Department of American and Canadian Studies

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Employability Celebratory Showcase Dinner

School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies work placement schemes hosted a celebratory showcase dinner on 3 May 2018.

Dr Gillian Roberts Awarded British Academy Small Grant

Congratulations to Dr Gillian Roberts from American and Canadian Studies, who has received a British Academy small grant for her project 'Postcolonial Film Adaptation: Race, Nation, and Cultural Power in the Global Cultural Marketplace.'

Christopher Phelps' essay awarded Honorable Mention in the Arthur Miller Centre Essay Prize

Christopher Phelps's essay "The Sexuality of Malcolm X" (Journal of American Studies, 2017) has been awarded Honorable Mention in the Arthur Miller Centre Essay Prize at the British Association of American Studies annual meeting on 7 April 2018.

Congratulations - Research funding

Dr Gillian Roberts, Associate Professor (American and Canadian Studies), has received a British Academy small grant for her project 'Postcolonial Film Adaptation: Race, Nation, and Cultural Power in the Global Cultural Marketplace.'Dr Ting Chang from the Department of History of Art has been awarded a Leverhulme Research Fellowship for 12 months for to research "Playing Empire in the 19th Century: Games, Spectacles and Colonial Subjects"Jimmy Brookes, PhD student, was recently awarded a year-long pre-doctoral fellowship at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, under the direct supervision of Eleanor J. Harvey (senior curator) and James Barber (historian at the National Portrait Gallery), commencing 30 September 2018. Jimmy would would like to ensure that staff are aware of the placement for their own PG students (, and to make it known he would be very happy to share advice, examples from his application form, etc. to ensure that others can make use of this opportunity in the future.

Staff Oscars 2018

Success continues with further nominations in the Staff Oscars for the School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies.
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