
Public Debate 

"Who decides the future: science, politics or the people?"

23 June 2015, 18:00 - 19:30
Council House, Nottingham

Who has the power to decide where our societies are heading, and what is the right balance between scientific progress, democratic oversight and political leadership?

In our interconnected and technologically advanced world, science is seen as vital to securing our future wellbeing: identifying threats and producing innovative solutions. Politicians look to science as a guide to the future direction of society. Yet, the relationship of science and politics with the public is often uneasy. Some new scientific frontiers, such as genetically modified crops and stem cell research, sit uneasily with many in society. Equally, the objectivity from which science draws its power may become threatened by too close a relationship with government.


  Maria Nedeva

Debate Chair

Maria Nedeva

Professor of Science and Innovation Dynamics and Policy at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research

Mike Bonsall 

Professor of Mathematical Biology at the University of Oxford, and member of DEFRA Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment

Mike is also involved in science policy work with the European Food Safety Authority.

 Mike Bonsall



 Clare Burrage

Clare Burrage

Royal Society University Research Fellow in the Particle Theory group at the University of Nottingham

Clare participated in the Royal Society MP-Scientist pairing scheme and the Houses of Parliament SET for Britain event.

Duncan Davis

Young Greens Officer Nottingham, Physics student and President of the Young Greens society at the Students' Union, University of Nottingham

Duncan speaks here in a personal capacity




Roland Jackson

Roland Jackson

Executive Chair of Sciencewise,
member of the Industrial Biotechnology Catalyst Management Board,
and member of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics

Roland speaks here in a personal capacity.




This event is free of charge, please sign up to register 










Venue: Nottingham Coucil House (Ballroom), Smithy Row, City Centre, NG1 2DT

Open session of the conference "Circling the Square 2"
Organised by the Science, Technology and Society Priority Group at the University of Nottingham
With support from Nottingham Catalyst

Science, Technology and Society Priority Group

Law and Social Sciences Building
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151