Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

Breakfast and Brief-Writing' session at Broadway Cinema

The Languages for Business team hosted a successful ‘Breakfast and Brief-Writing’ session at Broadway Cinema, in the fashionable surroundings of the Paul Smith Screen 4. Project co-ordinators Dr Neil Hughes and Jo Gregory and assistant Jodie Thompson met with some interesting local businesses to talk about the work placement scheme which matches up students with language skills and businesses looking to attract international trade. Representatives of the East Midlands Department for International Trade also came along to show their support.

Chinese is always a popular and sought after language for work placements and this was reflected in the discussions with the businesses. As well as French and Spanish, the team also had a request for a student with Japanese language skills which is bit more of a challenge to find. Languages for Business managed a Japanese language placement earlier this year so it can be done. 

Posted on Tuesday 30th October 2018

Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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