Consultancy and Collaboration

Our academic staff are world class scientists with a wide range of expertise and experience in chemistry and related areas. Many of these members of staff are available for consultancy to external organisations.
For local SMEs funding for work within the School of Chemistry is available through the ERDF funded Chemistry Innovation Laboratory (CIL) project.
The School of Chemistry has a successful track record of long term research collaborations with industry and is always seeking industrial and/or academic partners to further develop research and commercial activity in the above are
The School of Chemistry is recognised internationally as a world class centre of excellence for Research. Our technical skills and capability span the areas of Physical/Theoretical, Inorganic/Materials and Organic/Biological Chemistry. We also collaborate with colleagues in adjacent disciplines across the Science and Engineering faculties.
Major Research Areas
In addition to fundamental research the School has active research and development programmes and has growing expertise / intellectual property within the interdisciplinary, technology focussed areas described below:
Sustainable Energy, Chemistry and Materials
The Energy Materials Technology Platform focuses on all materials that can be used in energy generation and storage. Examples include hydrogen storage and battery materials.

Green Chemistry and Catalysis
This area focuses on using environmentally benign solvents in chemical synthesis and processing, such as polymer blending, fine chemical synthesis and oxidation.
Chemistry & Materials for Health
Research in this area includes total organic synthesis of target molecules of medicinal and pharmaceutical importance, biosensors to detect microbes and germs and preparation of novel forms of DNA for therapeutic applications.
Detection, Analysis, Sensing and Recognition
Research in this area includes the design, construction and development of novel spectroscopic, spectrometric and detection technologies for a wide range of scientific, civilian and security uses.

Nanostructured Materials
This area has been identified due to its growing importance and the substantial expertise within the School of Chemistry, highlighted by the Nottingham Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Centre (NNNC).