Russian Day for teachers and pupils of Russian GCSE and A level

Wednesday 11th November 2015 (09:00-17:00)

14-16th September: Foreign Film Workshops for sixth form students in the East Midlands in Hallward Library Screening Room, University of Nottingham. Films include Goodbye Lenin, Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios and La Haine.

18th September: European Day of Languages for Year 9 pupils from local schools. Visiting pupils have a menu of taster language sessions including Portuguese, Mandarin, Modern Greek and Japanese and other languages based activities to celebrate the annual event.

5th November: American Studies and History Taster Day for sixth formers including attendance at first year lectures and specially designed seminars.

11th November: Russian Day for teachers and pupils of Russian GCSE and A level as part of the departmental centenary celebrations.

1st December: French/Spanish Taster Day for sixth formers in local schools including attendance at a first year lecture and a languages taster session.

For more information please contact the Widening Participation Officer.

Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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