School of Computer Science

EDI news and events

Welcome to the news and events page for the EDI committee. Here you will find our latest newsletter as well as events coming up within Computer Science and around the University relating to EDI activities. If you would like to add your event to this page please email


Computer Science EDI newsletter 

 3 students sat outside reading in front of library

Issue one- September 2019

The autumn term newsletter looks at what has been happening over summer at Computer Science as well as giving more details about some of the up and coming events at the University. 

EDI events 

 audience sat in an auditoriumEDI events from the wider University community can be found here.





Connect with us!

UoN EDI Blog

UoN Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Website

Follow us on X (@UoNComputerSci)

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Email Us


School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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