Global opportunities 2025/2026
Please click on the dropdown boxes below to find out the study abroad opportunities for your school/department for exchange in the 2025/2026 academic year.
Please ensure you check the notes column for the International exchange opportunities tables, as there may be certain restrictions for specific degree subjects or a partner university may have restrictions over which semester you can study abroad.
The opportunities listed here are correct as at the time of publishing and for the application year 2024/2025. Please be aware that study abroad options may change at any time for a number of reasons, including curriculum developments, changes to arrangements with partner universities, travel restrictions or other circumstances outside of the University’s control. Every effort will be made to update this information as quickly as possible should a change occur. Please note that, in order to be accepted on to a study abroad programme, you have to achieve the relevant academic requirements as set by the University AND meet the selection criteria of both the University and the partner institution (though the partner institution is under no obligation to accept you).
American and Canadian Studies
International school exchange
Four year single and joint honours degrees in American Study (International Study) require the completion of a period of study abroad, usually in North America.
American Studies (International Study) students spend third year of their four year programme abroad, normally in the United States or Canada.
Joint Honours English, History and Politics students may request to transfer into the International Study programme at the end of first year. They will then need to apply for a study abroad placement,allocation will be dependant on the number of places available at partners and is therefore not guaranteed.
Joint honours students can also apply for International exchange. English and History students must apply in first year for exchange for the spring semester of the second year. Politics students may apply in first or second year. You must get approval from both departments and should use the relevant School Global Opportunities page to see which destinations are available for you to apply for.
Places are awarded on an academically competitive basis, a minimum of a 60% average is required.
Partner institutions reflect the diversity of North America in terms of both geography and educational approach and we ensure that all are able to maintain high academic standards. Please visit the Cultures, Languages and Area Studies webpage for further information.
Cultures, Languages and Area Studies: American and Canadian Studies
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
School contact
For further information about the International school exchange, please contact the Department of American and Canadian studies study abroad academic adviser, Maria Ryan for module enquiries and the Global Opportunities team for administrative enquiries.
Department of Classics and Archaeology
International exchange
Archaeology Degrees
Apply in first year to study abroad for spring semester of second year.
Classics Degrees
Apply in first year to study abroad for autumn semester or spring semester of second year.
For exchanges in autumn semester, northern hemisphere destination are preferred and for exchanges in spring semester southern hemisphere destinations are preferred.
Open to both single and joint honours students; joint honours students must check with their other school/department to ensure that staff approve the exchange and programme of study.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
International exchange opportunities
International exchange partners
Partner university | City | Country | Notes |
Australian National University |
Canberra |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
University of Adelaide |
Adelaide |
Australia |
65% academic average required
Classics students only
Only available for Autumn semester exchange
The University of Melbourne |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
Monash University |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Newcastle |
Newcastle |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Queensland |
Brisbane |
Australia |
65% academic average required
Spring semester only
The University of Western Australia |
Perth |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
Concordia University |
Montréal |
Canada |
University of Manitoba |
Winnipeg |
Canada |
Classics students only |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
St. Johns |
Canada |
The University of Hong Kong* |
Hong Kong |
China |
Archaeology students only |
University College Dublin |
Dublin |
Republic of Ireland |
Universiteit van Amsterdam* |
Amsterdam |
Netherlands |
Archaeology students only |
The University of Auckland |
Auckland |
New Zealand |
65% academic average required SPRING SEMESTER ONLY |
The University of Canterbury |
Christchurch |
New Zealand |
65% academic average required |
National University of Singapore* |
Singapore |
Singapore |
Archaeology students only |
Lunds Universitet* |
Lund |
Sweden |
Archaeology students only |
University of Connecticut |
Storrs |
Spring semester only
Classics students only
Oregon State University |
Corvallis |
Classics students only
University of South Florida |
Tampa |
Classics students only |
*Teaching is in English
International exchange application information
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
Archaeology Overseas field placement
Archaeology Degrees only. Field work is usually carried out during the summer holiday and involves participation in an approved excavation. You are free to choose the project, although many students prefer to work on an excavation organised by a member of staff. Please visit the Department of Archaeology webpages for further information.
Department of Archeaology: Field work
School contact
For questions about academic matters relating to study abroad, please contact the Department of Archeology study abroad academic adviser, Andreas Kropp.
