Simon's research interests are in the area of behavioural and experimental economics, organisational economics, labour economics, and game theory. His main research tools are experiments. Currently, his main research interests are on voluntary cooperation in the presence of free rider incentives, and on the interplay of material and psychological incentives in incentive provision. He has published in American Economic Review, Econometrica, Science, Nature, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of the European Economic Association, and Management Science. He is also an associate editor of Management Science, the Journal of Behavior and Organization, and the Journal of Economic Psychology. He is holder of the European Research Council Advanced Grant project 101020453 PRINCIPLES, which runs from September 2021 until August 2026.
Research interests
Behavioural and experimental economics; Voluntary cooperation, free riding, and punishment; Social comparisons and wage formation; Behavioural properties of incentive contracts; Loss aversion; Social interaction effects.