
Module enrolment for new and returning students

Make sure you complete module enrolment at your earliest opportunity so that your personal timetable is updated, you can access module information on Moodle, and to avoid missing out on capped modules.
15 September 2023

Discounts available on Mandarin lessons from the Nottingham Confucius Institute

An early bird discount is available to University of Nottingham students on Mandarin Lessons from The Nottingham Confucius Institute
13 September 2023

Cost of living

Are you worried about the cost of living? Here are some suggestions to help make your money go further.
13 September 2023

Have you registered to vote in Nottingham?

As a university student, you can vote in local elections at both your home and term-time addresses.
05 September 2023

2023/24 teaching timetables

Individual teaching timetables for the 2023/24 academic year will be available for returning students from Monday 4 September.
31 August 2023

Congratulations to our 2023 BUCS award winners

The university won 5 of the 6 awards that our athletes and staff were nominated for.
26 July 2023

Summer assessment results are now available

All you need to know about module results, finalist award outcomes and progression.
18 July 2023

Summer activities for international students

Staying in Nottingham over the summer? There's plenty to do!
07 July 2023

Celebrating 50 years of friendship

Last weekend saw a group of alumni, their families, and one former staff member descend on University Park for their annual summer picnic – a tradition that has now entered its 50th year.
07 July 2023

The BBC Concert Orchestra partnership

The world-famous orchestra has partnered with the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University to provide world-class performance, composition, and production experiences.
03 July 2023


Student news archive

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353