School of Chemistry - Business Partnership Unit
Researchers in a lab

Nottingham Analytical

Providing analytical services to SMEs and international companies. 

We help to define the best approach to solve challenges in industry thanks to the scientific knowledge of our team and academic experts within the University. We have access to the latest research and state-of-the-art facilities to perform fast and bespoke analytical studies.

Contact us for support on:


Product Development


Problem Solving


Impurity Analysis


Quality Control


Regulatory Analysis


Stability Tests


Other Challenges


Contact Us



 Our facilities

We have a range of analytical capabilities as well as Nottingham Protein Footprinting and Nottingham Research Chemicals.



An image of an ICP machine


A thermal imaging machine


An NMR machine


X-Ray machine



More Techniques



Product Development

We help you to transform your business ideas into a new product and find more sustainable alternatives for your products.

We will arrange a meeting with you to discuss your business idea and identify the key areas you might need technical support with. Our team has advanced scientific knowledge and is directly connected to academic experts in many research fields across the University of Nottingham. We have open access to the latest published research and state-of-the-art facilities to perform bespoke analytical studies. Altogether, we will offer you with the support you need to develop your product.

We have helped over 150 companies to develop their products in a very wide range of sectors: chemical, nutrition, biotechnological and textile companies, among others.

Problem Solving

We assist you on solving challenges your business is facing and that require specific scientific knowledge or equipment.

We will meet you and have a discussion about your business and the challenges you are facing. Our team has advanced scientific knowledge and a lot of experience in solving technical challenges relevant to industry. We have direct access to state-of-the-art facilities to perform bespoke and fast analytical studies and we are connected to academic experts in different research fields across the University of Nottingham. Altogether, we will provide you with the support you need to overcome your business challenges.

Impurity Analysis

We perform impurity analysis of organic molecules and trace metals in all kind of samples and products.

We detect, identify and quantify organic molecules and metals that are present in your product in very low concentrations (ppm and ppb levels). We have direct access to state-of-the-art facilities including GC-MS, HPLC-MS and ICP to carry out fast and bespoke analytical studies. We have experience in processing many different types of samples (environmental, textile and fabric, food and drink, cream and lotion, metal and alloy, polymer, and many others) and knowledge to perform advanced analytical data processing to ensure good and reliable results in complex samples.

Quality Control

We carry out quality control analysis for all kind of samples and products.

We design and perform bespoke analytical studies to ensure the quality of your products is well assessed. We use cutting-edge technologies and expertise to quantify specific compounds/elements in your products, determine the chemical/physical properties and study the 3D structure of your final or intermediate materials. Specific validation parameters can be tested to meet your requirements.

Regulatory Analysis

We test your products for compliance and regulatory requirements.

We perform bespoke studies able to detect and quantify regulated compounds at ppm levels in all kind of materials and products. We have advanced analytical knowledge to obtain and process data from complex samples and access to EPA and ISO methods and protocols. The results can be reported in different formats to meet standardised templates upon requirement.

Stability Tests

We perform stability tests for all kind of products and materials.

We conduct experimental analysis to measure the properties of your products after applying different external conditions. We have state-of-the art facilities and expertise on temperature, oxygen, UV light and external forces exposure to materials, among others. We have performed stability tests to a wide variety of products and materials within numerous industry sectors (environmental, textile and fabric, food and drink, cream and lotion, metal and alloy, polymer, etc.).

Other Challenges

If you are facing other challenges, please do get in touch!

Our team is very flexible and our expertise embraces many different areas. If we were not able to support with your particular challenge, then we might be able to put you in contact with relevant colleagues/academics in the University of Nottingham that would love to help.

 Contact us now


Business Partnership Unit

School of Chemistry
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 84 68078