Cultural, Media and Visual Studies
International exchange
Open to both single and joint honours students; joint honours students must check with their other school/department to ensure that staff approve the exchange and programme of study.
Apply in first year to study abroad for autumn or spring semester of second year.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
Depending on your course combination and available modules, you may not be eligible to study at all of the listed universities. It is essential that all candidates check with the Cultural, Media and Visual Studies, International Exchange academic adviser regarding the suitability of their shortlisted university/ies before making a formal application.
Students of International Media and Communication Studies may not be able to access the appropriate language level at all universities listed below. It is imperative that students research available and credited language modules prior to embarking on the exchange.
Applicants who have not been in touch with the International Exchange study abroad academic adviser by Friday 6 December 2024 may not be considered.
International exchange opportunities
International exchange partners
Partner university | City | Country | Notes |
The University of Melbourne |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
Monash University |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required
Spring semester exchange only
Deakin University |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Queensland |
Brisbane |
Australia |
65% academic average required Spring semester only |
Concordia University |
Montréal |
Canada |
Restricted modules |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
St. Johns |
Canada |
City University of Hong Kong |
Hong Kong |
China |
Teaching is in English |
University College Dublin |
Dublin |
Republic of Ireland |
The University of Auckland |
Auckland |
New Zealand |
65% academic average required Spring semester exchange only |
University of Canterbury |
Christchurch |
New Zealand |
65% academic average required |
International exchange application information
Inter-campus exchange
University of Nottingham Malaysia
BA International Media and Communications Studies only.
Apply in first year to study abroad for the full year or spring semester of second year.
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
BA International Media and Communications Studies only.
Apply in first year to study abroad for the full year or spring semester of second year.
Inter-campus application information
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
Year abroad
Students taking BA joint honours Language (French, Spanish, German and or Portuguese) and International Media and Communications spend their third year abroad in the country of their chosen language of study. These placements are organised by the individual language sections.
All four-year degree programmes include a third year abroad. The options for your year abroad currently include, depending on languages studied and country restrictions, studying at a university or undertaking a work placement or working as a British Council language assistant.
Students on the 3 year programme BA Honours International Media and Communications (with Interfaculty language) cannot do the Year Abroad but can apply for the University-wide programme.
The UK has left the EU and all changes to immigration rules have been implemented from 1st January 2021. The UK Government has made clear that it values international exchanges and collaboration in education and training, and we should remember that the Year Abroad provision for languages students in British universities began many years before the UK’s membership of the EU, as has the British Council Teaching assistantship. The Year Abroad will stay, and students at Nottingham continue to have a range of options for their Year Abroad. We have been working with all our Erasmus+ University partners to discuss renewal of agreements and increase the number of study places for our students at our partner universities. We always strive to forge new successful partnerships and therefore see new partners joining us, whilst others are taking a new strategic route for exchanges. Work placement opportunities remain to be available but may have shifted as we continue to see changes in the working environment as a result of the Pandemic and Brexit, but we will work to provide alternative opportunities. If you plan to work in the EU, terms and conditions of employment may vary depending on the country the work placement is in.
Please visit the Cultures, Languages and Area Studies webpages for further information and to view year abroad options:
Cultures, Languages and Area Studies: year abroad
School contact
Please contact the following members of staff for further information.
International exchange
Open to both single and joint honours students; joint honours students must check with their other school/department to ensure that staff approve the exchange and programme of study.
Apply in first year to study abroad for spring semester of second year.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
International exchange opportunities
International exchange partners
Partner university | City | Country | Notes |
Helsingin Yliopisto* |
Helsinki |
Finland |
Students from the School of English only |
Ruhr-Universität Bochum* |
Bochum |
Germany |
Students from the School of English only |
Universität Heidelberg* |
Heidelberg |
Germany |
Students from the School of English only
65% academic average required
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia* |
Venice |
Italy |
Students from the School of English only |
The University of Queensland |
Brisbane |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
Concordia University |
Montreal |
Canada |
City University Hong Kong* |
Hong Kong |
China |
Kyoto University* |
Kyoto |
Japan |
University College Dublin |
Dublin |
Republic of Ireland |
The University of Auckland |
Christchurch |
New Zealand |
65% academic average required |
Universität Zürich* |
Zürich |
Switzerland |
The University of Arizona |
Tucson |
University of Connecticut |
Storrs |
Oregon State University |
Corvallis |
University of Texas at Austin |
Austin |
*Teaching is in English
International Exchange application information
Inter-campus exchange
University of Nottingham Malaysia
Apply in first year to study abroad for the spring semester of second year.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Apply in first year to study abroad for the spring semester of second year.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
Inter-campus application information
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
School contact
For further information about the International school exchange, please contact the School of English study abroad academic adviser, Sarah Grandage or the Global Opportunities Team.
