School of Computer Science

Visualization and Computer Graphics Group

The Visualization, Text Analytics, and Graphics Group (VisTAG)

The Visualization, Text Analytics, and Graphics Group (VisTAG) at the University of Nottingham conducts internationally leading research in the areas of visualization, computer graphics, and text analytics including information visualization, scientific visualization, visual analytics, natural language processing and information retrieval. Given the accelerated growth rate of data in this day and age, never have these technologies been so important as they are today.

Data visualization, text analytics, and computer graphics exploit the power of both commodity graphics hardware and the human visual system in order to convey meaning and insight into large collections of data. In other words, visualization, text analytics and graphics generate meaningful pictures that provide much more insight and meaning than, say, looking at a large spreadsheet with thousands of raw numbers on it. Data visualization and analytics can summarize thousands, millions, billions or more numbers very rapidly through the use of computer generated graphics and text analytics. These graphics and text analytics convey meaning and insight much more effectively via the visual system. Data visualization and text analytics excel at:

  1. Exploration-helping users to explore their data without any prior knowledge and discover new patterns and features,
  2. Analysis-helping expert users, who know a lot about their data, in order to confirm or refute a given hypothesis, 
  3. Presentation-helping users communicate the results of exploration and analysis through the use of pictures, videos and natural language conversations. 

Research Topics Include:

  • Information Visualization
  • Scientific Visualization
  • Visual Analytics
  • Data Science
  • Information Retrieval
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computer Graphics
  • Visual Data Analysis
  • Visual ComputingText Analytics
  • Human-Centered Machine Learning
  • Human-AI Teaming/Human-in-the-Loop

Collaboration with Industry

Are you a business interested in collaborating with researchers? If so, please let us know.  Businesses can benefit from visualization because they have very large collections of complex data and processes which are not fully exploited and maybe not even fully understood.  We have collaborated with several companies on visualization and visual analytics projects including: Curiosity Software Ltd, QPC Ltd, We Predict Ltd, Grid-Tools Ltd (now, Leadin UK Ltd (now, AVL GmbH as well as others.  Also, we are looking for students interested in undertaking leading research work in the field of data visualization who would like to have a real-world impact.

Call for Students

We are always looking for ambitious undergraduate, masters, PhD candidates, summer interns, visiting scholars, and collaborators to join (or work with) the group. If you are interested, please contact one of the group members.


For more detailed and in-depth information about our projects and publications, please visit the web pages of the individual team members.

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

For all enquires please visit: