Welcome to the webpage of the 'Circling the square: Research, politics, media and impact' Conference hosted by the Science, Technology and Society Priority Group at the University of Nottingham.
The conference explored the role of knowledge in policy making, bringing together international scholars in the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, practitioners at the science-policy interface, the public and the media.
The conference was a resounding success and created lively discussion on the floor and online.
Videos and slides from the conference are being posted on a weekly basis on our new blog
Circling the Square blog
Here are some posts on external sites about the conference:
Reiner Grundmann, Circling the Square- an experiment
Brigitte Nerlich, Blogging the Circling of the Square on MSciP
Ruth Dixon, Circles and Squares – Where Do the Facts Lie?
Athene Donald, Social Scientist for the Day?
Sylvia McLain, Under the Microscope
Philip Moriarty, The laws of physics are undemocratic on Physicsfocus.
Philip Moriarty, Science is not what you want it to be on MSciP
Tim Johnson, Scientific facts and democratic values
Brigitte Nerlich, Going round in circles on MSciP
Warren Pearce, Academic jargon in the social sciences: self-indulgence or necessary evil? on MSciP
Kate Roach, The Impact awards: A short story for the Circling the square conference on MSciP
Alasdair Taylor, The peril of the press release
Alasdair Taylor, Has the square been circled?
And then there’s physics, Circling the square
Megan Beech, Circling the Square- research communication and impact
Research Fortnight, Is science advice inherently politicised?
Gregory Hollin, Kandinsky, New Objectivity, and ripping apart the furniture
Sarah Hartley, Warren Peace, Risk assessment policy as regulatory science