For administrative queries about Inter-campus exchange, please contact the Inter-campus exchange team.
French and Francophone Studies
International exchange
Students are eligible to apply to study abroad for one semester in their second-year, in addition to the third-year abroad.
Open to both single and joint honours students; joint honours students must check with their other school/department to ensure that staff approve the exchange and programme of study.
Apply in first year to study abroad for autumn semester/spring semester of second year.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
Depending on your course combination and available modules, you may not be eligible to study at all of the listed universities. It is essential that all candidates check with the Modern Languages and Cultures International exchange study abroad academic adviser regarding the suitability of their shortlisted university/ies before making a formal application.
Applicants studying a beginners language might not be able to access the appropriate language level at all universities listed below. It is imperative that students research available language modules prior to embarking on the exchange.
Applicants who have not been in touch with the International Exchange study abroad academic adviser by Friday 6th December 2024 may not be considered.
International exchange opportunities
International exchange partners
Partner university | City | Country | Notes |
Australian National University |
Canberra |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Melbourne |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
Monash University |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required
Spring semester only
The University of Newcastle |
Newcastle |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Queensland |
Brisbane |
Australia |
65% academic average required
Spring semester only
The University of Western Australia |
Perth |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
Concordia University |
Montréal |
Canada |
Restricted modules |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
St. Johns |
Canada |
University of College Dublin |
Dublin |
Republic of Ireland |
The University of Auckland |
Auckland |
New Zealand |
65% academic average required Spring semester exchange only |
University of Canterbury |
Christchurch |
New Zealand |
65% academic average required |
The University of Arizona |
Tucson |
University of Connecticut |
Storrs |
Spring semester only |
Oregon State University |
Corvallis |
University of South Florida |
Tampa |
International exchange application information
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
Year abroad
All four year degree programmes include a third-year abroad.
The options for your year abroad currently include, depending on languages studied and country restrictions, studying at a university or undertaking a work placement or working as a British Council language assistant.
The UK has left the EU and all changes to immigration rules have been implemented from 1st January 2021. The UK Government has made clear that it values international exchanges and collaboration in education and training, and we should remember that the Year Abroad provision for languages students in British universities began many years before the UK’s membership of the EU, as has the British Council Teaching assistantship. The Year Abroad will stay, and students at Nottingham continue to have a range of options for their Year Abroad. We have been working with all our Erasmus+ University partners to discuss renewal of agreements and increase the number of study places for our students at our partner universities. We always strive to forge new successful partnerships and therefore see new partners joining us, whilst others are taking a new strategic route for exchanges. Work placement opportunities remain to be available but may have shifted as we continue to see changes in the working environment as a result of the Pandemic and Brexit, but we will work to provide alternative opportunities. If you plan to work in the EU, terms and conditions of employment may vary depending on the country the work placement is in.
Please visit the Cultures, Languages and Area Studies webpages for further information and to view year abroad options:
Cultures, Languages and Area Studies: year abroad
Semester in China
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
BA French and Contemporary Chinese Studies students spend a semester abroad in China as part of their third year abroad.
Apply in second year to study abroad for the spring semester of third year.
Inter-campus application information
School contact
Please contact the following members of staff for further information.
International exchange
Students are eligible to apply to study abroad for one semester in their second-year, in addition to the third-year abroad.
Open to both single and joint honours students; joint honours students must check with their other school/department to ensure that staff approve the exchange and programme of study.
Apply in first year to study abroad for autumn semester/spring semester of second year.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
Depending on your course combination and available modules, you may not be eligible to study at all of the listed universities. It is essential that all candidates check with the Modern Languages and Cultures International Exchange academic adviser regarding the suitability of their shortlisted university/ies before making a formal application.
Applicants studying a beginners language might not be able to access the appropriate language level at all universities listed below. It is imperative that students research available language modules prior to embarking on the exchange.
