The University Counselling Service

Training placements

The University Counselling Service (UCS) offers a limited number of unpaid training placements each academic year, running from September to June. These give those who take part the chance to work with an established team using a range of theoretical orientations and provides an opportunity to accumulate counselling hours in a professional setting.

Due to potential conflicts of interest and boundary issues, we are not able to take students or staff members of The University of Nottingham.

What we are offering:

  • Each placement is for one day per week, in-person, at our University Park campus
  • The opportunity to practice working with students on a short-term basis either in-person, online or over the phone
  • Supervision offered on a weekly basis from the service within the core theoretical orientation of the trainee.
  • The opportunity to participate in any in-house training events organised during the academic year

What we are looking for:

Applicants must:

  • have completed at least two years of professional counselling or psychotherapeutic training (not including introductory courses)
  • have completed a supervised counselling placement of a minimum of 100 hours as an integral part of the course.
  • the training must be at the level of the minimum BACP requirement for membership and progression on to BACP individual accreditation i.e. a minimum of one year's full time or two years' part time formal tuition and integral, supervised placements.
  • have experience of working with a wide range of emotional and psychological difficulties
  • work within the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) or the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) ethical framework, and with particular reference to confidentiality and boundaries
  • be prepared to engage in short-term work
  • have a particular interest in counselling in a Higher Education setting
  • have studied at degree level, either as part of the course or as previous degree, owing to the nature of the HE context and presenting issues.
  • be able to organise effectively and fulfil the administrative requirements of the placement role
  • have the ability and willingness to work within a team.

We welcome applications from a wide range of backgrounds and communities

Please note that applications are now closed for the academic year 2024/2025

Enquires: FAO Placements Coordinator to

University Counselling Service

The Orchards
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 3695

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