School of Computer Science

Responsible Digital Futures

 The mission of the Responsible Digital Futures Group is to actively engage in and promote research, innovation, and education in the field of digital technology. We are committed to advancing digital solutions that respect ethical standards, embrace inclusivity, and contribute positively to societal and environmental well-being. Our work encompasses critical evaluation of emerging technologies, advocacy for responsible design and usage, and collaboration with diverse stakeholders to ensure that digital advancements align with our core values of sustainability, equity, and human-centric development. Through interdisciplinary collaboration and public engagement, we aim to shape a technological landscape that is not only advanced but also responsible, just, and attuned to the long-term impacts on humanity and the planet.

The mission will be accomplished by:

• Undertaking internationally excellent research that supports our claim to thought leadership and allows us to take a leading role in national and international networks;

• Generating impact in academia and society;

• Informing teaching and knowledge exchange;

• Collaborating with academic and other partners in the UK, the US, Europe, Africa and world-wide;

• Implementing reflective practices to ensure the group is open, welcoming and aligned with members' values;

• Build on and develop core research strengths, e.g. in responsible innovation, ethics of generative AI or social implications of emerging digital technologies.

We envision a future where digital technologies enhance human potential, foster sustainable development, and promote an equitable, inclusive society. This implies that technological advancements are developed responsibly, ethically, and with a deep understanding of their long-term impacts on people and the planet. In this future, the Responsible Digital Futures Group will be a nationally and internationally recognised thought leader and provide core research capabilities in the School of Computer Science of the University of Nottingham. It will be a highly sought-after location for scholars to undertake research.

To find out more please visit our website


School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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