Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics



Principal Investigator | Postdoctoral Research FellowsPhD Students | Affiliated PhD Students

Principal Investigator

Simon Gaechter
Principle Investigator; MA, PhD (Vienna)

Simon's research interests are in the area of behavioural and experimental economics, organisational economics, labour economics, and game theory. His main research tools are experiments. Currently, his main research interests are on voluntary cooperation in the presence of free rider incentives, and on the interplay of material and psychological incentives in incentive provision. He has published in American Economic Review, Econometrica, Science, Nature, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of the European Economic Association, and Management Science. He is also an associate editor of Management Science, the Journal of Behavior and Organization, and the Journal of Economic Psychology. He is holder of the European Research Council Advanced Grant project 101020453 PRINCIPLES, which runs from September 2021 until August 2026. 

Research interests
Behavioural and experimental economics; Voluntary cooperation, free riding, and punishment; Social comparisons and wage formation; Behavioural properties of incentive contracts; Loss aversion; Social interaction effects.

Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Research Fellow; BA (Bristol), MSc & PhD (Warwick)

Eugene's research interests are human cooperation and decision-making across cultures in collective action problems; early life experience; trust and social capital.


Research Fellow; BA, MA, MSc (Vienna), PhD (Amsterdam)

Joris' research interests are social mechanisms of cooperation; blood donation behaviour; economic inequality and prosocial behaviour (charitable giving, volunteering); external validity of social preference games; interdisciplinarity.

PhD Students

Thomas Barnes
Thomas Barnes

Thomas is interested in behavioural and microeconomic theory, interdisciplinary research, and experimental economics. He is currently working on research aimed at building an understanding of the connection between measures of social value orientation used in Psychology and social preference models in economics


Pierce Gately
Pierce Gately

Pierce is interested in behavioural and experimental economics, with a particular focus on individual decision making and cooperation problems. His supervisors are Simon Gächter and Robin Cubitt.

Affiliated PhD Students

Adrian Brown

Adrian's scholarly pursuits encompass a diverse set of topics, including human cognition, rule-following, household finance, ethics, experimental and behavioural economics, public policy, and data-based research. 


Tong Fang

Tong's research interests lie in behavioural economics, cognitive economics and experimental economics. In particular, Tong is studying how interaction influences people's reasoning and preference.


Georg Sator
Georg Sator

Georg uses theoretical and experimental tools to analyse how morality and social norms affect human decision-making as well as economic outcomes. This includes the formation and evolution of norms, determinants of norm compliance and implications for public policy.


Kieran Stockley
Kieran Stockley

Kieran's research interests lie in the study of social norms, with particular interest in norm formation and change, and whether and why incorrect norms can form or can persist. Kieran is also interested in social misperceptions such as pluralistic ignorance.


This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No.10102045)






Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 5458
Enquiries: jose.guinotsaporta@nottingham.ac.uk
Experiments: cedex@nottingham.ac.uk