Staff counselling
The University Counselling Service offers free, confidential support to University of Nottingham staff.
Our professionally qualified counsellors can offer help with personal and psychological problems.
You can contact us to arrange a counselling consultation yourself - you don't have to be referred by your tutor or GP.
What to expect from your counselling consultation
Your consultation will last up to 50 minutes. The time will be used to discuss your situation in more depth to help you gain a clearer understanding of what has been happening and to think about some strategies that might help. Your counsellor may also suggest some self-help resources, groups or workshops that are relevant to you, and provide you information about other local services.
Many people find that a single counselling consultation will give them the support and insight they need to get on with their lives without further help. in some cases, however, the counsellor may suggest a follow-up appointment.
Missed appointments and late cancellation of appointments
We recognise that it is sometimes difficult to attend appointments at the University Counselling Service, however, we are very busy service and late cancellations and missed appointments cannot be offered to other students and staff who are waiting. Our full policy can be found here.
How confidential is counselling?
The Counselling Service takes confidentiality very seriously. All client information is treated in confidence. This means that we do not disclose verbal or written information without your permission or consent.
Where you have given consent to a third party (non-UoN) body i.e. police etc to have access to your notes, you will be invited in prior to their release to review them and to be advised of the potential emotional implications.
The only exceptions are where there is a legal obligation to disclose information (which is very rare) or when a member of the service believes the client or other people are at serious risk. In these circumstances we will seek your consent to pass on concerns before information is disclosed.
Further details can be found on our confidentiality page.
Your counselling appointments are confidential. Audio / video recordings of the sessions is not permitted.