Offering a variety of Services for Business, from analytical services to continous professional development courses.
Nottingham Research Chemicals
We have established an internal business unit within the University named Nottingham Research Chemicals (NRC).
Nottingham Research Chemicals aims to identify, promote and sell the novel compounds that result from unique and high-quality synthetic chemistry research in the School of Chemistry. We have partnered with Key Organics, a major supplier, to promote, sell and distribute the cutting-edge research chemicals developed by our academic research groups.
Find out more about Nottingham Research Chemicals
Photene, is a platform technology for the pharmaceutical and agrochemical sector. Based on research in Prof. Neil Oldham’s research group, Photene uses cutting-edge Carbene Footprinting technology to understand biological products and map their sites.
We identify and understand protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions to aid the development of drug candidates, biotherapeutics and agrochemicals, through an advanced bottom-up proteomic method.
Photene is led by Dr. Chloe Spencer, Dr. Harry Taylor and Prof. Neil Oldham.
Find out more about Photene
Continuous Professional Development
The University of Nottingham School of Chemistry can offer continuous professional development (CPD) to businesses seeking to strengthen their knowledge and expertise in the chemical sector. The CPD programmes benefit from the expertise of world-leading academics and cutting-edge science within the School of Chemistry.
Our most recent example of this is our Sustainable Chemistry CPD programme, which trains scientists to appreciate, assess and address the challenges of sustainability across industries practicing chemistry.
Find out more about Continuous Professional Development courses
Consultancy and Collaborations
The BPU can facilitate discussions with members of our School's Academic staff to benefit from their specialist knowledge. This may lead to projects including academic consultancy, sponsored collaborative research or other strategic collaborations.
The School maintains a highly active and wide-ranging research portfolio that sustains international excellence within the following chemistry areas:
- Physical, Theoretical and Computational
- Inorganic and Materials
- Organic and Biological
Find out more about Nottingham University Consultants
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