Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics


The ERC Project Cooperation Team

Principle Investigator | Researchers

 Principal Investigator

Principle Investigator; MA, PhD (Vienna)

Email: simon.gaechter@nottingham.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)115 84 6613

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Simon's research interests are in the area of behavioural and experimental economics, organisational economics, labour economics, and game theory. His main research tools are experiments. Currently, his main research interests are on voluntary cooperation in the presence of free rider incentives, and on the interplay of material and psychological incentives in incentive provision. He has published in American Economic Review, Econometrica, Science, Nature, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of the European Economic Association, and Management Science. He is also an associate editor of Management Science, the Journal of Behavior and Organization, and the Journal of Economic Psychology. He is the holder of a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Investigator grant on the Behavioural Economics of Cooperation (2012-2017).

Research interests
Behavioural and experimental economics; Voluntary cooperation, free riding, and punishment; Social comparisons and wage formation; Behavioural properties of incentive contracts; Loss aversion; Social interaction effects.




ERC-AdG Research Assistant 2012-2014; now Postdoctoral Research Coordinator in the Human Cooperation Laboratory at MIT, USA

Email: arechar@mit.edu

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Research Assistant and PhD Student in ERC Project Cooperation, 2012-2014

Research interests

Experimental Economics; Cross-Cultural Comparisons; Anti-social Behaviour; Individual Decision Making under Uncertainty; Applied Microeconomics.


Benjamin-Beranek Photo
ERC-AdG Research Assistant 2014-2017; now Visiting Assistant Prof in Dept of Economics, Connecticut College
Email: bberanek@conncoll.edu

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Research Assistant and PhD Student in ERC Project Cooperation, 2014-2017

Research interests

Experimental Economics, Other-Regarding Preferences, Cross Cultural Variation, Variation in Individual Decision Making in Developed and Developing Countries.


ERC-AdG Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2012-2013; now Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Cologne

Email: felix.koelle@uni-koeln.de

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Postdoctoral Research Fellow for ERC Project Cooperation, 2012-2013

Research interests

Behavioural and Experimental Economics, (Applied) Microeconomics, Labour and Personnel Economics, Public Economics.


ERC-AdG Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2013-2016; now Research Scientist at Connecting Minds Lab, Univ of Amsterdam.

Email: l.s.molleman@uva.nl

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Postdoctoral Research Fellow for ERC Project Cooperation, 2013-2016

Research interests

Cooperation; Social learning; Cultural evolution; Experimental economics; Individual decision-making.


ERC-AdG Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2012-2015; now Assistant Professor in Economics, George Mason University, USA.

Email: jschulz4@gmu.edu

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Postdoctoral Research Fellow for ERC Project Cooperation, 2012-2015

Research interests

Behavioural and Experimental economics particularly cross cultural differences in social norms and decision making.


Ori_Weisel Photo
ERC-AdG Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2013-2016; now Senior Lecturer, Organizational Behavior group at Tel Aviv University

 Email: oriw@tauex.tau.ac.il

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Postdoctoral Research Fellow for ERC Project Cooperation, 2013-2016

Research interests

Determinants of intra- and inter-group conflict and cooperation; group decision making (in particular in economic settings); cooperation and competition in social dilemmas under uncertainty.


ERC-AdG PhD Student at University of Nottingham, 2013-2017; now Lecturer in Economics, University of Newcastle

Email: till.weber@ncl.ac.uk

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PhD Student in ERC Project Cooperation, 2013-2017

Research interests

Behavioural economics, experimental economics, pro-social preferences, cooperation and social norms.


Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 5458
Enquiries: jose.guinotsaporta@nottingham.ac.uk
Experiments: cedex@nottingham.ac.uk