Applicants who have not been in touch with the International Exchange academic adviser by Friday 6th December 2024 may not be considered.
International exchange opportunities
International exchange partners
Partner university | City | Country | Notes |
Australian National University |
Canberra |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Melbourne |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
Monash University |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required Spring semester exchange only |
The University of Newcastle |
Newcastle |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Queensland |
Brisbane |
Australia |
65% academic average required Spring semester exchange only |
The University of Western Australia |
Perth |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
St. Johns |
Canada |
University of College Dublin |
Dublin |
Republic of Ireland |
The University of Auckland |
Auckland |
New Zealand |
65% academic average required Spring semester exchange only |
University of Canterbury |
Christchurch |
New Zealand |
The University of Arizona |
Tucson |
University of Connecticut |
Storrs |
Spring semester exchange only |
University of South Florida |
Tampa |
International exchange application information
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
Year abroad
All four year degree programmes include a third-year abroad.
The options for your year abroad currently include, depending on languages studied and country restrictions, studying at a university or undertaking a work placement or working as a British Council language assistant.
The UK has left the EU and all changes to immigration rules have been implemented from 1st January 2021. The UK Government has made clear that it values international exchanges and collaboration in education and training, and we should remember that the Year Abroad provision for languages students in British universities began many years before the UK’s membership of the EU, as has the British Council Teaching assistantship. The Year Abroad will stay, and students at Nottingham continue to have a range of options for their Year Abroad. We have been working with all our Erasmus+ University partners to discuss renewal of agreements and increase the number of study places for our students at our partner universities. We always strive to forge new successful partnerships and therefore see new partners joining us, whilst others are taking a new strategic route for exchanges. Work placement opportunities remain to be available but may have shifted as we continue to see changes in the working environment as a result of the Pandemic and Brexit, but we will work to provide alternative opportunities. If you plan to work in the EU, terms and conditions of employment may vary depending on the country the work placement is in.
Please visit the Cultures, Languages and Area Studies webpages for further information and to view year abroad options:
Cultures, Languages and Area Studies: year abroad
Semester in China
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
BA German and Contemporary Chinese Studies students spend a semester abroad in China as part of their third year abroad.
Apply in second year to study abroad for the spring semester of third year.
Inter-campus application information
School contact
Please contact the following members of staff for further information.
International exchange
Open to both single and joint honours students; joint honours students must check with their other school/department to ensure that staff approve the exchange and programme of study.
Apply in first year to study abroad for spring semester of second year.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
International exchange opportunities
International exchange partners
Partner university | City | Country | Notes |
Australian National University |
Canberra |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Melbourne |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Queensland |
Brisbane |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Western Australia |
Perth |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
Concordia University |
Montréal |
Canada |
Alternative assessment required for January exams (where applicable) |
University of Toronto Scarborough |
Toronto |
Canada |
Alternative assessment required for January exams (where applicable) |
University College Dublin |
Dublin |
Republic of Ireland |
Alternative assessment required for January exams (where applicable) |
Universiteit van Amsterdam |
Amsterdam |
Netherlands |
Teaching is in English.
Alternative assessment required for January exams (where applicable)
Lunds Universitet |
Lund |
Sweden |
Teaching is in English.
Alternative assessment required for January exams (where applicable)
Oregon State University |
Corvallis |
Alternative assessment required for January exams (where applicable) |
University of Texas at Austin |
Austin |
Alternative assessment required for January exams (where applicable) |
International exchange application information
Inter-campus exchange
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
BA History, BA History with Chinese Studies, BA History and Politics only.
Apply in first year to study abroad for the autumn semester/full year/spring semester of second year.
Minimum 55% academic average required to be considered.
Inter-campus application information
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
School contact
For questions about academic matters relating to study abroad, please contact the Department of History study abroad academic adviser, Rebecca Scott.
For administrative queries about Inter-campus exchange, please contact the Inter-campus exchange team.
International exchange
Open to both single and joint honours students; joint honours students must check with their other school/department to ensure that staff approve the exchange and programme of study.
