
Phonons 2015


The 15th International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, Phonons 2015, is the latest in the pre-eminent conference series on the physics of phonons and phonon interactions. It is held nominally every three years, the recent previous conferences were held in Taipei, Taiwan (2010) and Michigan, USA (2012).

Phonons 2015 will consist of: plenary sessions covering some of the latest developments in phonon physics; parallel oral sessions, including invited talks on key topics; poster sessions; and social events to facilitate discussions in the phonon physics community.

The conference will take place on the University of Nottingham, University Park campus, close to the historic city of Nottingham. The city has excellent transport links to the major international airports in the UK and is easily reached by visitors from all over the world.

Registration for Phonons 2015 will remain open until the start of the conference, please follow this link.

The conference program is now complete and the final version of the Program Booklet is now online. Please follow the link on the sidebar.

The local organizing committee is looking forward to welcoming you to Nottingham. There will be a welcome reception with drinks and a barbecue on Sunday 12th July at 18:00 after registration. We wish you a trouble-free journey to Nottingham.


12-17 July 2015


University of Nottingham, UK

Registration fee 

Not including accommodation

Early: £300

Standard: £350



Venue and provisional date for Phonons 2018








Plenary speakers

Fabrice Vallee, University of Lyon, France: Acoustic Vibrations of Nanoparticles

Kevin Pipe, University of Michigan, USA: Engineering Heat Transfer in Soft Materials

Per Delsing, Chalmers University, Sweden: Interaction Between Surface Acoustic Waves and a Superconducting Qubit

Keith Nelson, MIT, USA: Acoustic Phonons on all Length and Time Scales in Solids and Liquids

Invited speakers

Daniel Lanzillotti Kimura, CNRS Marcoussis, France: Nanomechanics in three-dimensional optophononic resonators

Tsuneyoshi Nakayama, Tongji University, PR China/Hokkaido University Japan: Thermoelectric Clathrates - Realizing the Phonon-Glass Electron-Crystal Concept

Daniel Navarro Urrios, CNR, Italy: A self-stabilized coherent phonon source driven by optical forces

Dmitri Yakovlev, TU-Dortmund, Germany:  Coherent phonons in 3D periodic nanostructures: experiments with opals and colloidal supra-crystals

Sergey Skipetrov, CNRS Grenoble, France: Ultrasound at the Anderson localization transition

Paulo Santos, PDI-Berlin, Germany: Control of Exciton-Polariton Condensates by Acoustic Lattices

Baowen Li, National University of Singapore/Tongji University China: Anharmonic Phonons, Mean Free Path and Anomalous Heat Conduction in Low Dimensional Nonlinear Lattices

Eva Weig, Uni-Konstanz, Germany: Phonons in MEMS and NEMS and optomechanical systems

Giorgia Fugallo, EPFL SNRS, France: Thermal Conductivity of Graphene and Graphite: Collective Excitations and Mean Free Paths

Matias Bargheer, Universitaat Potsdam, Germany: Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction Experiments on the Lattice Dynamics of (anti-)Ferromagnetic Thin Films

Lifa Zhang, University of Texas at Austin, USA: Chiral Phonons in 2D Systems

Young-Dahl Jho, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea: Electrically Switching Transverse Acoustic Phonons

Is this for you?

You should attend this conference if you have a research interest in phonon physics, including:

  • Light, neutron and x-ray inelastic scattering
  • Nano- and micro-scale phonon transport
  • Phonons and phonon-phonon interactions in nanoscale materials and structures 
  • Coherent phonons and ultrafast acoustics
  • Lattice dynamics
  • Electron-phonon interactions
  • Phonons in MEMS and NEMS and optomechanical systems
  • Phonons in glasses and disordered materials
  • Phononic crystals
  • Phonon laser (saser)
  • Phonons in biological materials
  • Phonons in emerging two-dimensional systems
  • Surface acoustic waves, science and technology
  • Nonlinear phonon phenomena
  • Phonon applications in quantum technologies
  • New phonon techniques, materials and phenomena




The University of Nottingham
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5162