HR), consultancy, finance and retail management. Also see the next section on careers in HR and marketing for top advice.

Read our UoN alumni about using psychology in business-related careers

These career stories include:

  • Daisy Orme,  Account Management Associate, Gartner
  • Sarah Maddison, Data Scientist and Software Developer, Tessella
  • Abi Bennetts, Digital PR Strategist
  • Martina di Costanzo, Project Manager, Rolls-Royce

Using psychology in research

Some psychology graduates wish to continue researching into the field of psychology.  This could involve studying at PhD level or undertaking a research assistant position.  A masters level qualification may be useful for this type of work.

Read our case studies from two UoN PhD researchers

  • Karl Miller, PhD researcher
  • Luke Sawyers, PhD researcher

Getting into human resources (HR) and marketing


Using your knowledge and understanding

HR departments are generally responsible for developing and implementing policies to ensure staff are used effectively within an organisation. This covers a diverse range of areas, including employment conditions, recruitment, pay, training, working practices, and equality and diversity.

A psychology degree involving intensive study of how and why people think and act the way they do is often seen as an excellent course of preparation for working in HR.

For example, understanding the theory and concepts behind reward and motivation can inform how staff incentive programmes are developed to encourage productivity and staff retention, as well as informing the development of staff wellbeing policies. As another example, understanding how assessments can be used effectively in testing and interviewing candidates, or measuring employee engagement and satisfaction, can draw upon skills from your psychology degree.

Using your skills

Employers will expect students with a psychology degree to be effective listeners, approachable and detail-orientated while possessing excellent written and verbal communication, data handling and problem-solving skills.

All these skills will be useful for a career in HR as you will be working with people, sometimes during potentially sensitive situations where staff will speak to you confidentially about issues that affect them. You will need to ensure policies and activities are followed exactly and records are updated as well as dealing with data and sensitive information (such as attendance records and pay details) requiring effective data handling skills developed during your degree.

Occupational psychologist

You may also be interested in working as an occupational psychologist. This role entails looking at how people behave at work, and, depending on the needs of the organisation, can cover broad areas such as counselling, personal development, designing work environments, selecting candidates and employee training and motivation.

To work as an occupational psychologist you will need a British Psychology Society (BPS) accredited masters course such as the University's MSc Occupational Psychology.

Find out more about a career in HR


Marketing essentially involves understanding people’s needs and wants to create marketing campaigns that show how a product or service meets these. Marketing is a common career path for psychology graduates who want to use the skills developed on their degree in a non-clinical setting.

For instance, an understanding of cognitive psychology concepts such as cognitive biases and how people might not trust something ‘new’ and ‘untested’ could be useful when looking to market a new product or service.

Principles of social psychology are also commonly used by marketers, such as to create marketing campaigns that encourage potential customers to gradually change their behaviour and become paying customers.

In addition, researching and understanding human behaviour is very relevant to being a market researcher, and can be useful in considering and anticipating customer needs in other marketing roles, such as creating plans to engage with a particular audience.

Employers are looking for people who have excellent communication skills and creative problem-solving skills, which you will develop during your studies. 

Find out more about a career in marketing


Psychology - Where are they now?

Six UoN psychology graduates shared their career paths. They highlighted  how they got into their current roles and shared insights about navigating careers in a range of sectors.

  • Nichola Hattamsworth, Centre Leader, Into University
  • Leonie Royes, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust 
  • Amy O’Dell, Human Factors Engineer, Transport for London 
  • Alex Barston, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 
  • Rhiannon Kilgariff, Social Value Strategic Manager, ISG 
  • Shona Williams, in training as a clinical associate psychologist

Login to SharePoint to watch the webinar

  • Alumni: Email us to gain access to the webinar

Icon of a video playing


Career destinations of Nottingham psychology graduates

Here are some examples of the graduate employment destinations. The most common sector destinations for UoN psychology graduates are healthcare, social care and education.

Business, HR and finance

  • Accountant
  • Graduate trainee – finance
  • HR adviser
  • Recruiter
  • Recruitment analyst

Childcare, Health and Education

  • Assistant psychologist
  • Healthcare assistant
  • Mental health worker
  • Psychology trainee
  • Teacher
  • Teaching assistant
  • Therapy assistant
  • Trainee psychological wellbeing practitioner

Legal, social and welfare professions

  • Civil servant
  • Paralegal
  • Police officer
  • Researcher
  • Support worker
  • Welfare and equal opportunities officer

Marketing, PR and sales

  • Account executive
  • Marketing executive
  • Customer relationship management (CRM analyst)


  • Merchandising assistant
  • Buying assistant
  • Retail manager
  • Retail graduate trainee

What are my further study options? Includes video from PhD alumna

Every year up to 30-40% of psychology graduates choose to build on their undergraduate study by undertaking a psychology related taught masters course. 

Graduates have successful achieved places on courses including:

  • Brain Imaging
  • Health Psychology
  • Mental Health Research
  • Occupational Psychology
  • PGCE courses 
  • Psychology Research Methods
  • Rehabilitation Psychology

Psychology MSc courses at the University of Nottingham are offered within the School of Psychology and the Division of Psychiatry and Applied Psychology in the School of Medicine.

Most students who wish to progress to a PhD will have studied at postgraduate taught level. Other students opt to take a postgraduate qualification which will allow them to pursue a particular career interest, such as teaching.

For careers in professional psychology a specific doctorate-level qualification is often a requirement.  These doctorate courses offer a combination of academic teaching and service based learning alongside research.  Entry is extremely competitive and students should gain as much relevant experience as possible before applying. 


Explore more



Careers and Employability Service

University of Nottingham
Portland Building, Level D
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 3680
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3679