Apply in second year to study abroad for autumn semester of third year.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
International exchange opportunities
International exchange partners
Partner university | City | Country |
The University of Hong Kong* |
Hong Kong |
China |
University College Dublin |
Dublin |
Republic of Ireland |
National University of Singapore* |
Singapore |
Singapore |
Korea University* |
Seoul |
South Korea |
Lunds Universitet* |
Lund |
Sweden |
*Teaching is in English
International exchange application information
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
School contact
For questions about academic matters relating to study abroad please contact the History of Art study abroad academic adviser, George Ogola.
International exchange
All Liberal Arts students are eligible to apply.
Apply in first year to study abroad for the autumn or spring semester of second year.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
Students must have their chosen partner and proposed modules approved by the Liberal Arts study abroad academic adviser.
International exchange opportunities
International exchange partners
Partner university | City | Country | Notes |
The University of Melbourne |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required Spring semester exchange only |
The University of Newcastle |
Newcastle |
Australia |
65% academic average required Spring semester exchange only |
McGill University |
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. Johns
Autumn semester exchange only
University of Toronto, St George Campus
University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus
Toronto |
Canada |
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Teaching is in English
University College Dublin
Republic of Ireland
Autumn or spring semester exchange
Waseda University
Teaching is in English
Spring semester only
The University of Auckland
New Zealand
65% academic average required Spring semester exchange only
National University of Singapore
Teaching is in English
Korea University
South Korea
Teaching is in English
Yonsei University
South Korea
Teaching is in English
Lunds Universitet
Teaching is in English.
Autumn semester exchange only.
University of Connecticut
Spring semester exchange only
Oregon State University
Autumn semester exchange only
University of Texas at Austin
Spring semester exchange only
International exchange application information
Year abroad
Students studying a language as part of their liberal arts degree will undertake a year abroad in their 3rd year. You will need to complete the requisite language modules in your first and second year in order to be eligible and you must be continuing your language study into your final year (4th year) to undertake the year abroad.
Please visit the Cultures, Languages and Area Studies webpages for further information and to view year abroad options:
Culture, Languages and Area studies Year Abroad
Inter-campus exchange
University of Nottingham Malaysia
Apply in first year to study abroad for the autumn semester/full year/spring semester of second year.
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Apply in first year to study abroad for the autumn semester/full year/spring semester of second year.
Inter-campus application information
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
School contact
For questions about academic matters relating to study abroad, please contact the Liberal Arts study abroad academic adviser, Polly McMichael.
For administrative queries about Inter-campus exchange, please contact the Inter-campus exchange team.
International exchange
All single honours and joint honours Music students are eligible to apply.
BA Music students apply in first year to study abroad for the autumn semester of second year.
BA Music Technology students apply in first year to study abroad for the spring semester of second year.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
International exchange opportunities
International exchange partners
Partner university | City | Country |
The University of Hong Kong* |
Hong Kong |
China |
University College Dublin |
Dublin |
Republic of Ireland |
National University of Singapore* |
Singapore |
Singapore |
*Teaching is in English
International exchange application information
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
School contact
For questions about academic matters relating to study abroad, please contact the Department of Music study abroad academic adviser, Andrew Frampton.
International exchange
Open to both single and joint honours students; joint honours students must check with their other school/department to ensure that staff approve the exchange and programme of study.
Apply in first year to study abroad for the autumn semester/full year/spring semester of second year or apply in second year to study abroad for the autumn semester of third year.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
International exchange opportunities
International exchange partners
Partner university | City | Country | Notes |
Australian National University |
Canberra |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Melbourne |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
Monash University |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required
Not available for full year or autumn semester of 2nd year.
The University of Newcastle |
Newcastle |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Queensland |
Brisbane |
Australia |
65% academic average required Spring semester exchange only |
The University of Western Australia |
Perth |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Hong Kong |
Hong Kong |
China |
Teaching is in English |
Universiteit van Amsterdam |
Amsterdam |
The Netherlands |
Teaching is in English |
University College Dublin |
Dublin |
Republic of Ireland |
Universität Zürich |
Zürich |
Switzerland |
Teaching is in English |
The University of Auckland |
Auckland |
New Zealand |
65% academic average required
Not available for autumn semester exchange in second-year.
