School of Computer Science

Outreach and Public Engagement

Staff in the school engage in a wide range of activities involving both schools and the public to promote a better understanding of science and to encourage young people to embark on a career in science. 

Examples include:

  • Science in the Park
  • Festival of Science and Curiosity
  • Family Discovery Day
  • Ada Lovelace Day Events
  • Step Into Cyber Events
  • Issac Computer Science Events
  • Sutton Trust Summer School 
  • Work Experience
  • Royal Society Exhibition 2024

For more information on outreach please contact the outreach team

Robot Dog

Computerphile YouTube Channel

Staff at the School Computer Science have collaborated with filmmaker Brady Haran since 2009 to create videos for the poplar YouTube Channel <computerphile>.

Whilst the videos are designed to be accessible to a wide audience, we are delighted that many teachers use them as enrichment material to supplement teaching in school. If you are a teacher who uses <computerphile> videos in the classroom, we would love to hear your feedback.  Please send us a message from your official school email account to describing how you make use of the videos.


Outreach across the faculty

Plant scientists examine crops on Sutton Bonington campus

School of Biosciences

A chemistry student performs experiments in a lab

School of Chemistry

A science student engages in their work

Cross faculty outreach

A student delivers a talk in a maths seminar

School of Mathematical Sciences

A pharmacy student conducts research

School of Pharmacy

A physics student examines a molecular beam

School of Physics and Astronomy

A psychology student wears an EEG cap

School of Psychology


School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

For all enquires please visit: