Part-time and vacation work

Finding a part-time or temporary job is important for many students. You can earn money and boost your CV at the same time!
Whatever type of work you do, don't underestimate the value of the work and the skills you have gained. We can help you reflect on your experience and articulate how this has developed your skills.
Full-time students are advised not to work more than 20 hours per week during term time as stipulated in the university's regulations.
Part-time work on campus and in the local area
Our JobZone team advertise part-time, casual and temporary jobs on campus and with local businesses. Created just for you, we advertise vacancies that can fit around your studies and other commitments.
The vacancies are advertised offer: excellent rates of pay, holiday pay, complete flexibility – you choose when you work.
Roles include: social media ambassadors, research assistants, catering and hospitality staff, invigilators, sports assistants and administrative roles.
More unusual roles include: milk recorders (milking cows and collecting samples) machinery and animal technicians, seed sowing and harvesting assistants.
Don't worry if you don't have any work experience on your CV, there are plenty of opportunities you can apply for including student ambassador roles at the university's Open Days.
(My) part-time roles have not only supported me financially but have also provided insights into the job market, and the work culture in the UK. I wholeheartedly recommend that every student explore the opportunities on offer.
Reflect on your experience to enhance future job applications. Take our NOOC.
Explore our Part-time jobs and volunteering NOOC
This online NOOC can help you consider the opportunities available, learn about how to reflect on your experiences, and access helpful information about how to identify and articulate your skills and knowledge. The NOOC explores a range of topics and signposts you to helpful resources on our website.
You can do as much or as little of the NOOC course as you wish. Or, you can complete the full course as part of your Nottingham Advantage Award. You can do this by completing the online activities alongside the work or volunteering experience you have gained.
Take a look at the NOOC
More sources of vacancies
International students and postgraduate researchers
International students
Most international students are eligible to work up to 20 hours a week during term time. However, this will depend on your visa so it is important to check on an individual basis.
Check UKCISA for more information
Postgraduate researchers
Before undertaking part-time work, please check with your department if there is any restriction on the number of hours you can work, especially for jobs outside the university.
Some departments offer teaching and lab work opportunities. Please check department noticeboards for vacancies and online use the part-time jobs on campus website.
Other more general opportunities exist within the university, for example resident tutor in a hall of residence. These posts are advertised on the university's website.
For information on work experience opportunities, please visit our PGR website:
Work experience opportunities
Your rights at work, Income Tax and National Insurance
Your rights at work
For information on your working rights in the UK such as the National Minimum Wage, the National Living Wage and working hours, please visit the following page:
Your rights at work
Income tax
When you begin work you will need a tax code which tells your employer what your personal tax allowance will be. To obtain your tax code, you will need to fill in a P46 form.
For details of paying Income Tax visit the HMRC website or contact HM Customs and Revenue office Nottingham 0300 200 3500.
National Insurance
If you are a UK citizen you should have been sent a card with the details of your NI number from HM Revenues and Customs (HMRC) shortly after your sixteenth birthday. If you didn't receive one or have lost it, please contact HMRC on 0300 200 3500.
If you are a non-UK citizen, you should contact Jobcentre Plus to apply for your NI number as soon as you are offered a job. Contact them on 0845 600 0643.
You will be invited to an interview at your local JobCentre Plus office. It usually takes six to 12 weeks for your application to be processed but you can still work during this time. Inform your employer as soon as you have your NI number.