City University of Hong Kong |
Hong Kong |
China |
Teaching is in English |
Kyoto University |
Kyoto |
Japan |
Teaching is in English |
National University of Singapore |
Singapore |
Singapore |
Teaching is in English |
Yonsei University |
Seoul |
South Korea |
Teaching is in English |
Lunds Universitet |
Lund |
Sweden |
Teaching is in English |
The University of Arizona |
Tucson |
University of Connecticut |
Storrs |
Spring semester exchange only |
University of South Florida |
Tampa |
University of Texas at Austin |
Austin |
Spring semester exchange only |
International exchange application information
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
School contact
For questions about academic matters relating to study abroad, please contact the Department of Philosophy study abroad academic adviser, Patrice Haynes.
Russian and Slavonic Studies
International exchange
Students are eligible to apply to study abroad for one semester in their second-year, in addition to the third-year abroad.
Open to both single and joint honours students; joint honours students must check with their other school/department to ensure that staff approve the exchange and programme of study.
Apply in first year to study abroad for autumn semester/spring semester of second year.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered
Depending on your course combination and available modules, you may not be eligible to study at all of the listed universities. It is essential that all candidates check with the Modern Languages and Cultures International Exchage academic adviser regarding the suitability of their shortlisted university/ies before making a formal application.
Applicants studying a beginners language might not be able to access the appropriate language level at all universities listed below. It is imperative that students research available language modules prior to embarking on the exchange.
Applicants who have not been in touch with the International Exchange academic adviser by Friday 1st December 2023 may not be considered.
International exchange opportunities
International exchange partners
Partner university | City | Country | Notes |
The University of Melbourne |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Queensland |
Brisbane |
Australia |
65% academic average required Spring semester exchange only |
University of Canterbury |
Christchurch |
New Zealand |
65% academic average required |
University of South Florida |
Tampa |
International exchange application information
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
Year abroad
All four year degree programmes include a third-year abroad.
The current conflict in Ukraine means that, like other UK institutions, the university is unable to send students to Russia for their year abroad. Students will attend language courses in neighbouring countries (e.g. Estonia and Latvia) where Russian is used by a native speaking community. This is the approach being taken by other UK universities offering degrees in Russian.
We expect that students will still undertake a period of time abroad during their degree, and are confident that alternative options will meet the learning needs of students, providing them with ample opportunity to develop their language and intercultural skills.
The options for your year abroad currently include, depending on languages studied and country restrictions, studying at a university or undertaking a work placement or working as a British Council language assistant.
The UK has left the EU and all changes to immigration rules have been implemented from 1st January 2021. The UK Government has made clear that it values international exchanges and collaboration in education and training, and we should remember that the Year Abroad provision for languages students in British universities began many years before the UK’s membership of the EU, as has the British Council Teaching assistantship. The Year Abroad will stay, and students at Nottingham continue to have a range of options for their Year Abroad. We have been working with all our Erasmus+ University partners to discuss renewal of agreements and increase the number of study places for our students at our partner universities. We always strive to forge new successful partnerships and therefore see new partners joining us, whilst others are taking a new strategic route for exchanges. Work placement opportunities remain to be available but may have shifted as we continue to see changes in the working environment as a result of the Pandemic and Brexit, but we will work to provide alternative opportunities. If you plan to work in the EU, terms and conditions of employment may vary depending on the country the work placement is in.
Please visit the Cultures, Languages and Area Studies webpages for further information and to view year abroad options:
Cultures, Languages and Area Studies: year abroad
Semester in China
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
BA Russian and Contemporary Chinese Studies students spend a semester abroad in China as part of their third year abroad.
Apply in second year to study abroad for the spring semester of third year.
Inter-campus application information
School contact
Please contact the following members of staff for further information.
Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
International exchange
Students are eligible to apply to study abroad for one semester in their second-year, in addition to the third-year abroad.
Open to both single and joint honours students; joint honours students must check with their other school/department to ensure that staff approve the exchange and programme of study.
Apply in first year to study abroad for autumn semester/spring semester of second year.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
Depending on your course combination and available modules, you may not be eligible to study at all of the listed universities. It is essential that all candidates check with the Modern Languages and Cultures International Exchange academic adviser regarding the suitability of their shortlisted university/ies before making a formal application.
Applicants studying a beginners language might not be able to access the appropriate language level at all universities listed below. It is imperative that students research available language modules prior to embarking on the exchange.
Applicants who have not been in touch with the International Exchange study abroad academic adviser by Friday 1 December 2023 may not be considered.
