Careers and Employability Service
Services for current students

Workplace communication

Two men looking at a despatch notice in a warehouse

Communication is frequently cited as an essential skill by employers, but just why is it so important?

Good communication between colleagues fosters a positive and inclusive culture that helps to:

  • build relationships and increase collaboration
  • spark new ideas and encourage innovation
  • avoid confusion or duplication navigate ‘tricky’ topics constructively

What might an employer want to see from a new starter? 

Two UoN graduates who both work in graduate talent development offer their insights into workplace communication:

Employers are looking for enthusiasm - there is no substitute for sheer passion when communicating, no need to over-egg it but this is an exciting time in your career, show people your energy when you communicate with them! 
Gowtam (Biochemistry, 2016) 
An authentic and respectful approach can go a long way for effective workplace communication. Having an open mind with a propensity to actively listen to new perspectives will naturally see that your collaborative mindset is appreciated across the business.
Amin (Civil Engineering, 2013) 

Methods of communication 





Non-verbal communication (body language)


Written communication


Delivering presentations


Communication checklist

Regardless of what method you’re using to communicate, here’s some things to keep in mind:   


Be clear about why you’re communicating and the key messages you need to get across. Think about how much context or background information might be helpful. If you have a lot of information you need to share, think about how you might break this up into smaller chunks. Consider the use of questions to elicit a response.  


Think about the words you choose carefully. Sometimes technical terminology is required, and acronyms can aid brevity (so long as everyone knows what they mean). However, as a general rule, a simple, jargon free approach tends to be more inclusive and is less likely to lead to misunderstanding.  

Being concise 

Try to communicate concisely. People are often busy at work, and this can help to demonstrate that you respect the audience’s time.   


The level of formality required will vary depending on the circumstances, but you should always be polite and inclusive.  

And finally... 

Remember that not all communication is perfectly polished all the time. While the above pointers are important, so is keeping it real, embracing mistakes as learning opportunities, and being true to yourself. Experiment with different approaches to build your own signature communication style.  

Explore more

You may also find the following pages helpful:


Relationship with your manager

Working digitally

Careers and Employability Service

University of Nottingham
Portland Building, Level D
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 3680
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3679