International exchange opportunities
International exchange partners
Partner university | City | Country | Notes |
Australian National University |
Canberra |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Melbourne |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
Monash University |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required Spring semester exchange only |
The University of Queensland |
Brisbane |
Australia |
65% academic average required Spring semester exchange only |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
St. Johns |
Canada |
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile |
Santiago |
Chile |
Teaching is in Spanish |
University College Dublin |
Dublin |
Republic of Ireland |
The University of Auckland |
Auckland |
New Zealand |
Spring semester exchange only |
University of Canterbury |
Christchurch |
New Zealand |
The University of Arizona |
Tucson |
University of Connecticut |
Storrs |
Spring semester exchange only |
Oregon State University |
Corvallis |
University of South Florida |
Tampa |
International exchange application information
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
Year abroad
All four year degree programmes include a third-year abroad.
The options for your year abroad currently include, depending on languages studied and country restrictions, studying at a university or undertaking a work placement or working as a British Council language assistant.
The UK has left the EU and all changes to immigration rules have been implemented from 1st January 2021. The UK Government has made clear that it values international exchanges and collaboration in education and training, and we should remember that the Year Abroad provision for languages students in British universities began many years before the UK’s membership of the EU, as has the British Council Teaching assistantship. The Year Abroad will stay, and students at Nottingham continue to have a range of options for their Year Abroad. We have been working with all our Erasmus+ University partners to discuss renewal of agreements and increase the number of study places for our students at our partner universities. We always strive to forge new successful partnerships and therefore see new partners joining us, whilst others are taking a new strategic route for exchanges. Work placement opportunities remain to be available but may have shifted as we continue to see changes in the working environment as a result of the Pandemic and Brexit, but we will work to provide alternative opportunities. If you plan to work in the EU, terms and conditions of employment may vary depending on the country the work placement is in.
Please visit the Cultures, Languages and Area Studies webpages for further information and to view year abroad options:
Cultures, Languages and Area Studies: year abroad
Semester in China
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
BA Spanish and Contemporary Chinese Studies students spend a semester abroad in China as part of their third year abroad.
Apply in second year to study abroad for the spring semester of third year.
Inter-campus application information
School contact
Please contact the following members of staff for further information.
International exchange
Open to both single and joint honours students; joint honours students must check with their other school/department to ensure that staff approve the exchange and programme of study.
Apply in first year to study abroad for the autumn semester of second year. In exceptional circumstances, permission can be given for spring semester or full year abroad. In that case, students would have to take the TRS second year core module in year three.
Minimum 60% academic average required to be considered.
International exchange opportunities
International exchange partners
Partner university | City | Country | Notes |
Monash University |
Melbourne |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
The University of Newcastle |
Newcastle |
Australia |
65% academic average required |
Concordia University |
Montréal |
Canada |
University of Manitoba |
Winnipeg |
Canada |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
St. Johns |
Canada |
Universiteit van Amsterdam |
Amsterdam |
Netherlands |
Teaching is in English |
The University of Auckland |
Auckland |
New Zealand |
65% academic average required
Spring semester only
University of Canterbury |
Christchurch |
New Zealand |
65% academic average required |
National University of Singapore |
Singapore |
Singapore |
Teaching is in English |
Kyoto University |
Kyoto |
Japan |
Teaching is in English |
Yonsei University |
Seoul |
South Korea |
Teaching is in English |
Lunds Universitet |
Lund |
Sweden |
Teaching is in English |
Universität Zürich |
Zürich |
Switzerland |
Teaching is in English |
The University of Arizona |
Tucson |
Oregon State University |
Corvallis |
University of South Florida |
Tampa |
University of Texas at Austin |
Austin |
Spring semester only |
International exchange application information
International summer schools
Summer schools are open to all undergraduate University of Nottingham students, and offer opportunities to take taught courses at one of our partner universities.
Summer schools range between one and six weeks. As these programmes are offered during holiday periods, credits are not transferred back to Nottingham and in most cases you are free to study whatever is of interest to you.
There are a number of summer schools and short-term programmes available to students at the University of Nottingham based in various institutions worldwide. Available programmes vary from year to year, however we traditionally offer various programmes across East and Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
International summer schools application information
School contact
For questions about academic matters relating to study abroad, please contact the Department of Theology and Religious Studies study abroad academic adviser, Patrice Haynes.